Traveler | Teen Ink


October 25, 2016
By fictionfanatic GOLD, Garland, Texas
fictionfanatic GOLD, Garland, Texas
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love doesn't hide it stays and fights. It goes the distance. That's why God made love so strong." "The road to life may be long and hard but know that God is with you every step of the way."

Tall and frail stood a man at the bus stop. The man’s eyes were sunken in from lack of a proper meal and lack of sleep, his sandy brown hair covered with a ball cap. He was dressed in a gray shirt that was tattered near the ends and denim jeans. He wore shoes that were black that had been stained with dirt and mud. He carried with him a backpack and kept to himself observing each passerby never quite looking all the way up but instead at the ground.

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