How My Grandma Got Cancer | Teen Ink

How My Grandma Got Cancer

October 31, 2016
By Brooke1 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Brooke1 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She was having chest pain so we brought her into a lung doctor, and they found cancer.

Chapter 1: How My Grandma Got

             “ Grandma are you ready to go?!?!?!” I screamed down the hall. 

  “Yes!!!!” my grandma screamed back. 
          “STOP SCREAMING!” My mom hollered. My mom had to take my grandma to the doctors. As we got into the bright red car I popped a piece of bubble gum in my mouth. When we got there, I signed her in and waited.
“ Joyce Hoye!” (that’s my grandma) The doctor called her in.
My mom, grandma and I were at the doctors for what seemed for ever. A few hours later we can home. My aunt Ona, Randi, and  uncle Taylor were all at my grandmas house bored out of their minds. Everyone was so hungry that they could have eaten a horse, so my mom and I went and got my grandma’s favorite fast food restaurant El Sombrero. After we devoured our lunch my mom got a call from the doctor.
The shock on my mom’s face, when she came back into the living room scared everyone.
“ The doctor’s need you to go in for further testing.”
“ Why?” My grandma asked
“ They saw something, they think it might be cancer.” The doctor was right my grandma had lung cancer.
That night I asked my mom if I could spend the night at my grandma’s. I stayed in my uncle’s room I couldn't sleep so my uncle and I dragged our self  up the stairs and talked for a few mins.
         We thought of ways we can help my grandma thought this whole process.  My Uncle Taylor came up with many way like giving her, her meds, getting her to her doctor's appointments, getting her to chemo and do whatever we could to help her get through the fact that she had lung cancer.
As the weeks went on and she had doctor appointments after doctor appointment. If she wasn't at the doctors she was getting chemo or sleeping. As the weeks and months went on it got harder helping. I didn't help that much anyway I was only 7 at the time. Although she had so many doctor appointments she still managed to make time for her grandkids. We went to the zoo, the park, the pool, and just had some time at home to spend with her.
It got harder and harder to get used to the fact that my grandma had lung cancer. My grandma had five grandkids at the time and out of all five I was the closest to her. We spent more time together then my grandma and grandpa did. I spent the night all the time and we made food and went to really fun places. But as soon as she got the news she had cancer that all vanished. She spent most of her time at the doctors, or sleeping. All I wanted to do is get rid of my grandma’s cancer, but I knew I couldn’t do that. I knew that I would have to get used to the fact that my grandma had cancer. To this day I still think of the memories I have with my grandma Joyce. I still miss my grandma to this day. I still think of what I learned through the whole thing. I learned how to help someone in need without them asking me. It changed me because I lost my grandma and now I hate cancer more than anything. I just want someone to come up with a way to kill all cancer. I have lost many family members to cancer. My Aunt Randi is the only one in my family to bet the cancer. 

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