Red and the wolf | Teen Ink

Red and the wolf

December 14, 2016
By Anonymous

A seventeen year old walked into a bakers home. "red!" The woman at the counter said smiling as she brushed some grey strands out of her eyes. "how are you dear? Haven't seen you in a while." The girl known as red tugged at her hood that was choking her. She cleared her throat. "I'm fine Ms. Shuster. Do you have what my mother ordered?" The woman smiled and nodded. "Just a second." She walked into the back. Red pulled at her hood and blew some yellow hair out of her face.

Before her mind could wander the woman came back with a basket. "here you go dear. And be careful in those woods I heard there's wolves." She handed the young girl the basket. "And tell your grandma I said hello!" Red nodded and walked out the door waving on the way out.

Red rigged up her bow, and hid the arrows behind her cape. "if there are wolves...ill be ready." She mumbled. She stood pulling the bow onto her back and picked up the basket. She gave a deep sigh and walked into the woods, humming a tune to keep herself calm. Red had barely been walking for twenty minutes when she heard something behind her. She looked out of the corner of her eye but saw nothing. She shook her head. "just my imagination..." She kept walking with an unsteady beating of her heart. She couldn’t stop looking behind her. She kept on trying to convince herself there was really nothing there. Each time she failed to calm her fears. Suddenly there was a large snap! She whipped around.

The boy before her looked surprised and embarrassed that he had gotten caught. He wore odd clothes and no shoes at all. He actually had wolf ears on his head. In a shy exertion he held turned red as a tomato. Red looked at him not knowing what she should do. "Who are you?" She asked her heart beating the speed of sound. He stopped blushing for a moment looking at the girl and then smiled.

Red was at a loss of what to do. 'can this boy even speak?' She thought to herself. She looked at him for a moment before turning around to keep on going. "Wait!" She turned around. 'so he can speak.' She thought. He was blushing once again. "These woods are dangerous. What are you doing out here alone?" Red pulled on her hood. "I'm just bringing this...home." She was never a good liar.

"but the towns that way." She looked at the boy strangely then shrugged. "never mind that I need to get home quickly." The boy nodded and said nothing else as red walked out of his view. It wasn’t long until she came across a bunny. She smiled and petted it. "Aren't you cute?" She laughed.

The boy heard a scream. His wolf ears perked up as he looked through the forest. He spotted nothing instead choosing to follow her screams.

Red pulled back her arrow and shot it at the demon bunny monster. She dodged its teeth but just barely. She yelled out as it caught her cape and held her out in the air. she choked on it. "darn mother should of made this cape looser!" She said breathlessly. Suddenly there was a howl. The bunny demon dropped her letting her breath. She looked over standing there on four paws was a wolf. It growled at it as red grabbed the bow and arrows she had previously dropped. She shot at it with perfect aim. It stuck it right in the eyeball. Red smirked before being pushed out of the way of a bunny claw by the wolf.

"I think it just made it angry!" She said aiming another arrow. The wolf growled at the bunny demon before jumping up and biting into where its heart should have been. Red shot yet another arrow and stuck it in the heard as it pulled the wolf down. It feel onto the ground with a loud thump.

The wolf turned into a the boy she had met earlier. She ran over to him with a worried expression. "Oh my god! Are you alright?" The boy opened his eyes and grinned at her. "I'm glad your okay." She dropped him from her arms. He groaned. "That was not fun." Red frowned. "You could of gotten yourself killed!" He frowned. "so have you! If I hadn't been here you would have been dead!" Red groaned and stood up. "Well thank you!" She said angrily. "Your welcome!" He said back still grinning.

Red looked at him from the corner of her eye. He was still grinning like a maniac. He stood and walked over to her. "Maybe ill just walk with you. To be safe I mean." Red didn’t say anything she simply waved her hand in a motion for him to come. He walked besides her smirking. "By the way...I never got your name." He said. Red brushed hair out of her face. "Red. What's yours?" He pulled his hands up onto his head in a relaxed fashion. "Carter."

It wasn’t long until they reached her grandmothers house. Red pulled back some yellow hair and smiled. "I guess this is where we say good bye?" The wolf boy sighed then nodded before feeling her lips on his cheek. "Thanks." She opened the wooden door and waved to him as she walked in.

Carter blushed violently as he touched the place she had kissed. He smiled.

The author's comments:

This is loosely based on an animation called red.

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