One Way Ticket | Teen Ink

One Way Ticket

December 15, 2016
By QuinnSchmidt BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
QuinnSchmidt BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Maps covered in red lines fill the walls. His eyes darting from place to place as his bony hand twitches, she has to be out there he thought. Quickly reaching for his phone on the side table, he knocks over a vase of flowers he had received with condolences like the many others that crowded his apartment. He doesn't take notice to the mess he made. His mind is too occupied. Without hesitation he clicks on Angela’s contact and calls her like he had done time and time again. Nothing. Her number had been disconnected. How could she leave without me? She has to be out there. I must find Angela. He slowly rises from the chair, weak legs shaking beneath him. He begins pacing alongside the maps, searching for anything that would find him an answer. With each step his mind races faster. How? Why? Where? The questions bounce off the walls in his mind and keep coming back to him. They are stuck in his mind and so is he. He paces faster as his mind grows louder. He comes to a halt. Maybe everyone else is right? My searching has got me nowhere yet. Maybe she is where everyone says she is. Just the possibility of finding her is worth it to him. He knows where to look and exactly how to get there now. He reaches into the drawer of the side table and pulls out his ticket to Angela. He stood there looking at the cold metal shaking in his unsteady hand, gleaming back at him. He raises it to his head and with a twitch of his finger, he is off to find Angela. Maps covered in red splatters fill the walls. His eyes remain still and hands cease shaking for the first time since she had left.

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