The Monster within | Teen Ink

The Monster within

January 14, 2017
By Forestert2019 GOLD, Aroura, Missouri
Forestert2019 GOLD, Aroura, Missouri
11 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you don't throw yourself into something you'll never know what you could have had" Amy Winehouse

Monsters are not an outside appearance. A monster can be a beautiful woman or and handsome man. A person can be hairy or have one eye, but that is not what make one a monster. A monster is a person that does wrong,or has hurt people for no reason. You can not always tell who is a monster for they can hide it. The true meaning of a monster is a person or animal that hurts another physically and mentally is a true monster. There look is only a mask, Bram stoker's Dracula, Edgar Allen Poe’s The Black Cat, and The Wife's story.
In Edgar Allen Poe’s The Black Cat, it is not the cat that is evil but the narrator. Like the narrator in Poe's The Tell Tale Heart, the narrator of The Black Cat has questionable sanity. Near the beginning of the tale, the narrator says he would be "mad indeed" if he should expect a reader to believe the story, implying that he has already been accused of madness. The extent to which the narrator claims to have loved his animals suggests mental instability in the form of having “too much of a good thing.” His partiality for animals substitutes “the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man”. Since the narrator’s wife shares his love of animals, he likely thinks of her as another pet, seeing as he distrusts and dislikes humans. Additionally, his failure to understand his excessive love of animals foreshadows his inability to explain his motives for his actions.
In Dracula you get to see that a monster can look ugly and have sharp teeth and wear all black. What you do not see Is that he is mad and out to kill. Dracula feeds a baby to three female vampire’s. Then he kills the child's mother by sicking wolves on her. Dracula is a monster no because his looks but because his actions toward Jonathan and the people of the  town.
Dracula shows that a distinct part of  being a monster. Is not be bothered by the blood or murder that he releases upon the world. Dracula is not upset and has no internal conflict with himself over the events that he caused. The state of terror that he leaves the town and the people from the town and around the town is proof that he does not care if people know what he does. He wants to flaunt what he has done and that shows he is a real monster trying to show off his kills or the damage he has done to someone.  Dracula shows you the mind of a monster’s prey.
The Wife’s Story by Ursula Le Guin is a different twist on a monster book proving even more that a monster can look like anything. The whole book up till the end is written like any other story not telling you what the husband looks like only his actions. Most assume that the husband is a human and just a horrible person. As the story progresses you can tell that the husband might not be human. When you finally hear the disruption of the husband turning into the ‘monster’, you finally find that the husband is a wolf turning into a human. Yes the husband then tries to kill his family and that is what makes him the monster that he is.  “He was a good husband, a good father. I don’t understand it. I don’t believe in it.” pg. 2 second paragraph. This shows how the wife’s husband changed so much, we did not know what he looked like yet we could all see that through his actions he was a monster. This story is the story to proves that monster are the person/animal within.
All people think that a monster is a hairy beast or a pale tall sharp tooth person. A monster is how a person reacts to the pain that they conflict on others. A monster is just like a bully to human beings. They pick on them and hurt them till the break and some die. That is what truly makes a monster. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this for a english class but I think people should see and know what a real monster is.


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