Prisoner | Teen Ink


March 26, 2009
By Racoonita BRONZE, Montgomery Village, Maryland
Racoonita BRONZE, Montgomery Village, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can't stand this pain. I try to leave my house, but whenever I try, a darkness surrounds me.
It holds me as its prisoner and whispers to me in the night, "They'll leave you. No matter how much you try, they will never accept you. Even if you reach out your hand and try to touch them, they will trample you, abandon you and leave you behind. Pretty soon, it was every day. The darkness I had created from my fears and anexieties drilled horrible words into me. "You're a boring human being. Nobody needs you. We would all be better off if you'd just dissapear!"
These words molded me, shaped me and even twisted my heart.

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