What It Once Was | Teen Ink

What It Once Was

November 30, 2018
By perez_maria1616 BRONZE, San Jose, California
perez_maria1616 BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was confused not knowing what to do I had just hit someone with Gatsby's car all these thoughts going through my mind as I just sped up. I panicked so I sped up more and more until we got back. As we approached gatsby house it was dead silent I nor Gatsby knew what to say. After my crime was committed my world collapsed and turned dark my only hope was leaving this all behind but I can't do that to Gatsby. I then turned and looked at Gatsby

             “I can't imagine what's going on back in the valley of the ashes”

              I said under my breathe

As Gatsby slowly approached me and held on to my arms he looked into my eyes and responds with “You have nothing to worry about I will take care of everything”

In that moment I felt a bit better but I can't imagine what will happen if anyone finds out. As Gatsby took me back home I walked in no one was there yet but my sweet pammy. She looked into my eyes and she seemed to be worried.

As I gently touched her face I asked “what's wrong sweetie?”

        “Nothing, but what's wrong with you mommy?”

          responded   pammy

       “ don't worry sweetie mommy will be ok”

Then I heard a car break outside it was Tom I didn't know what to do I just sat down and was trying to act as normal and calm as possible. I heard the door open and someone's footsteps quickly approaching me it’s Tom I assumed and I was right.

“Please tell me you had nothing to do with it!” he shouted as he grabbed onto my arms Rather roughly I just stared at him as he shouted once more “Well Daisy did you!”

As I threw his arms I shouted back “what do you care anyways you only cared about her you only loved her!”

Tom stared at me and calmly says “so it was you wasn't it” as his voice raised “so you were apart of this!”

“It was an accident ok I panicked so I left”

“Well we have to fix this I’ll have to phone wilson”

“No you dont”

“Why yes I do Daisy you don't know how much trouble you’re in we can lose everything, everything I tell you, but I won't tell him it was you”

 “Then who was it Tom? who?”

“You’ll soon find out” he softly said as walking away

Tom left and I was alone worried thinking what is he going to do? Who was he going to say it was? Oh god please don't let it be Gatsby I can't bare to put him through that. I just couldn't get that out of my head what has Tom done what is going to happen now. A few days later tom approached me

He tells me “pack your bags were leaving pack everything we     aren't coming back”

“Tom darling what are you talking about” I respond as I grabbed his arm

“Can you just trust me daisy and do as I say”

And so I left to pack my bags but before I do that I go get the newspaper as I look around and there's this small article that has a picture that appears to be Gatsby I then rapidly read it as my eyes start to water I march right back into the house furiously and upset I barge in to the room and approached Tom look him dead in the eyes

“You murderer you didn't think I wasn't going to find out!” I shouted as tears rolled down  My face

“Daisy what are you fussing about” Tom said as he chuckled

“No i'm not falling for your games anymore I can't believe you did this to him to me how Could you you're a murderer!”

“I’m not a murderer ok I just simply told wilson Gatsby did it so I can clear your name Can you just pack your bags”

I stared at him and didn't know what to say tears rolling down my face it was like my eyes turned to waterfalls. My world turned even darker than before I couldn't bare to live like this I just walked out of the room with no response to Tom I looked back at the news paper and saw that his funeral was today the day we were running away. I couldn't decide what to do run away with my husband who is a murderer that way my name is cleared or go to the funeral of my first love. I have then decide I went up to the room and finished packing we then went to the front of the house and I then realized I have forgotten something

“Oh Tom dear I believe i've forgotten my scarf inside i'll be right back”

“It’s fine i'll send the butler” responded tom

“No need I won't be long”

I walked into what was once my home looking around and then I went into the living room and ran outside into the back and left my house. Nick was already waiting for me in the cab I got in and we left as we were getting closer and closer to Gatsby's house I got this chill up my spine. I was wondering what Tom would do once he realized I was gone will he come looking for me or just go on without me which was what I hoped he would do. We then got to Gatsby's house and it appeared darker than before as tears rolled down my face we walked in and I saw him lying there I then get closer give him a kiss on his cheek

I then whispered “ i’m sorry he did this to you I won't stop fighting for you he’ll pay for This ”



Credit: A work of fanfiction inspired by character, setting, or scene in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Rationale: I chose to create this scene because I wanted the book to end in a better way than how it really ended I wanted Daisy and Gatsby to end up together even if Gatsby did pass away  but I feel like my scene gave it more love and emotion which is what lead me to create my scene like this.

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