Great Gatsby Fan fiction | Teen Ink

Great Gatsby Fan fiction

November 30, 2018
By jad BRONZE, San Jose, California
jad BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ch. 7: Gatsby and Daisy's conversation on the way home from the Palace Hotel (the accident)

(Gatsby) “Daisy why haven’t you been able to tell Tom the real you?”

(Daisy)   “Gatsby i couldn't do it i’m not at the stage yet”

(Gatsby)   “I thought you loved me and wanted to leave that man Tom, he is just a waist of your life!”

(Daisy)      “Listen my friend, it is not of my type to run over Tom, and i do really love you Gatsby but the timing was not right!”

(Gatsby)    “So you are telling me you were not ready?...  After all i am the one for you Daisy believe me”, “Tom is undesirable and just not right for you”

-Gatsby couldn’t believe that Daisy couldn’t admit the truth. As he mumbling to himself

(Gatsby) - How could this be? I have done so much for this woman and she is just throwing me away.

Daisy with a sad tone whispers to Gatsby

(Daisy)      “why did you leave me for war?”

(Gatsby)     with stress Gatsby mumbles “I had to leave it was not my choice”

(Daisy) - daisy could not handle the reality that Tom and Gatsby just fought and from her expression she was afraid to confront Tom

(Daisy) - “Gatsby i'm truly sorry for this incident Tom was frustrated and you were going crazy!”

(Gatsby) - “Sir Tom was tormenting me, i just lost myself in his words”


(Daisy)   - Daisy stares deep at Gatsby with a frightened look knowing who the real man he was.

(Daisy)   - “Oxford man you were Gatsby?”

(Gatsby)   - “Yes, Daisy why?”

(Daisy)     - Daisy continued trying to release her words without making Gatsby furious she lets her words

(Daisy)    - “why did you not tell me you were poor?”

(Gatsby)  - Gatsby with a blank face trying to respond to Daisy without screaming tries to change the subject

(Gatsby)  - “Daisy that does not matter know we have better things to focus on than my past!”

(Daisy)    - “Why cover this all up Gatsby?, Its okay to tell me the truth it won’t change the way i feel”

(Gatsby) - “Daisy please im not suitable to speak on my past, i have money now and that's all that counts”

(Daisy)  - “Gatsby if you are not going to talk about your past why should I bother to tell Tom why I do not love him, After all you seem to throw away what you had”

Daisy - Daisy with a face of mystery wondered why Gatsby couldn’t be honest


(Gatsby) - (furiously Gatsby yells)

“My past is none of your business to be worrying about!!”.

(Daisy slowly leans back in her chair in disbelief about Gatsby and ends her conversation)

                                                                                                                       Credit: A work of fanfiction inspired by character, setting, or scene in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Rationale: The purpose behind this scene was that i found it really interesting on the way back from the hotel after the fight between Gatsby and Tom Buchanan before the accident involving myrtle,  was the car ride with Daisy and Gatsby, my scene i wrote was the “Talk”. I believe what happened was that Daisy and Gatsby had a talk about their love for each other and they are not satisfied with each other. As we know Daisy does not truly love Gatsby because she left with Tom and never attended his funeral even though he threw his life away for her.

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