Please Come Home | Teen Ink

Please Come Home

January 31, 2019
By liedelc BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
liedelc BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness is a choice" - Shay Carl

No one has ever loved me. No one ever will. I grew up in a lab. Constantly being used to do a test on. I got my powers from this chemical called “Pholiyis Creroide.” It had been used in space one to see what it would without any oxygen in the air. They grabbed 50 ml of the chemical and injected me with it.

I was taken into the lab with two other girls. Mila and Everleigh. Mila was only 5 and Everleigh was 16. I was 9. They were injected with the same chemical but it was too strong for Mila and Everleigh. I was the only one who survived. It gave me Powers of flight, mind reading, Invisibility, and witchcraft out of thin air.

I am dating the one and only Peter Benjamin Parker. He is always out super late. But so am I. I am fighting this superhero named Spider-Man. I feel really bad for Peter. I don’t know if he is okay with me staying out fighting heroes. Oh, but he thinks I am working… for a guy named Lewis Clark. He works really late too. For the Stark internship. But he said it’s not related to Tony Stark. That would be really bad because you know, Spiderman works for Tony… and I’m fighting Spiderman.

I love Peter so much. But he needs to know. I’m so sorry Peter.

“Hey, Harper! Over here!” Peter shouted.

“Hey, Pete! I missed you!” He was gone for a couple of days because of the Stark Internship. I wish that he wasn’t though, because then I would get to spend more time with him. There was no spiderman every night that he was gone.

“How was the trip?” I asked while grabbing my books.

“Uhh… interesting, we didn’t really get to do anything that cool,” he replied.

“Oh. Well, I have a question for you. Do you want to meet up tonight? I need to tell you something.” I said. I was hoping that tonight would be the night that I would tell him about Witchcraft.

“Yeah, I would like that. I also need to tell you something” he said.

* * *

Peter told me to meet him at the top of his apartment building at 5:00. It was June and the summer breeze brushed my cheek. My feet dangled from the top of the 4 story building. I have never been afraid of heights. When I was little, my mom would take me to the Brooklyn bridge. I really miss her. She passed away when I was 5. Then I was kidnapped. But I broke free from the lab and I did what I would rather not say to the person that imprisoned me.

I took out my camera. Whenever I went up here, it made my life feel so surreal.

.  The sun shined through the lens. I peered at the picture just before-

“Harper,” Peter was climbing up the emergency exit ladders. “Pepper turkey, oil & vinegar, lettuce, and tomato” He handed me a sandwich while still carrying one in his arm.

“Thanks,” I said before letting out a sigh.

“Everything ok?”


“Wow, look at the sunset,” he said staring off into the distance. A tear started dripping down my cheek. I didn’t want to lose him. I couldn't lose him. He is my best friend. “So what was it you wanted to tell me?” He caught me off guard. I jolted back into reality. “Harper?“

I hated lying. I just had to get it out of my system.

I looked out into the sunset. “I’m a villain,” I turned to face him. “I lied about my past. I was injected with a chemical and now my name is witchcraft.” I burst into tears.

I expected him to leave me.

“W- what?” He pulled my head into his chest. Even though he was in shock.

“Dd- don't worry, I’m going to quit my job. I want to start a new life. The poor guy I am fighting. I am going to surrender.” Peter wasn’t moving.

“P-peter?” I asked

“B- but I’m Spiderman.” He turned towards me

“What?” I asked in shock. We both started crying. “I am so sorry.”

Every step it got louder.


“P-peter?” I started to rise my head of-of his chest. People started to scream and run below us.  

“Peter, what's happening?

“I have no idea.” He replied. A big shadow appeared out of nowhere.

I pressed down on my wrist and my suit came on. Peter ran and grabbed his suit. He told me to hang on tight. He shot his webs around the corner. And out of nowhere the Giant shadow… was gone.

* * *

Peter introduced me to the Avengers. Tony let me on the team. Tony made me a suit. It was really cool. It had cool spell shooters, I would say a spell and then they would cast the spell I said to the person I was facing.

* * *

About a year has passed.  Peter and I were still together and best friends. We fought crime together all the time. We went on missions together. Then one day his web shooters failed. He feels 120 feet. He has been in a coma for 9 months. I just want to have him home. I want to play board games together. I want to read together. I want to go to the county fair.  Dear Peter, I miss you. Please come home.

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