A Masked Figure Set Piece | Teen Ink

A Masked Figure Set Piece

October 30, 2021
By Anonymous

In my set piece, I wanted to write a mini-story and experiment with metaphors. For example, in my story, I used a metaphor when describing the soldier’s anticipation when looking into the darkness ahead of them as “a dark abyss”. I also wanted  to create an atmosphere where normal beings would meet an unstoppable force. The piece is written in third-person because I wanted to describe the entire atmosphere and not the point of view of just one character. One part I liked was creating the piece and changing different parts of it to make it better. Now, here it is. 

An alarm was blaring. A group of soldiers were running to the escape door on their spacecraft. Enemy forces had descended upon their small fleet. One of the soldiers was running with such extreme speed that he looked like he was going to fall over. He reached for the button to open the door which would lead to the escape vehicle. As soon he pressed it, the door jammed. They bang on the door for somebody to somehow free them, but all hope is lost. 

They hear a thump! behind them and the soldiers turn around. They hold their firearms, their foreheads glistening as sweat pours down their faces; their eyes staring into the abyss ready to swallow them. Then they hear a sound, but not any sound. It's the sound that runs chills through your spine. That makes the hairs on your neck stand up. A mechanical breathing sound that pierces your ears and sounds like death itself. Above the fellow soldiers stood a masked figure. The soldiers begin to fire. He takes out a weapon, effortlessly defending himself from the soldiers. No weapon is a match for power, especially at this level. The figure begins to slaughter the soldiers with ease. Machine or man, he has only one goal in mind: Kill. The soldiers try to run; to fire back. It cannot be stopped. It will not be stopped. Once the last man was slaughtered, the blood was splattered over the blinding white walls; he stood still amongst the corpses, amongst the end of a ruthless massacre.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as an assignment for school. I wanted to write a more gritty mini-story and experiment with different literary devices throughout it. My goal was to create a more dark atmosphere (although a sci-fi story has its limits).

Students were asked to submit for publishing on here, so I did.

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