Random thing I wrote in 6th grade - Read desc | Teen Ink

Random thing I wrote in 6th grade - Read desc

August 25, 2022
By Anonymous

I look down into the shimmering turquoise water that sways with gentle waves below me. The sparkling sun and glimpse of small colorful fish below the water reminds me of a stained glass window. It looks like we’re almost to the reef!, I think to myself, my mind coming up with beautiful images that i've seen of the reef in those books. I can’t believe we’re almost there! The drifting sea foam is etrancing, and I stare down from the boat for a long time until the captain comes up to me. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” He said, noticing my daydreaming gaze. “First time in Barbados?” I had been obsessing over every beautiful thing I’d seen since I had arrived here. “Is it that obvious?” I joke back to him. His name was Tom, and he was a friend of my dad. They met in high school. My dad was able to get him to set me up with a trip here, and he’s been showing me around. “Oh, there’s someone I want you to meet.” He motions for a man to come over. He had dark brown hair and looked to be in his early 40s. Behind him, a boy who looked about my age followed, with lighter hair. “I want to introduce you to my friend, Press Tilton.” The man came and shook my hand. “Please, just call me Press,” he said with a friendly smile. I respond with, “It’s nice to meet you,” and turn my focus to the boy. “And this,” Press said, “Is my nephew Bobby.” He gives a goofy wave as his name is said. “Hi, I’m Alyssa.” I respond. “Well now that we’re all introduced, I have to go speak with Tom about something. We’ll leave you two here, if that’s alright.” Press said. Bobby and I agree, and the two men leave sounding like two old friends catching up. I turn to Bobby. He stares at me without relenting. “Something wrong?” I ask. “Oh, sorry. I wasn't trying to be weird, ya know, staring at you, I just feel like I’ve seen you somewhere…hmm… Wait! Were you in the quarterfinals for the national STEM competition?” I was a bit taken aback by his sudden realization, but I nod. “Why? Did you see me on TV?” No one ever watches the STEM contests…” “No, I went to the quarterfinals to watch my friend, Mark. But I remember you. You were both eliminated in the round against that kid from Vermont. But after you guys hung out until the end of the contest. He said you talked about wind pressure or something like that.” I squint, picturing the messy black hair and bright yellow hoodie of my temporary acquaintance. “Yeah, I remember him. He wouldn’t stop eating carrots.”--Blah blah skip some stuff-- I grab my scuba mask and it fits snugly around my face. Next I wait for the tour guide to help us into the water. Next thing I know I dive into the ocean. The water was a nice warm temperature, a delightful contrast from the frigid lakes of wisconsin. 

The author's comments:

I cringe so hard while reading this. I found this on an old doc where I would basically write when I was bored and had free time in class. It started out as a random original story but quickly became some kind of Pendragon Series fic. It cuts off abruptly because I never finished it. I thought it'd be funny to post because its old and bad lol. Also I switch verb tenses so much- Don't judge to bad I was in 6th grade XD

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