Toby the service dog | Teen Ink

Toby the service dog

September 15, 2022
By Anonymous

 I went to the airport with Toby, my dog. We had planned for a long time to go on a vacation. I was finally out of school and had finished all my work. The first day of summer was a splendid day. The sun was out, it wasn't too hot or too cold, the weather was perfect. Before summer came Toby was studying to become a service dog. Everyday in the afternoon at six he went to study and train to become what he always wanted to be. I waited for Toby everyday to go pick him up from his practices. When I went to pick him up I always tried to play with him or spend time with him if he wasn't too tired. His favorite thing to do was either go on a walk or me throwing his squeaky ball for him to chase. In his training Toby was learning a lot of new things very expeditiously. His trainer wanted to talk to me one day and I was a bit anxious but confident as well because I knew Toby wants to accomplish his dream. His trainer Leo told me Toby was a fast learner and he can see he is a dedicated dog. I was relieved I told Leo That Toby has been dreaming about being a service dog and helping out people. We talked for a long time. I went to my house, and Leo went to his.  After a long time, Toby was finally a certified service dog. My family planned a surprise party for him when he got home to celebrate his certificate. On our way home I was telling Toby that I was really proud of him and I told him I was happy to see him working hard and fulfilling his dream. We got home and I closed Toby's eyes. I counted to three and there all my family was. We surprised him and congratulated him for being a certified service dog. Toby was happy and thanked us for supporting him throughout his journey. The party ended and everybody went home and me and Toby went to sleep waiting for our big day. Finally on our way to the airport we got there and got our stuff. The sun was so hot it felt like our skin was melting. On the way going up the stairs you could hear our steps up the stairs go “Tip tap tip tap”. On our way up the stairs me and Toby saw that something was happening far from us. We went to check it out but we couldn’t see it because everybody was in a group watching. We finally saw what was going on. It was an old lady having a heart attack. Instead of helping everybody was in shock just watching as it happened but Toby went to alert the security that the old lady was having a heart attack. Rapidly the doctors came and took her to the emergency room. We waited days to know what happened to the old lady and we got the news that she thankfully survived. I also got a call from Leo. He told me they were going to promote Toby to be a service dog and the instructor of all the upcoming dogs that want to be service dogs. Toby learned that if you do something good good things will happen back to you.

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