Archenemies in a Hashira Meeting: Muichiro | Teen Ink

Archenemies in a Hashira Meeting: Muichiro

October 25, 2023
By Anonymous

You and Muichiro argue over everything; even though all of his thoughts seem to slip by, you linger—your irritating retorts, sarcastic tones, and mocking expressions {a bit OOC & Muichiro’s POV}.


The Hashira meeting was in full swing, with the pillars gathered together to discuss important matters concerning the Demon Slayer Corps. Muichiro sat in his designated spot, his gaze drifting aimlessly around the room as his mind wandered. He was known for being cold and distant, often lost in his own thoughts. Today was no different, except for one thing—a constant source of irritation that always seemed to find its way into his thoughts.

That source was you.

You were a fellow Demon Slayer, always arguing and disagreeing with Muichiro. It seemed like whenever the two of you were in the same room, tension filled the air. There was something about your presence that grated on his nerves, yet he couldn't deny that you lingered in his mind. Your words, your face, your appearance, and your mannerisms—it all stayed with him long after your arguments ended.

As the meeting progressed, the discussions became more intense. Different opinions clashed, and tensions ran high. Muichiro found himself engaged in a heated debate with one of the other pillars. His arguments were logical and calculated, but deep down, he knew he was merely going through the motions. His thoughts kept drifting back to you, wondering how you would counter his points, and how you would challenge his beliefs.

Suddenly, you spoke up, your voice cutting through the room like a sharp blade. "That's absurd! Your proposal completely overlooks the reality of our situation. We need a more strategic approach, one that takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of both the demons and the Demon Slayers!"

Muichiro's attention snapped back to the present, his eyes narrowing as he focused on you. The intensity in your words and the fire in your eyes drew him in. He found himself captivated by your passion, even if it was directed against him. The way you stood your ground, unyielding and determined, sparked something within him.

"Are you suggesting we throw caution to the wind and risk the lives of our comrades?" Muichiro retorted, his voice laced with his usual coldness. "You seem to forget that the demons we face are not to be underestimated. We must prioritize our own survival."

You scoffed, your expression unyielding. "Survival is important, but if we don't take risks and fight with everything we have, we'll never achieve victory. We can't cower in fear forever, Tokito."

His name rolled off your tongue with a mixture of annoyance and familiarity. Muichiro's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by the way you addressed him. He felt a strange tug within his chest, a mix of irritation and intrigue. You were the only one who dared to challenge him so openly, who refused to back down in the face of his cold demeanor.

The meeting continued, but Muichiro found himself engaged in a silent battle with you. Each argument, each disagreement, only fueled the tension between you. And yet, with each passing meeting, that tension began to change.

One evening, after a particularly heated exchange, you both found yourselves alone in the courtyard, the moon casting a gentle glow upon you. The air crackled with unresolved tension, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words.

"You're infuriating, you know that?" Muichiro finally spoke, his voice tinged with frustration. "You challenge everything I say, and it's maddening."

A smirk danced upon your lips as you stepped closer. "You're not so easy to deal with either. Always forgetting things, lost in your own world."

His gaze locked with yours, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away. “I don’t get it,” he said, aggravated, “No matter how much I try to forget you, you linger in my thoughts—constantly."

There was a brief pause, the tension between you becoming almost palpable. Then, with a mixture of determination and hesitation, you closed the remaining distance between you. 

“Ditto,” you said, smirking, “good to know I wind you up as much as you do me”

Your hand reached out, fingers lightly brushing against his. Muichiro's breath hitched, his heart pounding in his chest.

"You annoy me to no end..." he whispered. 

"But maybe we were meant to be," you finished, voice barely audible.

And at that moment, as the moon bathed you both in its gentle light, Muichiro felt something shift within him. The enemies-to-lovers arc had taken root, and the cold, distant Hashira found warmth in the most unexpected of places—your presence.

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