Muichiro Saves You | Teen Ink

Muichiro Saves You

October 25, 2023
By Anonymous

Saved from your almost fatal mistake.


Amid a fierce battle, you fought and weaved through the ranks of demons that stood in your path. The clash of your sword and the sounds of their roars filled the air, creating an atmosphere charged with adrenaline.

As you slashed through one demon after another, you suddenly got knocked over by a rampage of demons. 

Instantly, Muichiro sprang into action, fully aware that this was no longer a practice session, but a matter of life and death. 

One demon had tripped over you, and an impulsive thought crossed your mind—a curiosity about the taste of a demon's flesh—without a second thought, you sank your teeth into the demon’s arm.

You heard—Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds—swiftly cutting through all 20 of the demons at once; the demons’ heads crumbled and disappeared before they could drop to the ground. Muichiro dropped down next to you. 

"What were you thinking?" he hissed, concern coating his anger-laced voice.

Regret washed over you as the reality of your impulsive act hit you. You rolled onto your side and spat out the slick, oily bile of the demon. Your stomach churned uncomfortably, as horror and nausea settled within you. 

“It is a wonder you didn’t turn into a demon,” Muichiro said in disgust. His eyebrows were knotted in worry, "Are you alright?"

You managed a weak nod, feeling your body fighting the effects of the demon blood "I... I'm sorry," you mumbled, your voice tinged with regret. "It was a foolish thing to do."

"We all have our moments of curiosity," Muichiro reassured. His eyes softened as he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "But remember, our focus is on defeating the demons, not taking an eye for an eye, or in this case—biting flesh for flesh."

You nodded, grateful for his understanding. "I know… Thank you, Muichiro. I’m really sorry… I won’t do it again."

“You better not,” he snorted, lightly commenting.

You nodded, eyes downcast, teeth abusing your lips—going deeper in thought. If Muichiro hadn’t been there, you not only would have met your demise but the unsettling possibility of mutating into a demon gnawed at your mind. The thought uneased you—you didn’t want to disappoint your mentor by turning for the worst—and a tear escaped your eye, betraying your distress.

“Hey. Hey.” Muichiro shook your shoulder—slightly—bringing your attention back to him, “We all make mistakes, Y/N. What matters is that we learn from them.” He offered your hand to you, and you got up.

Then, he guided you to a secluded spot, away from the remnants of the chaos. He sat you down gently, ensuring your comfort as he retrieved a small canteen from his belongings.

"Here," he said, offering you a sip of water. "It might help settle your stomach."

You accepted gratefully, the cool liquid soothing your parched throat. As you took a few sips, Muichiro watched you with a soft smile, his gaze filled with warmth and understanding.

"You're strong, you know," he said, his voice laced with admiration. "It takes courage to admit our mistakes and learn from them."

A blush crept onto your cheeks as his words filled you with a sense of warmth. "Thank you, Muichiro," you replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for his unwavering support.

Muichiro reached out, his hand gently brushing against yours. "We're a team, remember? As your mentor, it’s my duty to guide you through these challenges, teach you how to learn from your mistakes, and witness your growth into a stronger slayer."

You nodded, a renewed sense of determination filling your heart. With Muichiro by your side, you knew you could overcome any obstacle.

In that moment, the event faded into the background, you found solace in his presence. The bond between you deepened, fortified by trust, understanding, and the unwavering support that Muichiro provided.

And so, with renewed strength and a heart filled with gratitude, you and Muichiro continued your journey together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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