William's Search for Happiness | Teen Ink

William's Search for Happiness

April 28, 2013
By Anonymous

In a small Kingdom called, Wexcork there was a young teenager who works in the family business. He worked for his Dad and Uncle at Always Fresh, a small bread bakery. It’s the only bread bakery in Wexcork. “William, where’s the bread?” Dad asked.
“It’s coming Dad, just a minute,” William said.
“Hurry up, our customer is waiting!”

William hates working for his Dad and Uncle. He has always dreamed of becoming a soldier in the kingdom’s army. There are tryouts each year. All boys can try out when they turn 13. William has been trying out for 4 years straight. His Dad never supports him trying out. One year he had to sneak out to try out. His dad always dreamed of his son to one day take over the family business. “William!” his dad yelled.
“I’m coming!.. Here you go. I’m taking a break, I’ll be outside,” he said.

William takes the rolling pin and goes to the back and finds a tree. He always likes to practice his sword skills to prepare for tryouts. William’s Mom had always thought he was going to grow up and be a brave soldier. When he was 4 years old his mom went missing. She has always been his motivation to join the army.

The Kingdom’s tryouts are in two days. William’s dad agreed to let him go for once without an argument. He knows he can’t force his son to always do what he wants. Tryouts are composed of all different physical challenges. William is very fast and has a good build but his only problem is he is short for his age. Both his dad and mom were quite tall so he always wonders why he isn’t

Two days have passed. William gets up early, gets dressed, and heads over to the castle. Wexcork is on a giant hill with many steps leading up to it. He thought of it as a good warm up and to get loose before the challenges.

When the time came and everyone showed up, the King and his general were ready to start. King Harold is a husky tall man with a nicely trimmed beard. He was a very great King and everyone liked him. King Harold was very knowledgeable about war and can lead his army through any danger that comes his way. He stood and spoke very deeply and loud for every man trying out to hear. “I am pleased all of you young men have decided to show up to be part of my army” King Harold started. “There will be very difficult challenges for those who are new and I wish you all the best.”

The King’s General, Maximus escorted the men to the practice arena where they challenges awaited them. The general tells them their first challenge. “Men, your first challenge will be running 2.5 miles which will test your breathing to see if you are in shape. Good luck.” William was happy inside that this was the first challenge. He thinks he can get off to a good start and have a better chance of making the draft.

The general split up the men into groups. William was placed in the second group. William’s nerves grew bigger the longer he waited. After the first group was done, General Maximus ordered his group to the running track. “I hope you guys do better than the last group,” General Maximus said sarcastically.

William lined up getting ready to start the race. One of the soldiers blew the horn to start the race. William started off at a medium pace. People in front of him started sprinting right at the horn, which he knows is a terrible strategy. While others had a slow pace, which were more of the fatter people. Throughout the whole race William kept the same pace. The men who were sprinting in the beginning are now in the back. William is in the front with a couple others. On the final two laps he decides to go as fast as he can to try to blow everyone away. As he crossed the finish line and had lapped a few of the men who were in the back. King Harold was amazed as he watched William from a balcony above in his chair with servants waving feathers up and down to cool him off on his hot sunny day.

The rest of the groups ran but none of the men were quite as phenomenal as William. The next challenge was fighting. William did okay because it’s not his strongest attribute. The final challenge was strength and he finished a little above average. There were many men stronger than he was.

The King then came down from the balcony and starts to speak. “General Maximus and I are very pleased by all your efforts today in the challenges. Thank you all for showing up today. The results will be posted on a scroll outside the castle doors tomorrow for those chosen for the draft. Have a great rest of the day.”

William went home to his father and told him how it went. He went to sleep early, anxious to see the results.

The morning came quick and William raced out the door leaving a note for his dad saying he was leaving for the castle. He ran all the way up the steps. There were about a dozen other men already looking at the poster. William pushed his way to the front. Hastily looking up and down the list and double checking it for his name. He couldn’t seem to find his name. He was filled with disbelief and walked all the way back to his house with his head down.
He walked into his house and his dad was getting ready for work. “So,” Dad said curiously.
“So what,” William said crabbily.
“Did you make the draft?”
“Oh… no”

William went to his room and slammed his door shut. He had tears in his eyes. Lying on his bed with his head in his pillow, he hears someone knocking at the front door. His Dad opens the door and there was a soldier with a message from King Harold.

“Are you William’s father?” the soldier said.
“Yes,” he answered.
“The King wishes to see William.”
“What for?”
“I cannot say.”
William is listening carefully with his ear up against his room’s door. William’s dad calls for him. “William!” William opens his door and approaches the soldier and his father. “Go with this man. He will take you to King Harold.”
“Why?” questioned William.
“You’ll know eventually,” the soldier informed him.

William steps outside and the soldier escorts him through the city leading up to the castle. As they were walking everyone was giving William supercilious looks and all thinking different ideas about why he’s being escorted by a soldier.

They entered the castle and walked to the King’s chair room. As they entered it, it was the biggest room William has ever seen. There were 30 foot windows all way down the room on both sides, there were banners covering about two-thirds of each window, a red carpet from the entrance that rolls all the way to a little past the King’s chair, and treasures all over the room.

William approaches the King. The King starts to speak. “William, I have news. There was a branch of my army scoping out the Riham forest because supposedly people have heard strange noises from around there. As they were roaming the Riham Forest they saw this massive beast and quickly hurried out of there.”
“What was it?” asked William.
“We don’t know yet,”
“So why do you need me?”
“As they were running away they saw an older woman that they said looked like your Mom. We saw some potential in you during the challenges. If you and a few of some of my good soldiers go back to the Riham Forest and kill the beast, then you will have a guaranteed spot in my army and also of course your Mother if it’s really her. Now go, you must leave tonight. You will be supplied with armor and weapons along with a horse. Best of luck to you.”

William was speechless with his eyes wide open in amazement and shock. “Thank you, your majesty.” He ran all the way home. He told his dad everything. His Dad wasn’t so sure but let him go anyways. He got ready to leave. William said goodbye and left for his voyage.

It was a three day trip to Riham Forest with the help of. There was very little food and water packed so they were very fatigue. Luckily, on the third day they found a pig to kill and ate it.

When they arrived to their destination they heard the strange noises people were talking about. Every step further into the forest the noises grew louder and nerves grew bigger.

They came across a bunch of dead animal’s skeletons. They knew they were close. One soldier spotted a woman all tied up unconscious. They ran over to her. William stopped and stared at the woman remembering the beautiful face he knew from when he was little. It was his mom but she was very weak.

They heard giant footsteps coming their way. They saw trees moving and something was moving closer to them. When it got into the open, they finally saw what it was and we terrified. It was a troll. It was angry too. It thought we were trying to take William’s mom which was lunch to him.

It picked up his giant wooden club it and wanted to fight. William started giving orders.

“Archers start firing at its head. Swordsmen distract him and swing for the legs if you get a chance. I’ll try to climb a tree and try to jump on his back and finish him. Alright, let’s do it.” William commanded.

The three archers start firing aggravating the troll. The swordsmen start charging the troll keeping the troll occupied so the archers keep firing. William starts to climb the tall tree.

“Aim for the eyes!” orders William to the archers. The archers do so. As William climbs to the top the archers blinded one of his eyes.

“Get him over to me!” demanded William to the swordsman.

The Swordsmen get the troll to back up by the tree where William was in. The archers got the second eye blinded so he cannot see completely now. The swordsmen slash at its legs making them weak so the troll is kneeling and screaming in pain.

William jumps down from the tree screaming with his sword penetrating right through the trolls head killing him with a fatal blow. The soldiers and William yell with joy.

William rushes over to his Mom cutting the rope that was tied to her. He puts her on his horse and head back Wexcork Kingdom.

When they arrive to the Kingdom everyone is cheering for William. William quickly goes to the town doctor. He drops off his Mom and heads to the Kingdom.

He enters the Kingdom and heads to the chair room where he finds his dad and King talking. His Dad turns and stares at William in tears
. William runs up to his dad and hugs him.

“William,” King Harold starts to speak, “you have proven yourself worthy to be a part of my army. Congratulations, you are now officially part of my army. Go and celebrate.”

“Thank you, your majesty. This means so much to me.” William says gratified. William and his father hurry to the doctors to check on his Mom. As they approach the doctor William’s Mom is standing and smiling at William.

They go home as a family and have a family dinner for the first time in 13 years. William is truly happy for the first time in his life.

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