leap year2 | Teen Ink

leap year2

April 30, 2013
By suneater BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
suneater BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leap Year

Once upon a time, there was a black immortal dragon, Laxy, who lived in the sky. He was a dragon that loved destruction and was incredibly powerful. Laxy was total juggernaut when it came down to battling. Anyone who challenged him would be annihilated. He loved destruction so much that he even razed towns for fun. Ironically, he was also very kind and compassionate. Laxy only destroyed towns because he was the Protector of Life. However, he did destroy evil people. Over time, Laxy began to feel lackadaisical because the job was boring and tedious. He believed that since he lived forever, he could do other activities other than protecting life. Laxy got tired of the paucity of strength in the animals. All of the beings on Earth were weak in his opinion and therefore needed him to protect them. After Laxy stopped protecting Earth, the planet grew very dangerous because evil was prevailing. The Sky saw this and was worried. Instead of getting into a serious fight with Laxy, he decided to have a nice friendly badinage with Laxy. The Sky summoned Laxy to discuss the issue. The Sky said that Laxy had to go back to protecting Earth. Laxy said that the Sky was being fatuous and was not being rational because Laxys logic was that all of the animals were weak and were going to die one way or another, so there was point in trying to protect them. However, Laxy knew that whatever the Sky commanded was irrefutable, so he had to listen. So Laxy began to protect life again, but this time he was depressed. After a few years, the Sky got tired of Laxys attitude and asked what he wanted. Laxy replied “I want to fight against someone who is strong. After I battle with him, I will go back to protecting life”. The Sky agreed but only if the two fought on a special day, the 29th of February. The dragon agreed. The Sky ordered the animals on the Earth to make echelons of their best soldiers. From there, they will select one worthy animal to fight Laxy. So within a few weeks, a yellow tiger named Canny. At first glance, Laxy became saturated with joy; he could not say a word. The two started to fight right away and the Sky wanted to countermand the battle because of the brutality, but the passion that the two had, made him reconsider. When February 29th was over, the two stopped fighting. It caused so much destruction that the day had to be erased for the next three years. That is why there is a leap year.

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