Narusaku chapter 1 | Teen Ink

Narusaku chapter 1

October 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Sakura's P.O.V

I lay in bed thinking to myself' today is the day im going to tell him' I sit up in my bed and look out my window " he's not going to believe me.What do i do if he says no". I sucked it up and got dressed for the day. I went down stairs and out the door. I begin to walk to the training grounds and i saw him standing there. He had no shirt on which made me blush. I giggled alittle and that made him turn around. His big blue eye where on me and his famous smile was shining bright. theres no turning back now.

Naruto's P.O.V

There she was with acuteblush on her face and that little giggle that i always love. today is going to be the day i tell her.

Both P.O.V

i walked up and said "I love you" and then blushed at his/her words.

The author's comments:
(hey there narusaku fans i thought i would made a little fanfiction i hope yall like it and i hope that this will go on for a good long time. let me know if you want long chapters or lotsof short ones. thiswasjust a intro kind of thing :) )

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