What if Bree Tanner Didn't Die? (Part Two) | Teen Ink

What if Bree Tanner Didn't Die? (Part Two)

November 3, 2013
By Anonymous

We sprinted through the woods, though I felt as if my heart were flying. I'd never met vampires as tame, as human like, as the Cullens. They were kind and selfless and willing to risk themselves to save each other. It was amazing how much love impacted this family that I was a part of now. I gazed at them, focusing on each one as the rest of the woods flew by: Carlisle with his kind face in a gentle smile beside Esme who ran with such poise and grace. Rosalie and her blonde, silky hair streaming like a river of gold with Emmett strong and protective beside her.
The four Cullens sped up as we neared the edge of the woods. The large house, insides almost completely visible by the transparent walls, loomed in front of us. I could just make out the shape of Alice, the small, pixie-like vampire.
"Carlisle hurry!" her worried voice sang through the trees.
Carlisle leapt onto the porch beside Alice, "What is it?"
Alice's eyes were glassy. Her body stiff and paler, if that was even possible.
"They've told Aro. He is sending Demetri after Bree. We have to go!"
"Edward!" called Carlisle.
The gorgeous male vampire flew to the door.
"Take Bella with you to the Denali's, you'll be safe there."
Edward nodded and turned to the frail girl beside him, Bella. She was pale enough to be a vampire though her body was more fragile than any human I'd ever seen. My throat burned as I inhaled her scent. Blood, blood, blood. My mind raced with the thought of drinking her.
"No!" Edward bellowed.
He knocked me off my feet just as I was about to pounce on Bella. I looked up at him and met his warm, golden eyes as he ferociously stared into mine. Wow. How did a human girl get this lucky?
I stood up and pressed my hands to the wall behind me, my face feeling a million shades of red even though I knew couldn’t blush.
Look what you’ve done now!
“How do you stand to be so close to her?” I asked abruptly.
You're so stupid.
“Oh sorry,” I murmured embarrassed.
Rosalie patted me on the head, “You’ll get used to it, don’t worry. We all had to.”
She shot an unappreciative glance in Bella’s direction. Edward growled.
“Alright! We don’t have time for this! We have to go!” Alice pushed stepping between them.
Carlisle nodded to Edward who threw Bella gently on his back and raced out the door heading north to Denali. Rosalie took my hand and leapt off the balcony. I looked behind me to see the other Cullens do the same.

The author's comments:
This portion of my fanfic is dedicated to flutterbye1888. I hope you enjoy(:

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 23 2020 at 6:01 pm
Z-Dawgrulz101, Pullman, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Can you please make a part 3 I really want to see where this is going.

on Nov. 11 2013 at 2:58 pm
flutterbye1888 GOLD, Ridgley, Maryland
13 articles 3 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always bring a banana to a party.

He-he-hey, thanks! I love this! Did you see my story about Penelope? You inspired me.