The Ending of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

The Ending of a Lifetime

January 10, 2014
By Naajia2014 BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Naajia2014 BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Ending of a Lifetime
After the death of Ben everyone dispersed into their own routines of life because nothing would ever be the same. No one would ever speak on the death because it became too dramatic. Meanwhile back in the in the city where Brewster Place was located, Brother Jerome had suddenly died from exhaustion from playing night and day for his mom’s parties. Everyone was shocked and blamed his mother, but all she did was move out and move on to a new life. Basil had a hard time getting back on good terms with the boys so he just stopped trying and moved on too. He found a new woman and had a perfect little family with her and moved to California. Basil never spoke to his dad again but he always smirked thinking about him and he always told his wife Yolanda he knew exactly what he was going to look like when he got older. C.C. Baker rotted in jail and was eventually killed and mutilated by rival gang members and no one ever cared to go see his body or pay their last respects. Abshu and Moreland had regular lives and returned living trying to make the next day the best one. But of all the men from Brewster Place, Eugene’s story is the most tragic.
Further up North, Eugene had a whole new life with a man no one would ever know about, he had secret that kept quiet for over 20 years and Eugene had no idea just yet how much his life was really about to change. Irv, Eugene’s partner, was infected with HIV and never told him because he didn’t want to be alone in his last years on earth. Irv was an older man who had stability and confidence which is what Eugene wanted. The problem became even bigger once Eugene and Irv started to have unprotected sex once Eugene felt like he could trust Irv. Eugene went up for his yearly checkup and Irv knew what was coming but Eugene didn’t want to listen, so Irv let him go. Irv paced back and forth thinking of what to say to Eugene when he found out. Eugene had been tested and was waiting on his results a couple weeks later he received the most devastating news. He had contracted HIV and the heartbreaking part about it was that he knew exactly who he got it from. He wondered why Irv was so sick and looked awful and it all made sense now. He couldn’t even look at Irv’s face but, couldn’t wait until he got home so he could go off. But, he wouldn’t have the chance; while Eugene was at the doctor Irv had passed out on his way to see Eugene before he got the news and he passed away before he even got to tell him the truth and how much he loved him. Eugene would soon follow him in death because he had contracted the disease years earlier from Chino not Irv. Could it have been that Eugene gave Irv the disease and Irv found out before Eugene? Did they both have it at the same time while having unprotected sex? None of the questions can be answered from the grave so we will never know. For the rest of Eugene’s life he resented Irv thinking that it was him who gave him an early death sentence but it was really Chino.

The author's comments:
This is the next chapter of "The Men of Brewster Place".

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