Memory's Walls | Teen Ink

Memory's Walls

April 17, 2014
By Anonymous

Memory’s Walls

“For your hands are the hands of murderers, and your fingers filthy win sin. Your lips are full of lies, and your mouth doth spew corruption.”
~Isaiah 59:3~

“Will the reign of Jupiter rise to it’s former glory, my dear Zacharius?” His words were like his honey coloured hair, smooth and sweet to the tongue. His eyes like teal icicles reflecting the glint of a clear frozen lake, scanned his fellow militant along the scruff of his shaggy beard to his Siberian eyes.

“Perhaps time will tell us, Smith…?” his voice, was soft with a look of clear question in his dying grassy coloured eyes.

“Or, maybe it is Mars that will lead us to Jupiter’s jolly revolution? One must ask these things when planning to start anew.” Smith had this tone to his speech as if he was pushing the thought into Zacharius: Question, let the thought sink into the crevasses of his mind and eat away, then he perused another to provoke the answer of the previous and following response.

“I- suppose moving back and causing some sort of up rise-” Smith cut the shaggy man off as he was going to far with his own thoughts, which were surprisingly accurate.

“Ah! Friend do not get ahead of me now!” He moved over and caressed his friends temple, sliding his hair behind his ear with a gentleness only friendship could ensure. “My plan of Bloodless Revolution is to benefit the people of the Walls and humanities overall rights and liveliness.”

Words spoken so strongly and clearly through this thick air could only foretell what this man could possibly even daydream of casting for an entirety of a generation of peoples.

“Of course sir, we gave our hearts to learn of the outside beyond these concrete walls that seal us from our world.” Zacharius knew how to respond to such a strong statement from his Commander. With pride and equal need to release himself from the prison of these Walls we all reside in guarded by vicious wardens.

Erwin had been upon this plan to break free for years, well planned, thought over and re-worked. He had learned of our false King.

For years, we humans have been living like cattle hoarded into these Walls we call home. These Walls are praised like Goddesses on high by cults whom live within them. They have been deemed by their stature and areas they guard. The outermost wall, Maria: The guardian of the farmers and poor field workers. Rose: The protector of the Middle class merchants and business peoples. Sina: Giver and lord of the High class population. Finally, the inner most wall, The Kings Wall: overseer of the royalty whom rule their Walls with pride and glory.

Recently the youngest Goddess, Maria has been invaded directly through her strongest defense, her Southern Wall gate. This bastard deed has been conceived through the unsettling unjust guard of our Walls: The Titans.

Titans are what you could call mindless drones. Titan majority cannot speak or communicate and they consume humans like children if they found pieces of candy on the ground. Exception of this behavior are the class we consider Aberrant’ , they seem to be able to complete tasks they, or someone else give them. The class in-between so not have a name, but they are smart enough to dumbly grunt a few words if they try hard enough. In my opinion, they all reek of death and oddly enough, human mistake.

“Hanji, if you would… Kindly?” That Commanders voice slid of his tongue as if it were molasses sliding over a smooth platter into the ears of his comrades, his smile creasing his features perfectly.

“Of course sir Commander Thick brows, as you please…” she paused, then resumed in her annoying cackle of a voice, “ … Me!” Her laugh sounded like a cat getting its tail caught in a door and its owner chopping it off instead of simply opening the door.. In fact that describes her perfectly. She continued to speak, her voice gaining this serious undertone with a bit more warmth than she had before. “From our ‘sources’, we have found two unknown females and one known business man by the name of Marcel to have been murdered within their homes in Wall Rose as of two nights ago. The bodies of said individuals have been lost, only to have been sighted dragged in bags to the gate leading to Maria, suspected to have been thrown to the cannibalistic guards. We have great suspicion this crime was committed by the treason of the Central Military Police.” Her voice became deeper and lower, matching her seriousness on this situation more as she gave this information to her Major and Commander.

“Ah, the Central Military Police..” Again the warmth of this mans voice filled that room with some sort of air that thickened the serenity besides the topic being so gruesome. It continued to fill the room with the calm as he spoke. “The Scouting Legion and the Peoples Military Police have been facing similar problems with that Brigade of liars and mongrels.” He turned to face Hanji, his sharpened features becoming a painting under this soft lighting.

“… A few years back, Zacharius and I found a similar murder to be commenced through a series of days..” He jolted himself to Hanji and shrugged easily, steel eyes glancing to Zacharius, continuing to speak. “First, the guard had labeled a business as ‘failing to recognize the law of the Walls’, meaning that business unearthed something they should have just left alone… for the sake of themselves…” Smith was a man who knew how to present. His eyes met with his fellows, often making light brushing contact with Hanji’s shoulder, Zacharius’ chest, remaining in constant contact whether it be physical, or in their minds. He spoke smoothly on, “the next week, the wife was taken in for ‘suspected’ smuggling of precious supplies. This caused the manufacturing of their product to come to a halt, making their sales plummet into the depths…” Again, Smith had a way of putting his point across… he took a gentle swig of his brandy, showing the sweet alcohol draining through his neck into his body, showing how the poison went through the poor woman’s system. “The children soon were taken into orphanages, the man had absolutely no means to care for them now as a poor street urchin…” He then slid his finger across his neck, showing the unfortunate ends of a generation to come. “Lastly, the man was finally arrested, violently, may I add. He was never seen again after being dragged to Rose…” His body lumbered over to Zacharius, placing himself calmly into a chair beside the Siberian giant.

“As thought, Smith…” Hanji averted her eyes intimidated from the Commander as she laid the plan out upon the table, commencing their so called ‘Bloodless Revolution.’

My men, specifically my second and third in command, Erd Gin and Günter Schultz have been silently aiding this unknowing blonde through the silent captures of men who get in his path to success. They have been told, the men of subject are a threat to humanities last hope. We have given our hearts to that hope, have we not?

Progress moved like a waves crashing against the unseen shores we have longed to see. For around a year and a half his plan built up successfully through his keen eye and our assistance, little he knew of our aiding presence.

My silent relationship with this honey-suckle of a blonde has only strengthened as Petra Ral, my sheep in wolfs clothing has informed me of his habits from inside the bear’s den. She tells me of his humbleness that shrouds his sacrificial manners. He sends thousands of brave men and women to the Titan’s cannibalistic hands, yet he still moves ahead and fights for Humanity’s sake.

Oddly enough this man pierces my steel made heart, though he is labeled with the hands a murderer and his mouth whispering sweet, candy coated lies… My being is his.

“The plan has worked my fellow comrades, Jupiter hath received silent aid from Mars indeed.” His laughter was forced from his gut through his sweet, plump lips like a thousand pure white doves from their golden prison. “All seems well now to commence our final stand.” Smith grazed shoulders with his friend of long-time trust, Mike Zacharius, as he made his way to the map hung from the wall like a fate. “Since Wall Rose has recently, as of two days prior to this dawn, been released of Titans under Government command, just as expected…” He trailed his finger along to the inner wall, Sina. “…we must have struck a chord with the Military police of the King’s wall. They took surprise in the revolution we sparked as a Legion into the hearts of the small industries and workers.” Commander Smith slowly laid out a small pearly black box, gold trimming along the sides of the opening, slowly revealing ashen patches of fallen soldiers before they were sent to be scattered among the fiery pyres. “Let their names never be lost to the ashes their corpses choke upon while screaming to the heavens.” He scanned his friends faces, his usual bright, sharp eyes were blurred and dull, closing the lid gently, sighing quietly.

Now, Mike who has been sitting in the room was silent, the reason being his wife of many years, Nana as he loved to sweetly whisper in her ear at night, had lost her life in an attempt to control a riot the Titan’s released. That massive husky man had never so much as shed a tear over his fallen comrades, now all he had to remember his sweet wife was a small, bloodied patch. Similar to those unnamed, she is the only reason he continues to push forward. I feel his pain, I had lost my lovers in disguise… Erd, Günter, and Petra in the same riot.

Hanji gently ran her nimble fingers over Zacharius’ hair. She truly did have a gentler side to her, despite having commenced a damn near flawless plan that retook Rose in a matter of months. She gave him a gentle stroke of the hair once more and proceeded to listen to Smith.

“Though we have peace in Rose, we must now take down the False King and give the heir her rightful place upon her throne.” Smith gently caressed his Majors cheek with a look of hope in his teal eyes as he passed by and suddenly slammed his fist upon their wooden table, his face suddenly taking a deeper look, one I’ve seen many times before. He slowly laid out the plan, revised by Hanji of course her, dumb little happy cat insignia in the corner.

Their plan was d-mn near flawless, not in religious stature, oh h-ll no. It included back stabbing, betrayal of well made alliances. Receiving threatening aid from people like me… In fact the person they went to was my loud mouth, trusted last man standing after the lengthy conflict
In Rose. Auruo Bossard, I had to save his sorry a-- before he was devoured by a Titan years ago. Anyway, he came to me and spoke of those rebels, needing underground aid. Why us? Auruo certainly didn’t know, but I did. Smith found me out.

Over a course of a lifetime, well two years now, the plan went on into full swing. We were at the top of our game, the King dropped his crown of treason into the river of his blackened blood to be carried away. He had stepped from the throne, his family threatened, maybe it was me, no one will know for sure in time. Something tells me revealing his family to be false heirs and dethroning shouldn’t have been so easy, I still feel as if it will stab us in our backs for taking this so smoothly.

As Erwin was leading our B-st-rd Queen to her coronation, I was their shadow, watching their every move. He knew I was watching over them, she didn’t have a clue she was guarded so tightly. Smith and I were connected silently through slight nods and head jolts. Before he could catch a glimpse of my face I tucked myself into a rat hole to enter the building, my old habits of hiding from my abusive street life showing.

“Historia Reiss!..” The pastor sounded like his lungs were screaming at him to shut up before they burst open. “True heir to the throne of our great Goddesses!” His little boy helper was fumbling around with her crest as the false king stood in shadow with the crown. I was to watch this false royal from behind the alter above the holy Goddess Sina. Smith was over to the side, towards to middle back, watching the audience and his Major up in the balcony in the same position. Now, Hanji was at the throat of the pastor like a lion on a gazelle posing as an assistant representing the virginity of our new Queen.

Just as our little Queen was about to receive her rightful place on the throne, Zacharius jerked his head to Smith, who then nodded at Hanji, which then sent me down to their aid.

Unknown treason from the posed members of the choir and assistants sparked this disaster.

Everything that happened within those moments is a blur of colours whooshing around my head in a beautiful orchestrated symphony of screams and noise. I remember my last memory of that riot: I took out their leader, by blade creeping into his neck forcing a stream of poppy-red blood through his trachea through his gash and over his deceiving lips. As I turned to go to the Queen and give her protection, I saw his body falling. His gorgeous blue eyes meeting mine, smiling, his lips parting as to speak, his eyes suddenly rolling into the back of his head, landing with a soft, almost graceful manner. My initial reaction was only human, a bright white light met my eyes as I have not seen since my birth, then as the light and screams faded, nothing but opaque black…

My name is Levi Ackerman. I am the ring leader of multiple underground circles. I was the guardian angel of Erwin Smith, the Commander of the Scouting Legion. The Queen had been saved, she had been crowned as Queen of the people, reigning in just and giving the people of these Walls freedom. The Titans had been removed by their Queen, Ymir. In the moment Erwin Smith went down, I lost the only person I had ever loved. He had received a spinal injury inflicted by the False King, who was later tried and hanged. Erwin, my lovers life up to that point, was exhaled on a soft, lingering sigh, only to be consumed like a banquette by contempt, gluttonous spirits who lifted my love forever into the heavens.

Every day of my life, I now am with him, no moment I am not within sight of him.

No longer must he wear the mask of war, I can finally see the softened, beautiful man he used to be before the war killed his former self. Though he is pure now, I am not. It feels as if my fingers are beginning to be cleansed with every stroke of his angelic hair, my hands being lightened with every caring deed. My mouth spews words of love into his heart and my lips gentle as they caress his.
“Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: Thereby good shall come onto thee.”
~Job 22:21~

The author's comments:
This was written as an assignment during our creative writing unit.

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