Ditch | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By Asanator BRONZE, West Dundee, Illinois
Asanator BRONZE, West Dundee, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Harry’s POV:
Beep! Beep! Beep! “Uggh.” I groaned. 6:00 A.M. My alarm clock woke me up to the start of our next world tour, Where We Are. We would be performing seventy concerts all around the world. I love being a singer and all, but it can get to be too much. “C’mon guys,” Liam said excitedly. “I can’t wait to start our tour today!” Liam was always the first one out of all of us to be up and ready for big things like this. On the other hand, Niall, Zayn, and I preferred to sleep. A few moments later, Louis came in the room with a couple bags. “ I picked up some breakfast for you guys.” As soon as Niall saw the food he jumped out of bed and raced for the food. “Did you get donuts?” Niall said eagerly. “Yep! I got one just for you.” Louis handed Niall a bag and Niall plopped on the bed and began to eat. “I got you guys some food too!” Louis said looking at Zayn and I. “Thanks.” Zayn slowly got out of bed and ate a bagel. “Here Harry,” Louis gave me a cup of coffee. “I know you don’t like mornings.” I took the cup and sat up in bed. “Thanks Louis.” “No problem.” he responded with a smile. “You guys should really start getting ready, Paul just texted me and said he would be here in forty five minutes to pick us up.” Liam told us. Paul is one of our personal body guards; we’ve known him since day 1. He would be picking us up from this hotel we were staying in, while we wait for the stadium to get set. The first stadium we would be performing is only half an hour away. This wasn’t very far at all. Sometimes, we take our tour bus to stadiums that are further away, like ten hour rides. “ You guys want to play a game while we wait?’’ Niall said out of boredom. “Sure,” I said. I got up and went to my bag and pulled out my phone. We liked to play this game called “Quiz Up,” which is where you go against each other and get asked questions about a chosen topic. The game gives you four multiple choice answers and you have to pick the correct one. Whoever gets more points in the end wins. “Want to play Quiz Up?” I asked Niall while I pulled up the game on my phone. “Yeah!” Niall went to get his phone so we could play. While we did this, the other boys just sat around on their phones. Niall and I played a couple rounds of Quiz Up. One of the topics on there is One Direction, so we play that one to see who knows more about each other. Niall won two rounds, while I only won one. “Guys, Paul just texted me. He says he’s ready to pick us up for the concert.” Liam read to us off his phone. We grabbed our bags and headed down the elevator. When we reached the lobby, there were lots of fans cheering for us. Some of the fans are very big on stalking, and some will find out things like what hotels we stay at. This happens at almost every last hotel we stay at. Security guards blocked of a trail to the car Paul would get us in. We followed the trail guided by guards and got in the car. I sat in back with Niall, so we could keep playing our game. “Hi boys, how was the hotel?” Paul asked while getting in the driver’s seat. “Good. It was pretty nice.” Liam answered. “Okay, you guys will have about an hour to practice your songs if you guys want,” Paul started telling us the routine. “ The band 5SOS will be the opening act again, just like the last tour.” “Yay!” Niall said excitedly. Niall loved hanging out with the band 5SOS last tour. Paul continued, “ I know how much you like them, Niall, so you can hang out with them if you want to.” We reached the stadium after about twenty-five minutes of driving. The stadium was empty; we usually got there earlier than the fans did though. For some reason, I wasn’t as excited as when we normally arrived to the stadiums. We walked around to see what the stadium was like- big and empty. In a few hours, it would be filled with hundreds of fans cheering at us. We weren’t too fascinated by the stadium, because we have been performing at them for the past four years.

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Harry’s POV: We had been going over all of our song for the past forty-five minutes, and the performance was about to begin. We were backstage while we practiced, and we could hear the fans. Some crowds seem particularly loud, and this one was definitely one of those crowds. Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum, the members of 5SOS, were about to go on stage and perform their opening appearance. “Good luck!” we all told them, even though we knew they would do great. “Thanks!” they all replied back before running out to the screaming fans. I really didn’t want to perform tonight, and I knew that I till had sixty-nine more concerts ahead of me after this one. I knew that doing this was getting to be too much for me. I started to wonder if I should escape and run aw-“Did you hear Luke’s guitar solo?! It was awesome!” Niall yelled to me over the screaming fans. “Yeah it was awesome!” I told him with fake excitement. “They have about five more minutes left and we’ll be on!” Liam said with a big smile. Louis came over to us and handed us our microphones. I grabbed my microphone- the only one with an “H” at the bottom. Paul came up to us and brought us under the stage. “Your first song you guys will sing is going to be ‘Story of My Life.’ You guys are all going to stand on one of those platforms,” he pointed small circular platforms that elevate up to the stage’s level, “and you will be pushed up onto the stage. Just go right into singing, the fans all know who is who, so no introducing yourselves.” “Okay,” I replied. “Sound fun,” said Zayn “although I remember doing this at a concert last year.” We could hear the Michael say to the fans “Thanks for coming out here, it was really nice to see you all!” We knew it was time to get ready to go on stage. I stepped on one of the platforms, as well as the other boys. We heard the beginning guitar of Story of My Life start to play. I could feel the elevating platform slowly rise. Fans were screaming, they knew we would be on in a few seconds. I could finally see the crowd, cameras flashing, posters waving, fans jumping like crazy. I was the starting solo, so when my part came, I blocked out all the cheering and started singing. “Written on these walls are the stories that I can explain,” I waved at a few of the girls in the front row. “I leave my heart open, but it stays right here empty for days.” That was the end of my solo, so I took time to look at some of the posters the fans made themselves. I saw some posters that said thing like “ I love you Harry!” or “ We love Zayn!” The concert lasted for about two hours.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Harry’s POV: We got back to the hotel at 10:30 pm. I was exhausted, but I knew there was another concert in two days. As soon as we got back to the room I went to bed. Whenever we are on stage, we’re constantly running around or doing things that wear me out. The other boys were also tired, which was normal. As I lay in the bed I started thinking about how I was tired of singing and traveling all the time. I thought about actually running away. I knew that would be very hard, because the whole world knows who I am. Any girl could easily recognize me on the street and come screaming and wanting an autograph or a picture. That would only draw attention, and if everyone knew I ran away, they would find me right away. I thought of a plan though. The makeup artists have special face makeup that makes you look like a different person. It’s like a rubbery film that they put on our faces for The Best Song Ever music video. We looked totally different. I thought that I could use that to disguise myself and be able to go around looking like someone else. I also had my driver’s license, so I could drive alone. The only problem is I don’t know where I’m going to go. I want to just be able to run away and no one will notice, but it can’t be like that. The second I’ve gone missing, security will be all over looking for me. The rest of the boys were fast asleep. I slowly got up and quietly put all my things in my bag. I slowly opened the door leading to the hallway of the hotel. I looked back at the boys one last time and closed the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Liam’s POV: I woke up at 6:30 am. I thought about grabbing breakfast before the boys got up, but I didn’t know what they would want to eat. I woke up Niall because I knew he wouldn’t care if I woke him to know what food to buy him. I shook him a little, but I quickly learned it would take more than that. I him with a pillow and he swatted back. “Stop!” Niall said under the blankets. “ Hey I’m going to grab breakfast for us, what do you want me to get you?” Niall instantly sat up “Ooh, can you get a donut and a bagel and-“ “Okay a donut.” I said cutting him off. I went to go ask Harry if he wanted a donut too. I remembered he used to work at a bakery before we became a band, so of course he liked donuts. I didn’t bother waking him up, so I went to Louis. “Hey, what do you want for breakfast?” Louis slowly answered “Just coffee.” He mumbled. I knew Zayn liked bagels, so I would just pick one up for him. I went to slip on my shoes, but I noticed something was wrong. Only four pairs of shoes. I noticed this quickly, because four years of finding your shoes in a pile of five pairs was how it normally was. This time, I only saw four. I knew it was Harry, the only one I didn’t wake up, whose shoes were missing. I figured Harry must have gotten breakfast or something like that. It was unusual for him to be up early though. I sat down to tie my shoes when there was a loud knock on the door. I opened it and Paul burst in. “Do any of you know where Harry is?” Paul said loudly and quickly. He had been out of breath like he was in a rush. “No.” I answered. “Why?” “He’s been reported missing! One of the security cars is gone, so we assume he took it.” Louis, Niall, and Zayn all got up when they heard this. “We don’t know where he is.” Niall told Paul. “We figured he just went out for breakfast or something.” I added. “Guys, we need to find him. Now. Not only is one of the world’s famous pop singers missing, but we also have a whole tour ahead of us, so we need to find him.” Paul was the most concerned out of us all. “How did you guys not hear him leave or anything? I mean his things are gone, so he probably isn’t planning on coming back.” Paul looked for Harry’s things as he said this. “ Didn’t he leave a note, or text one of you guys?” We all looked at our phones. Nothing. Paul was very stressed about Harry’s disappearance. I don’t blame him; it is his job to make sure all of us are safe. “Paul, I’m sorry, but we know about as much as you do. All we can do is look for Harry.” Zayn said to calm him down. “Ok, he was here last night when you guys went to bed, right?” we nodded. “So he can’t be in another country or anything by now.” Paul was trying to figure out how far Harry could have gone by now. “ I got to go look for Harry.” Paul said. “You guys stay here. We don’t know if Harry was kidnapped, or if he ran away or what. Just wait until one of your advisers come to tell you what we’re going to have you do.” Paul seemed like he was making a plan as he went on. “But we want to help find him!” I said to Paul. “No, you guys have to stay here. I know you want to help, but it could cause trouble.” Paul left the room as he started talking on his phone. All we could do was stand there in shock. Harry was missing.
Harry’s POV: I had been driving for four hours now, and I was hungry. I decided to stop at a McDonald’s and just grab a breakfast sandwich. I’m sure by now someone had realized I was gone, and started a search party. I did feel bad about leaving my band mates behind, I’m sure they were upset that I just totally left, especially during a tour. I would much rather do what I was doing than have to sit there and explain to everyone that I was leaving. I couldn’t bear to see their faces when I told them I was quitting. I pulled up in the drive thru and ordered. McDonald’s wasn’t that expensive, and you get your food right away, so it was a good thing there was a McDonald’s on this road. I got my breakfast sandwich and ate it quickly, while keeping my eyes on the road. My phone started ringing. I looked at the screen and it read “Liam.” I decided to answer it. “Hello?” “Harry! Where are you? Why did you leave? Are you comin-“ “Liam calm down.” I said calmly to Liam. I realized that me disappearing wasn’t planned, so I let Liam talk. “Where have you been? We’re looking for you!” “ I’m just out driving.” I answered him. I didn’t want to get too detailed in where I was going, because I wasn’t exactly sure where my destination was. “You NEED to come back! We need you for tour! We need to practice! You can’t be out ‘driving’ right now.” Liam was very anxious to change my mind about leaving. The thing was, he didn’t know I didn’t plan on coming back.
Liam’s POV: “I couldn’t get him to tell me where he was or why” I told the boys. “Maybe if we try to call or text him, he’ll tell one of us.” Louis suggested. “Or we can track his caller ID.” Niall added. “That’s a good idea!” Zayn said. “Call Paul and tell him that we should call Harry and track him down.” Niall said to me. “Ok,” I said pulling up Paul’s number on speed dial. “Hello?” Paul answered. “We have an idea to find Harry. Call him and track his caller ID.” “We can try that, it just might work.” Paul said. He hung up and I told the boys, “Paul said he’ll try that. He said it might work.” “Great!” Zayn said. “Well, all I guess we do is wait for news.” I said while sighing.
Harry’s POV: I was in the middle of a big city. I didn’t know exactly where I was, or what the city was even called, but it was kind of sketchy. Everyone had ripped or faded clothes. The buildings had broken windows and they needed paint jobs. Cars were all rusted or scratched. I didn’t feel that safe anymore. My phone started to ring and I decided to answer it. “Hello?” “Harry, it’s Paul. We need to know where you are.” “Why?” I asked. “Have you been kidnapped or are you hurt in anyway?” Paul asked. “No,” I answered, “I’m just driving.” “To where?” Paul demanded. I just answered, “I don’t know.” Paul sounded angry. “What do you mean you ‘don’t know’?! You’re just wandering around in the car and you don’t even have a destination? You better get back here, NOW!” Paul was very angry with me. It just made me want to turn back even less. “B-but,” “WHAT?!” Paul yelled. I continued, “I’m lost.” “How are you lost?” Paul started to calm down. “ I wanted to leave and I just started driving and I go-“ “What do you mean you wanted to leave?” Paul sounded a little confused. “I don’t want to do the tour, it’s too much for me.” “Whatever,” Paul replied. “We can discuss that later. Right now I’m just concerned about getting you back safely. Now where does it look like you’re at?” “Well,” I started, “It’s very trashy. The buildings are in need of pain jobs and window repairs. The cars are rusty and scratched. The streets need to be redone, and the people wear clothes that are in bad condition.” “Ok.” Paul said. “You’re probably in a bad area. Just stay in the car and turn around.” “Okay.” I said. Paul hung up. I pulled up at a stop light and looked at my text messages. I had a new message. It was from Louis. “Hey, where are you? We need you to come back. –Louis” It said. I decided not to answer, since I had to go back anyway. The light turned green and I tried to drive but the car wouldn’t move. I was pressing the gas pedal, but nothing. I got out to go check under the hood but I saw something else. My tires had been slashed.
Louis’ POV: Harry still didn’t answer my text. I could see that he read it though. I wonder why he didn’t answer by now; it’s just not like him. I got a text from Paul, “Harry will come back soon. We figured out where he’s at, but it’s in a bad area. We are hoping he’s safe. See you guys later, Paul.” It was a message that we all got, since it was in group chat. “They found Harry!” Niall exclaimed. “That’s good!” Zayn said. “Yeah.” I replied.
Harry’s POV: I was pretty nervous. I just found out my tires had been slashed, and I was in a pretty sketchy area. This couldn’t end well. For once, I was glad Paul was good at finding out where people were, and fast. I looked around the car for any other suspicions. The side of the car had also been keyed. “Shoot.” I whispered to myself. Paul wasn’t going to be happy with me. Just then some creepy people started to slowly circle in around me and the car. I got nervous. One of them said in a raspy voice, “Hey, you look like Harry Styles.” “Umm,” I stuttered. They started coming in closer, and I got even more nervous. Just then, I heard a gunshot. I froze. All the crowding people slowly turned to reveal Paul with a gun up in the air. He started to speak, “Leave him alone, or you’ll be in BIG trouble.” They all slowly backed away, and I slowly walked to Paul. “Than-“ “Just get in the car.” Paul said while motioning to the car.

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Harry’s POV: “So, are you mad at me?” “Nah,” Paul answered, keeping his eyes on the road. “I’m sorry you had to come after me.” This time, Paul let me finish. “It’s my job.” Paul said. He didn’t sound too upset about my poor decision to leave. “The boys will be excited that I found you, they really missed you.” “Yeah, I’m happy to be back.” I thought about what I would say when I get back. How would I explain why I ditched? I thought it just wouldn’t matter. I just kept playing over and over in my head how Paul had saved me, with the gun and all. “I didn’t know you carry a gun?” I asked Paul to break the silence. “Well,” he started, “if I’m going to be your body guard, I’m going to need someway to protect you.” Paul made it sound as if I should know he carries a gun. We got back to the hotel about two hours later. The boys came running out to greet me. “Harry!!” Niall was the first one to come up and hug me. “Harry!” Zayn said, “We missed you!” Louis finished. “It’s good to have you back.” Liam answered with a smile. “Yeah,” I said, “it’s good to be back. “So,” Paul said while getting out of the car. “We have the next concert tomorrow, so you guys should start practicing.” “Okay.” I was the first to answer. We headed back up to the room. As soon as we got in, I just plopped on my bed and closed my eyes.

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