The Big Secret | Teen Ink

The Big Secret

May 21, 2014
By Lexi1994 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Lexi1994 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you've reached a certain point in life, there are people out there waiting to see you fall. But rather then letting gravity take you down, sometimes we have to take matters into our own hands and fly." -Justin Bieber

My name is Lexi, I live in Gothem City. My best friend Justin has been acting a little weird for about 3 months. He leaves school earlier, he's always tired like he hadn't gotten any sleep at all, but knowing him he didn't. He's been waking up super early, which is kind of weird for him I mean he doesn't have anything to do besides school( that's basically all he focuses on).

See ever since me and Justin were 3 years old, he couldn't go a day without talking or telling me something. That's how I know somethings going on. Justin is the type of guy that you can tell when somethings going wrong. Since 3 months ago I can always see that look on his face like he's trying to decide to do something or not. He's got something big on his mind or something big going on. I really worry about him, I feel like we haven't been as close as we are supposed to be.I think I am going to try and talk to him tonight. Well our talk last night went better than I expected, he said something about a dream coming true but he didn't say what dream it was. About a week later everybody started talking about this Batman guy. I asked Justin what he knew about him, he knew a lot more than I thought he did. About a month later, I was sitting in the park reading a book, when a guy came from behind me and of course I didn't hear him because i had my headphones in like always. Next thing I knew he had pulled a gun and was about to pull the trigger, when a guy in all black with a bat symbol on his chest knocked him over and started beating the man that had pulled the gun on me. Next thing I know the guy with the bat on his chest was introducing himself. He said his name was Batman, and he told me to be careful and to watch my surroundings.

I was walking home and ran into Justin, he stopped and asked me if I wanted to come over later. I got home and changed and got ready to go to Justin's house.I got to his house at about 3:00 PM. He told me that we had to talk. So we started talking and the name Batman came up. Justin said something about Batman, then said I should be careful and watch my surrounding. Then I realized Justin is Batman. It all became clear. Justin stood up and looked up at me, he asked if I was okay. I told him I was fine. Justin showed me his costume and everything else need to be Batman. He said he was glad he could finally tell someone that he could trust.

The author's comments:
I had to write a magazine about batman so this was my imaginative piece of writing. It turned out way better than i thought it would.

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