the lockdown | Teen Ink

the lockdown

May 23, 2014
By nancysmith700 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
nancysmith700 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I woke up to the dreadful beeping of my alarm clock. Turning to my side I saw it was only 5:30. I pressed the snooze button and turned back around. “Wake up” my mom screamed jerking me out of my sleep state. I looked at her not really comprehending her words. “You’re late GET UP!” she slammed my door taking my covers with her.

I rolled out of my beads groggily searching through my clothes. “I have to leave in 5 minutes, hurry up”, my mom shouted from downstairs. That woke me up. I hurriedly slipped on my pants. I actually managed to do my whole morning routine in less than 10 minutes.

Once I got to school I hurried inside grabbing my pack ad books. “Hey”, I heard from behind me. I whirled around to find Liam. I felt the heat grow on my cheeks. Liam had been my friend since kindergarten but only recently had he sparked my fancy. “Hi”, I smiled trying to cover the redness in my cheeks. “What are you doing out here”, he asked taking my arm to pull me inside the classroom.

I handed my note to the teacher and went inside. ”hey girl”, I heard my friend Arianna say from the back of the classroom. I waved and she gestured me over to her. I made my way through the crowded classroom with Liam following close behind me. I sat down in the empty seat next to her. “Where were you”, she said playing with her gum. I opened my mouth to answer but I was cut off by a ruler slamming on our desks. We both jerked and stared straight ahead.

After what seemed to be an hour of a boring history film, I raised my hand to use the jon. The teacher nodded and went back to grading our papers. I walked outside and heard the door click behind me. I looked back and saw that Liam and Arianna had followed me.

“What are you doing here?” I said trying to shove them back into the classroom. Arianna just pushed me out of the way and sat outside the bathroom door. “Let’s play truth or dare,” she said rubbing her hands together menacingly. I stared to shake my head no but Liam sat next to her and gestured for me to sit. I quickly sat down. Okay.. Arianna trailed off hearing the static on the speaker getting louder.

“Students and staff, we have a very important announcement. I need all of you to pay attention very carefully. Teachers are instructed to follow instructions on the manual for a lockdown. I need everyone to stay calm and handle this maturely. Wait, No...” The speaker cut off after that.

“What happened why’d he stop talking?” Arianna’s eyes had started to tear up. I just stood there in shock not knowing how to move. I felt a hand grip my own and pull me into the restroom. I snapped myself out the daze and felt Liam still gripping my hand as if knowing I needed support. I tried to smile assuring, but my eyes were still dead with fear.

Arianna was whimpering in the corner. I turned and let go of Liam’s strong hold. “Are you okay,” I asked rubbing her arm in the most affectionate way I was capable of. She nodded and then stood up pulling herself together. “Its probably nothing, I think someone just had a gun,” liam said but I could see the beads of sweat sliding down his face. I stood in silence. We heard it before we saw it.

“Bang!” I watched Arianna crumble to the ground next to me. I ran to help her and heard another shot. I saw the gun aimed for me but, Liam jumped in the way. “No,” I shrieked and rushed to his side, my eyes filling with tears. I grabbed his handd holding it, not excepting his death. I looked up at the shooter. It was the teacher and the last thing I saw was the hatred in her eyes.


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