The Fall Out | Teen Ink

The Fall Out

October 2, 2014
By Jada Akins BRONZE, Indianapoils, Indiana
Jada Akins BRONZE, Indianapoils, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Everyone is running around screaming gathering tools. The struggle walking through to go sit down felt like infinity. As I sit I see Bob’s eyes lock to mine. He gave a huge smile. I gave a soft smile back welcoming him over. “Hey Jas, it feels like I never see you,” He said. “Every thing has been really busy,” I said looking around. “I almost forgot, he snaps did you get those tools,” I pause taken off guard trying to remember the placement. As I look up Bob’s red face, which looked like he’s been holding his breath. I hope his temper is under control. His face softens up as if he was in my mind. “Yes its in the pantry, you can calm down Sherlock. You know I have a bad memory,” I said walking to the pantry.

  “Sherlock…” he laughs.

Walking in the pantry bob grasps the tools then places it outside the door. “One last thing can you go get duct tape we ran out,” He said.  “Of course, is that it?” I ask. Looking at me, he looks disappointed. Did I say something wrong? I never know when talking to bob. “No… that all Thanks for the tools,” he fake smiles at me as if I didn’t notice. Wanting to say something, my mind went to thinking and stopped me. I waved at him, sending him off. Bob’s mind is hard to understand, and has been hard to understand since we were kids.

Bob was sent to trial for murder his best friend, which he did not commit. His brother, John, at the time was the top notch of the list of being a lawyer. By representing his brother, John lost all respect. Losing the case including his brother. Bob was sentence 15 years. That day was the first I’d seen either of them cry. 1 year later John quit and went into being a police officer, which he thought would help him discover the truth behind his brothers’ murder case. Which never happened, so John turned into what would be considered being a bad cop and was in alliance with gang lords and thugs. Somehow in the end Bob was freed and was sent to a hideout were John spent most of his savings on.

 When Bob was brought back, peaceful nights never were the same. He cried for weeks and screamed as if he was being stabbed with thousands of knives and I would always be the one to wake him up, which was hard giving the fact that Bob is a deep sleeper. Me blazing music wouldn’t wake him. I would have to beat him until he woke up everyday for which felt like an eternity of muscle aches. Having his brother John return to stay is what drove him sane. It was Bob and John’s idea to sabotage police head quarters, which took days for me to agree to the terms. What started as a small idea, turned into a huge idea as more people heard of the situation wanted to join. Many joined and built headquarters nation wide.


Thinking about the plans, unable to stomach the thought of an uncontrolled world made me have a panic attack. Walking out of the pantry trying to shake the idea off. I push the exit open the winter breeze swoop across my face and sent me walking backwards. Shivering rubbing my arms, I go back to get my coat. I see john going in the same direction. My heart drops, why am I so nervous? I take a deep breath continuing to    walk in the same direction. Calm down, my subconscious warns me. I pause before walking into the same room taking a deep breath finding enough courage to knock on the door. As I knock on the door, his face lights up while bringing me into his arms. His strong bearable cologne filled my senses as I wrap my arm around him.

 “How have you been? You look wonderful as always,” he says as my belly is doing triple turns. I smile flattered from the words, “I’ve been better, but thank you.” I say unable to find my coat. He gets closer. Why is he getting closer? “Can’t find your jacket I see here use mine,” He holds his jacket out for me so I can put my arms through.

 “Thank you,” I say with an enormous smile. He smiles back, “No problem,” he says. As I walked clumsily out the room and feel a smirk appear on his face. WHY?! My subconscious punishes me, and mocks every gesture I’ve did in the last few minutes.

Coming back from the store I see Jane, my best friend, talking to Fred. I see Jane's face turn as talkative Fred goes on and on about some boring story. Fred looks overshadows his low personality. I walk over to Jane, her face lights up, as I get closer. Before I know it her arms tight around me. “Thank you for the saving I almost thought I was going to explode!” She exclaims, “ I know. We all know how Fred is,” I said.

“Hey is that…” she pause and stares at my jacket not noticing my twisted face.
“Omg Jasmine!” she screamed, “Shh, Jane it’s not like that I just lost my jacket.”
“Sure, I’ll drop it for now,” she laughs. Looking around I see everyone crazier then ever.
“Why are everyone so busy today?” I gazed at her awaiting the response. “Well today is Bob’s birthday and he really wants everything to happen today,” she whispers. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner, he’s probably thinking I forgot, which I did but,” I stop my self from panicking. “I’ll just go get him some ribs he loves ribs. Do you want some?”

She looks at me then sakes her head. Should I get cake, I wonder, but then I remember that he hates cake.

Returning from yet another journey, I rushed in walking straight to busy Bob, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY,” I screamed. His face glows and hugs me. “I thought you forgot… is that ribs?” he asks as I hand him his food.
“Never would I forget your birthday,” I smiled. As time passed, he tells me his plans. Once again a sickness comes over me. He went on and on about how everyone is ready. He turned into a happy giggly boy right in front of me. He looks happy, like the day his brother returned, but happier.

 “ITS HAPPENING!!!” someone screams. I run outside and didn’t stop until I came by the nearest police station. As I make it to my location, I see three police officers come out; all of them have the same reaction of blood dripping down through their fingers and gruesome bubbles covering their hands and face.


I throw up as I see another man come out taking his clothes off. It seems he had ten times more of a reaction then the others. All of it was unnatural, I feel John rubbing my back, calming me down.

        “Come lets go get something to eat,” he states as he takes my hand forcing me to follow. I snatch my hand from his and he stares at me, trying to read my face “What’s wrong? Didn’t you want this to happen?” As he speaks I look over as poor looking man is grips a rock, attempting to break in a nearby jewelry shop. I stare frantically around seeing and hearing at least ten different alarm systems going off at once. I back away from the situation at a lost for words.
          The world falls apart right before my eyes. I feel so stupid, so blind, for not recognizing what was going on in front of my own eyes. Do I hide? Do I help? Lost for words and movement, I walk and head for the nearest bar I can find. As I walk in, I find John sitting, drinking away. Not listening to my subconscious, I walk in and sit next to him. He looks up and sees me, reading my face as he always does. I tie my hair in a bun and ask for a shot. I feel John’s eyes glued on my face, but ignore him and take one, two, three, four shots, maybe more. Losing time I feel myself coming on to John…


I wake up hot and undressed in the bed while John lay sleeping peacefully with his arms around me. Memories come rushing in quick, too quick. And don’t have energy to move, but somehow manage to push John off me. Rubbing my head and grabbing my clothes, I leave.

“Jasmine wait,” he said, following me. I keep walking, ignoring his pleas. Keep walking you were drunk and he knew it, my subconscious says. I listen walking out. The beaming sun flashes on my eyes, forcing me squint the whole time. I go to the nearest store to get glasses but the door was busted open and had spray paint everywhere. The store looked abandoned. I grab the glasses and walk out, not wanting to stay long. Able to look around now, I see that every other store has been robbed and trashed.

Next thing I know is a huge truck speeding past me and threw a liquor bottle with a black clothe and fire I run anticipating of what’s happened. I try to run but forced to walk.

Finally I’m home. Everything looked dusty and untouched it’s been years since I’ve been here.  I find the bed and sunk my head in my pillow and slept.

Waking up I open the fridge to find it empty with nothing in it. Feeling unreal I run to the bathroom. Throwing up over and over until I had nothing left in me I sit exhausted.


“No more drinking for me,” I said wiping my face and mouth. Walking back in the front room Jane is sitting on the couch. “Hey Jas I wanted to surprise you but you seemed busy you ok?” she said looking serious. “ Yes Jane drinking is just not for me,” I said struggling. My belly turned into knots causing my to grasp. “A your hungry or B Prego were going to eat then latter grapping a test. I wont ask any question but I can guess,” she says standing up.


We went out to a breakfast bar and talked. I wasn’t into any conversation I couldn’t get over what happened.  I can’t be pregnant. Leaving grabbing a pregnancy test and food on the way heading back to my house I run to the bathroom and pee on the stick waiting for what seems to be hours a yes appears I drop the stick and stood up. I feel as if I’m in some dream an unreal dream. Suddenly darkness appears over me.


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