Mr. Lindens Library | Teen Ink

Mr. Lindens Library

November 6, 2014
By Cassi_tice BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
Cassi_tice BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day, there was a girl named Katie. She decided to go and pick out a book to read at the library. But first she had to get all of the books that she had at her house from  the last time she checked out a book to return them.  So as she was getting ready, she was trying to think about what book she would get this time. Usually when she goes to the library, she gets 4 or 5 books. And it takes her awhile to decide what books to check out thats why she was thinking of it so early..

So then after awhile of  getting ready, she had arrived at the library. But before she left her house, she thought of some good books that she didn't want to forget about. She decided  to write a list. The list she had made was 12 books long. She said that she only wanted to pick out 4 of those books, but if she really couldn't decide than she would take 5. So after about 10 minutes, she picked out all the books she wanted. She went up to the register and handed the man all her books. He was checking them out on the computer. He got to the 5th book that read on the cover The Haunted Tree. His eyes immediately opened widely and said
“Check out at your own risk,” and nothing else. But she didn’t care that he said that, she thought it was some kind of joke at first. So he slowly picked up the book and scanned it then quickly put it down. And handed her all of her 5 books in a bag.

Now she got home and she wanted to read the books that she had gotten. So she went up into her room got all of the books out and started reading one of them for a while and then just kept switching until she got to the book that Mr. Linden had warned her about. So when she picked up the book she started laughing because she thought of what the librarian had said. She opened up the book and maybe read about 2-3 chapters but then got tired, so she left the book open and fell asleep. So she slept probably for about a half hour, but while she was sleeping she felt something going up her arm. She thought it was just some kind of bug so she wiped her arm and kept sleeping. Then she felt it again so she woke up and saw what it was. She got scared because there was a vine growing out of her book. So she tried pulling it out and all it did was rip the page.


She closed the book for a while because it went away but then opened it back up a couple hours later. It came back out so she got  scared because after that everything bad was happening to her so she thought that there had been a curse put on her, but it was really just her because she was worked up and nervous about the book.

After that she was done with the book and she didn't want to deal with the book anymore so she went to the library and gave Mr. Linden the book and said

“ You were right and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. So he said its fine I just didn't want you to get hurt because in the past people have from something In that book. So she ended up returning the book and everything was okay.


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on Jun. 10 2016 at 11:18 am
justwriting2 BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read."
~Groucho Marx

It's funny because I'm doing the Harris Burdick stories in Language arts and a funny coincidence is that my brother (who is 2 years younger and goes to a different school) is also doing them. And then I find this! Nice job!