Four, This is your daughter Elizabeth | Teen Ink

Four, This is your daughter Elizabeth

February 28, 2015
By Anonymous

I ran down the alley, legs burning from running down the streets of Chicago. I turn and slammed into the wooden fence. I turned back to the other side. Another wall. A dead end. I stumbled into the wall behind me, his shadow getting closer. I thought of screaming.

“Wait! I don’t want to hurt you. I just wanted ask you-“  I threw my body into his chest, trying to knock him over. He caught my side and I spun, forcing my elbow into his jaw. He slammed me back against the wooden fence.


“What do you want with me?” I shouted as I kicked and fought.


“You sound like her. Even look like her...” He seemed so calm, like I wasn’t a threat. “Tris… oh, Tris.” His eyes grew clouded and he let me go abruptly. I crouched on the ground.


“Yes. Tris is a name I’ve heard alot today. My name is Elizabeth Eaton. Now if I can go?” I stood and stepped around him. He caught my arm and I gave a soft sigh.


“Eaton?” I glanced back at him. I was taken aback by the dark blue of his eyes. The same deep blue as the ones I saw in the mirror. “What is your mother’s name?”




“Last name? Or Maiden name?” His eyes grew wide, frightening.


“P-Prior. Beatrice Prior.” He dropped my arm, shock filling his expression.


“Oh, God… Oh, God can it be true?” He slumped down the fence. I felt sorry for him.


“Sir are you alright? Is there someone I can call for you?” He was quiet a moment, then he mumbled something. “Sir?”


“Can you take me to her? To Tris?” His voice was dark and sad. I pondered the possibility.


“Her name is Beatrice, and I don’t know how she will react. But I am willing to help you.” I helped him to his feet. He seemed no older than 35, but his movements were rigid. I guided him down the alley and back onto the streets. “What is your name?”






“Mom! Hey Mom, you home?” I held my hand up to him. He stopped just inside the doorway of our apartment. The sound of pots clattering in the kitchen silenced as she walked into view.


“Elizabeth, I thought I told to call when you were going to be late getting home…” She stopped and stared past me to the door.


“Could it really be you? Or is this a sick joke?” Four stepped closer, barely moving. My mother took the same small steps. I stared at her. She never moved so slowly. I watched her reach up and brush her fingers over the fourth raven on her collarbone, a tattoo she’d had since I was young. “Tris is that really you?”


The both moved like lightning, into each other’s arms. Tears started falling from my mother’s eyes. He smiled, eyes wet with tears. “They said you had died. I spread your ashes... How?” I cleared my throat, drawing their attention.

“Anyone want to clue me in on what the heck is going on?” My mother stepped away from him and pulled me to her.


“You went to check on Caleb, didn’t you?” I nodded softly. “I told you not to do that. I was afraid they would take you into the experiments,” She turned and looked at Four, “but she was looked after. The same way you looked after me.”


“Mom, what are you saying? Who is he?” Four looked at me with renewed awe as my mother smiled at me.


“Elizabeth, I’d like you to meet your father. Tobias Eaton.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a way of healing from the ending of Veronica Roth's Divergent series. I left room for interpretation so that you as a reader can choose how the story goes on for you.

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This article has 1 comment.

Savvy6Girl said...
on Mar. 13 2015 at 7:58 pm
Savvy6Girl, Kurtistown, Hawaii
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
I was quite upset with the ending of the Divergent series, too. If only Tris had really lived and had a family with Tobias. Sigh.