I Always Do(Jack FrostxQueen Elsa) | Teen Ink

I Always Do(Jack FrostxQueen Elsa)

September 2, 2015
By Anonymous

I Always Do

"What?!"I asked in disbelieve.

"Dad?Did you lost your mind?!"

I shouted in a low tone which is a bit rude but who cares.This is really out of my mind.

"I didn't lost my mind,Elsa.This is serious.I want you to get married.I've arranged it with our business partner's son."

Dad said through the phone.Agh!This is so so unbelievable.Did he just told me to married?!I still young!I'm just 18!How can I married in this age?!

"But Dad!I'm just 18!!What people will thought if they know I married in such a young age?!I'm still studying Dad!!But at least,let me graduate from high school first,could you?"I try to coax him.

"You marrying and that's the final!We talk more about it when I come home tonight."

"But-"He end the call.What?!

My face buried in the pillow and I screamed my heart out.This is crazy.Me,Elsa Arendelle,had just been told by my dad,Adgar,to married with our business partner son who I don't even know his name.And I just 18!!EIGHTEEN!!Now it is 5 in the morning.Dad call me on 4.30 in the morning!!Unbelievable.

Is this a dream?If it is,I want to get out from this nightmare!I pinch my cheek and it hurts.This isn't a dream.This is reality!!No!!

I felt like in the edge of crying but I kept it inside.I'm not weak.I sighed loudly and went to the bathroom to take a bath.After did my morning routine in the bathroom,I went to my wardrobe and took a random loose jeans with a long sleeve black shirt that have a rabbit ears on it.I have a tons of another stylish outfit-just say it,skirts,shirts,blouse,cardigans,dress,much more that's all are so expensive-in my another wardrobe but I thinks it didn't fit me so well.I rather just jeans and shirts.Sometimes I wear skirts but a feet down my knees.I can't when it up my knees.I think it is too revealing.I pick up a black with white polka dot flats and wear it along.

I make my bright platinum blonde hair into a bun with bangs on my forehead.My eyes sucks being eyes and here I am wearing a thick framed glasses that took almost my face.And this is me.A totally nerd.I look at the clock,6 am.I took my blue bag,slung it and get out of my room going downstairs.On the way down,I went to Anna's door,my younger sister and knocked it 3 times.

"Anna!Wake up!!"

I said from the door.I heard her yawn. "Yeah." She reply.

"It's 6.10 am.God knows how long you took to get ready." I giggled.


She said.I giggled cause I know she will fall asleep again.I went downstairs and saw my maid made some bacons and egg.I waited until she finished while toasted some bread.Then,I ate bread,bacons and scrambled egg before went to school early without waiting for Anna.It's normal we went to school separately.Well she's popular while I'm not.She's beautiful,attractive,giggly,socialize,everything while I'm....nothing.I'm glad she didn't hate me.I'm afraid She get a bad name if people know,I'm,the nerd,is her sister.Although she didn't seem to care about it,I don't want her to shame.Plus she's in her Junior year while I'm in my senior year.

When I arrived at school,there just a few people there.Nerd like me.I went to my locker,get my first class book and my favorite novel,The Catastrophic Of You And Me.Yeah.Sad Romance novel.Walked along the empty hallway to my first class alone,no friends obviously.I set down my books at the table near the window,far from teacher desk and the door.Addition,I'm an outsider.I sat down and continue read the novel where I last read it .World around me slowly faded away.

I came back to reality when I heard laughed filling the room.I stopped reading the book and glanced at the source of the laugh to see The Big Four.The group consist,the first one,an artist,long knee golden hair,mesmerizing big green eyes.Her name is Rapunzel.The second one,an athlete,her attitude is kinda boyish,round blue sea enchanting eyes and red frizzy curly hair who I knew as Merida.Beside her,a boy who I heard too obsessed about dragon,brown shaggy hair and rare shade green eyes,Hiccup.And last but not least,the player,campus heart throb and a bully who have this really really rare silvery-white hair and those dark blue amazing eyes,Jack Frost.Just his smile will make girls sworn over him-except me,of course.

They took their seats beside each other in a straight line right at the center.There was like a spotlight shining at them.Popular power,I guess.I rolled my eyes and continue to read my book trying to be as invisible as ever.But sadly,that didn't worked.

I heard footsteps coming over and standing beside me.One in front me,and another one behind me.


I closed my book and just kept quiet.I glance secretly and learned that the person who spoke earlier is one of the jokers.The other jokers at their seats,laughing loudly.This must be a bet.

"What's with the hair nerd?You put some cream on it?"

They laughed.My hair is so rare in color.I bet that's why they like to bully me.Although my hair is platinum blonde,it is so much lighter like cream color.That is the reason why he said that.Many people think I dye it,but I was born with it instead.

I just kept quiet,trying my best not to punch or cry.

"Are you deaf?Answer me!!"He smirked.The others laughed too.

Then I felt my chair being grabbed from behind and I fell.This time they laughed really hard.Are they happy see someone in hurt?Are they?I felt so shame.So embarrassed.I kept looking down not wanting to see their eyes.

A hand went to my hair and pull over my bun.My free hair now on both of my shoulder and back.The same hand took all of my hair and pull me up using my hair.It hurts so much.Now,I stand 5 cm away from the floor with hair pulling me up.My head felt like want to split from my body because of the force.I opened my eyes with tears that almost unseen on my cheeks.I see their smile on my face and their mean laughs.The jokers laughed while my other classmates didn't want to see it and stay look at the board.I saw Jack Frost sitting on the table in front me while laughing with his jokers friends.I saw some girls including Rapunzel and Merida looked away and put their hand over their mouth.Probably whispering or gasping about what happened to me.I kept cried silently didn't let out a sob.I closed my eyes tightly and opened back when I felt my feet on the floor again and the hurt faded away.I fell on my knees sitting on the floor.I heard Ms.Belle greeting us good morning.Slowly,I made my hair into a bun again and stand up,sitting on my chair.Ms.Belle thought us Math and I listened to what she said,trying to forget about what happened earlier.

~Time Skip~

I was walking home alone,holding my head that still hurt from the incident this morning.Then,I see Dad's car in the porch.Looks like Mom and Dad are home.I open the door and run to my room.I collapsed on my bed and open my bun.Then,I went to took a bath,wear a big 'Snowflake' with some snowflakes around the word shirt and a blue skirt down my knees.I leave my hair down and went downstairs.It's almost dinner.

I went to the living room and saw Anna snuggling on the coach with her crush.I walked to her and she greeted me happily.I sat beside the empty sit beside her as she focusing back dating her crush.I giggled and came near to her.I took a bite of her crush and her eyes full of shock.She pouted.Aww.She look so cute!

"Elsie!!Why did you ate my chocolate?!" I grinned at her while laugh in my head when she called my nickname.Yeah.Chocolate is Anna's and I's crush.

"Because I'm too lazy to take my chocolate." She pouted more.I giggled at her action.

Our maid called us for dinner and we went to dining room.Mom and Dad are laughing when we arrived.Mom look at our direction and stood up with a big smile.

"My daughters.Elsa,Anna."

She came and hug us while we laughed.We split apart and Anna went kiss Dad on the cheek.I kissed Dad on the cheek after Anna did.We ate our dinner while catch up with each other.Mom and Dad went to business trip for a month and now they back.Mom told that she bought us some clothes from there and Anna squeal happily.I'm not so interested in clothes so I just smiled.After ate,I was about to went to my room when Dad asked me to sit.More like commanded me to sit.I sighed in defeat.

"So,Elsa about the marriage-"Dad started.

"Wait.Wait.Elsa getting married?"Anna cut off.

"I won't be married."I stated.

"Elsa.This is for our company.Our family company.If you don't married with him,our business will vanished!"Dad protested.

"Dad.I'm just 18.I'm so way too young to be a wife.I don't even know if we will get along well.I can't married with a man I don't know!I don't love!"There's a silence when I said that.Mom and Dad married because they love each other before planned to married.Maybe they just realized when I said that.

"Elsa,could you please listen to your father this one?Please.Our business will ruined if you don't do so.Please.For us?For our family."Mom coax me.


"Elsa."Anna touched my shoulder."Maybe he is your fate.Your destiny.Your future.You can learn to love him when you married,right?You both can learn."Anna said.If my sister said so,it's fine then.



"Fine.I'll marry him."Dad laughed happily.Mom smiled and sighed after that.While Anna.Well,she hugging me and kept squealing non stop.I bit my lip felt unsure.I hope this is right.

"But,Dad."This one took everyone attention.

"Can I don't married him yet?At least let me graduate high school first.Just a few months left."Anna pouted when I said that.Dad think for a while.

"Okay.You just need to engage first.Be an official fiancé."I finally could smile.Anna let me go from her hug and drag me to her room.

"Elsie!!!You will get married!!!!!Aaaahhhh!!!I am so excited!I want to be your wedding planner!!So,the cake will be pure white with but chocolate flavor inside.Your bride gown will be white too but with sparkling blue crystal at the top!The skirt will be big like Cinderella blue one!If that so,I'll be your bridesmaid too!!!Then your hair will be in a fantastic bun!i'll do your makeup.How about smokey make up?Yeah!They'll fit your face!I can't wait for your baby to come.If it's a girl,I want to name it Victoria Jacqueline Christina if it's a boy I want to name him Jackson-"I put my hand over her mouth totally red in color.

"Anna.I-it's embarrassing."I looked away.She pinched my cheeks making me let go her mouth.

"So,Miss Elsa do know how to blush."She teased.I slapped her on the arm.

"Hey!"She rub the place where I slapped her.I sticked out my tongue.

~2 Weeks Later~

"Auch!Hey.It hurts."I said.Anna smile apologist and continued brushing my hair.After done brushing my hair,she start doing something with it.I heard a knock and said to come in.One of my maid,Becca,come in.She's holding a hanger with a plastic over it.

"Miss Elsa.Miss Anna."She bow showing the respect she gave to us.

"This is the dress that Madam asked Miss Elsa to wear."

"Oh.Just put it on my bed then."She nod and put on my bed.

"Thank you."I said to her before she get out of my room.I focused back at what Anna did and frowned a bit.Then,she smiled proudly.She put my hair that she have braid on my left shoulder.She gasped.

"You look beautiful Elsie!!Just some more touch up."She took the powder and put it on my face.She put pink shading on my cheeks lightly.Then,she put magenta eyeshadow on my eyelid carefully.Finally,she put red lipstick on my thin lips making it look pop out.She squeal on her own work.I look at my reflection but I couldn't believe it.This face is so different from Elsa Arendelle I knew.

"Elsie!Aaahhhh.!!!C'mon!Wear this quickly!I am so excited!!!"She gave the dress to me while jumping up and down.I laughed and walked to the place to change clothes.I strip my clothes and wear the dress.I look at my reflection uncomfortable.The dress have blue flower ruffled on one shoulder.The chest part is A-line that stretched from right to left and left to right.All of it is blue ocean since that's the theme.

I couldn't believe it.Today is the day.It's my engagement day.And I wasn't excited about it.I was scared instead.What if he is a bad man.Or even worse a murderer?!I never met him before and I didn't want to know too.I guess this is my fate.Marry with someone I don't know and Love.

I look at the mirror for a last time before going out.I saw Anna standing in front of the mirror fixing her hair when I got out from the place.She smiled when she realize me already out and turned to look at me.Her smile got wider and she giggled.She ran to me while open her arms wide.She hugged me And laughed.

"Gosh!Elsie!You so so so so really really beautifulest!"

"Grammar Anna."I said to her while laughed.

"Whatever.You are so gorgeous!!I can't believe you'll get marry today!"

"Anna.I just engage.Not marry yet."

"Yeah.Yeah.My sister is going engage today.She grew up so fast!!I can't believe it!"She said more like talking to her self.I couldn't help myself but giggled.

"Aha.But first.."She took out her phone"Let us.Take A Selfie!!"

I smiled awkwardly at the camera took my pictures.I never done this before so...

"Yeah!This going to the Instagram!"She squeal and open her insta and so on.I look at the dress she wear.The dress is pretty same as me except for the shoulder that is A-line one shoulder.Her strawberry blonde hair is in her signature braid on both of her shoulder.I realize she put some small snowflakes pins on her braid,just like she put on mine.She looked up at me again and her eyes were wide.

"Oh my God!I forgot about it!"She ran to my bed and picked up 2 boxes,smile widely and came back to me.

"Elsie.Look at this!"She opened up the first box and showed it to me.I picked up the silver heels shocked.She smiled at me showing her teeth.

"Isn't that beautiful?"I examine the heels in awe.The heels is exposing the fingers but still beautiful with it glitters."It's beautiful but,I don't wear heels Anna."

"It's okay.You can practice.Or you want this one?"She opened another box that contains another silver heels.The design is pretty same as the first one but it don't have glitters and it heels is higher than the first one.

"This one is beautiful too but it is higher.I'm scared I'll fall."She gave me the first box and told me to wear it.I wore the silver heels and it fit perfectly.I felt like Cinderella though.I laughed in my mind about that thought.I tried to stand.Keyword is T-R-I-E-D.Then,I fell on my bed back.Anna laughed and gave me her hand.I stand up thanks to Anna.I looked at my reflections at the big mirror.My shoulder and knee was exposed making me blushed immediately.Anna stood beside me and I realized she as tall as me.This must because she wore the second heels.She suddenly hugged me and I hugged back.

"Elsie already old.She wanted to marry so fast.Soon she'll be a grandma!!And live with her husband and live me alone forever"She said and I laughed while she pouted.

"Relax Anna.I won't be marry yet.I will live with you until I graduate my college,okay?It's a promise."


"Promise."We did a pinky promise and giggled.Mom open the door and come hugging both of us.

"My daughters are so beautiful!Like an angle!"Mom said while I blushed a little.

"Are you ready?Come on.We're going."

"Wait my spectacles."

"No.You're going to wear contact lens."


"No buts Elsie.You'll wear it in car okay?"

"O-okay."Anna grabbed me downstairs towards our car.Gosh.Anna so strong.Mom followed at the back while laughed.Dad already ready sat at the in front while chat with our driver or butler John.Dad looked back at us and smiled.

"You look so beautiful,girls."Dad exclaimed.Anna laughed and said thanks while I just smiled.Mom went in and we drove to the reception.Yeah.Our family have this one tradition that whenever someone engage they have to make a reception and invite everyone in the family.It just like a wedding reception except that we don't have to dance or kiss instead just announce that we engage and put rings on each other finger.And that is what I'll do later.Aagh.My heart beat loudly.I'm so nervous.

"Elsa.Wear this contact lens."Mom gave to me a small box.I opened the box and took out right contact lens.Anna hold a mirror,helping me put the contact lens.After put it carefully,I put the left one.I blinked once I put both of it successfully.My sight become clearer and my face felt light without the big spectacles.I looked at Anna as asking 'Do I look okay?'.She smiled back and nodded.I sighed.At least it not that bad right?

"We're here."What?So fast?Oh God no.Anna,Mom and Dad already out while I'm still inside on my seat,looking at my tangled fingers.

"Elsa.Let's go."Dad said.Slowly,I move from my seat to out.I breathed heavily when I look at the building.I was so focusing on breathing that I don't know which way we went nor everything that happened around.Then,I felt a convince hands on my shoulder squeezing it a little,whispering.

"You'll be fine Elsie.Just keep breathing and don't faint."It made me giggled.I put my hand on her's and reply.

"Thanks Anna."I looked up at the big 2 doors of the reception.Breath Elsa.Breath.Dad opened the door and the room was already filled with people in blue.Man wear their tux,some just plain black with either blue bow or tie,Some with the expensive one like white with blue decoration such.Woman with many kind of dress but what the same is all blue.The room was also decorate with white and blue theme.So blue,I thought.People look at our direction.Some whispering at each other while few people come at us,shook hand with Dad and gone talking about their businesses.The women probably Mom's business friends came to Mom and they gone too like Dad.And there we,Anna and me were left alone in the middle of people.

"So,what we do now?"I asked Anna.She looked around and smiled widely.

"I don't know about you but I'm gonna go to buffet table.Wanna join?"She invited me.

"Sure."We went trough people and finally at the buffet table.Anna's eyes wandered at the chocolate section.She took some and start to fill them in her mouth.I try to hold myself from eat like that.I took some strawberry and put melt chocolate on them.I eat one and feel the taste of chocolate.Yum.Chocolate.Anna ate everything that are chocolate.She stuffed her mouth almost with all chocolate there.

"Anna calm down."I said to her but she ignored me.

"Anna?!"A voice called while I still begging Anna to stop eat.She would lost control if she eat more.And that voice -unexpectedly- caught Anna's attention.She turned around with mouth still full with chocolate and her hands were full with them too.I followed her gaze and see a girl with short pixie brown hair in a blue sleeveless dress waving at Anna.

"Emma?"I heard Anna said.Emma?A friend of Anna?The girl,Emma came toward us with a big grin.And Anna,unexpectedly stop eating chocolates.

"Anna!What are you doing here?!"Emma squeal.Just like Anna though.

"I came here for my sis!Here,Elsa this is my friend,best friend to be exact,Emma Overland Frost,or Emma Frost.Emma,this is my favorite sis,Elsa Queen Arendelle."

"Anna.I'm your only sister."I exclaimed.

"I know!"She grinned.Emma giggled and gave her hand for me to shook.

"Emma Frost."I shook her hand.

"Elsa Arendelle."

"So,Ems.What're you doing here?"

"Well.I came for my bro."Then I wasn't paying attention to their conversation anymore since Dad on the stage cleared his throat,trying to catch everybody attention.

"Welcome.Welcome.Thank you for coming to this ceremony.I guess everybody know that I have children,right?"Everyone laughed.

"Wait.You mean your older brother,Jack Frost?"I heard Anna asked Emma.Jack Frost?The school heartthrob boy?That is his brother?

"You're kidding right?"After a while,Anna said.

"What do you mean?"

"Could you put this together?I came for my sister while you came for your brother."Wait.Wait.Could it be possible?No.It can't be.Don't tell me-

"So,I would like to invite my older daughter,Elsa Queen Arendelle to come up stage."Everybody clapped loudly and looked at me.I clearly shy,walked up stage with a big shade of red.When I already on the stage,I stood beside Dad awkwardly.There's a man standing beside him,I guess my soon-father-in-law.He was smiling at me and I gave him my best smile I could give.

"And now,I would like to invite my soon-son-in-law,Jackson Overland Frost!"Some were laughed,some were clapping loudly.Then,When I saw rare silvery-white hair walked through people towards the stage smiling sheepishly.My gaze followed him as he walked slowly on the stairs.He looked so hot in his blue tux that looked so expensive.I didn't realized that I was staring at him until he smirked and winked at me.It made my blood went up to my face.I looked away and my eyes spotted Anna in the crowd.I saw she mouthing at me "Isn't that Jack Frost?!"I nodded nervously but unnoticeable.She just like 'Oh My God' and I saw she squealing over at Emma.I rolled my eyes secretly and listened to what Dad was talking about.

"So,to make our business closer,our children already agreed to marry each other.Let's start the engagement!"As Dad said that,the piano started playing and all eyes on us.Dad and my soon-father-in-law,who I learn his name is Manny something,went out from our way.I saw Jack Frost came closer to me with his hand in his tux pocket.Then,he took out a small blue box in his hand and opened it.He took out a silver with a shining blue crystal ring from the box.His hand went to mine and pull it up gently.He put the ring at my pale finger and kissed it gently.Many girls squeal while I blushed.

Wait.Where's his ring?!What should I do now?!I looked around nervously and saw Anna ran up stage,holding a small box as well.Thank you Anna.She gave me the box and I opened it slowly.The ring inside is silver like mine too but bigger and have like 3 smaller shining blue crystal.(The ring is like rectangle)I took it out from the box and took his hand.Surprisingly,his hand was cold but it didn't bother me anyway.I put the ring at his finger and it fit perfectly.After that,people were clapping loudly.I just smiled.I heard Dad said something like we can go down something so I just went down to Anna.

I saw Anna jumping up and down with a big smile.She hugged me tightly when I in front her.

"Oh My God!!!!On the name of chocolate!You just engage with Jack Frost?!I couldn't believe it!!!"She let go of me and went to Emma.

"That's mean we are-"

"Family!!"Emma cut Anna.Then they high five each other and jumping up and down together.

How could they happy about this while I'm not?Me?The nerd?Engage with Jack Frost?Are you kidding or what?Not matching couple at all.

"Welcome to the family Elsa."Emma said to me.I said a quick thanks and she grabbed my hand.

"Come on.Let's meet with the others."Emma grabbed me and Anna somewhere through the crowd.While we walked,some people congrats me.A few people said I am so lucky.The young one I mean.Maybe cuz Jack Frost is so hot in their mind.Then,my eyes caught a glimpse of his silvery-white hair talking with someone.

"Jack!"Emma said when we near them.Jack look at Emma direction and messed her hair when she came near him.

"Hey Ems."He chuckled.Emma pouted while fixed her hair.

"Elsa,Anna.Meet our cousin Hiccup Haddock."I just realized the brown hair boy is Hiccup.Oh.Hiccup is their cousin.That's why they looked so close.He held out his hand and I gladly accept it.

"Hiccup Haddock."

"Elsa Arendelle."We let go our hands after that.He was looking at me weirdly and I raised my eyebrow.


"Nothing.It just like I've seen you somewhere.Have we met before?"It made me so nervous.There's no way I tell him I'm the nerd,Elsa Arendelle.I hope he just know it by himself.

"Maybe."Luckily he didn't bring that up.I realized Anna wiggled her eyebrows at me -that is so annoying when she did that- I just rolled my eyes at her.My eyes landed on Jack Frost who is smiling at me.I looked at him,confused.Hiccup 'accidentally' pushed him closer towards me.Hiccup laughed and said sorry while Jack fake angry at Hiccup.I caught him smiled when he angry at Hiccup.I took a step back since he looked too close.

"Well Elsa.I want to know more about you,can I?"He really don't know shame isn't he?

"Sure Jackson."I used his real name to embarrassed him -mostly- and act I don't know him.He had unnoticeable red shade on his cheeks that made me laughed in my mind.

"Just call me Jack."

"Yeah.Sure.Jack."We went somewhere maybe outside the room cause we were on balcony right now.We talked for sometimes.He asked me questions and I asked him back.But of course I didn't gave him a single hint we went to the same school.

"Elsa.I've got something to give you."He said after we talked.He took something from his tux and I realized it was something like silvery chain.When he took out fully I learned it was a snowflake necklace.It was so beautiful.He went behind me and pulled up my hair to helped him put the necklace easily.

"T-thank you.It's beautiful."I said to him after he put the necklace.Suddenly,Anna came to my sight told me we are going home.I turned myself to Jack and said thanks for everything and we bid our goodbyes.We went to our car and went home.


I woke up due to the sun shining in my face,bird chirping happily.The cold fresh air hit my face that made me felt fresh.Oh.Who I am kidding.I woke up with alarm ringing loudly and Anna snoring beside me.How she end up here too,I don't know.I looked at the alarm and stopped the ringing.Urgh.It so annoying.I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock properly.7.45am.MONDAY.Damn it.I'm so late!!I tried to woke Anna by shaking her.She just yawn and continued to sleep.

"Anna!!Wake up!We already late!!"I said as my hand slapped her right cheek.She immediately woke up but of course,with a hand mark on her cheek.She rubbed her cheeks still sleepy.

"What time it is?"

"It's 7.47!And it's Monday Anna!!!"

"What?!Why didn't you woke me up earlier?!"She stood up from my bed and ran to her room.We still in our yesterday dress.Why did they made the ceremony on Sunday night?I mean like,seriously?!Don't they knew we have school to go?

I went more like ran to my bathroom and brushed my teeth,washed my face from the makeup and bun my hair without open the braid Anna made.After that,I went to my wardrobe and pick anything in it then change my clothes.It was a long sleeve red shirt with a rose that was white and a white skirt.How did the skirt here?!Who cares?!I am so late!!I took my glass,without took out the contact lens and wear it.It was a it blurry since I already using contact lens.I didn't even took out the ring and snowflake necklace.I ran downstairs and about to go when I heard Anna yelling for me to wait her.A second later,Anna ran to me and we ran to school.With walk,it should took about 15 minutes,but with full speed run,it took just 4 minutes.New record.I gasped for air when in front school door.Anna was breathing heavily too.

"Elsie.You know?It like the first time we go to school together."Anna said between gasping for air.That's right.I nodded and bid my goodbye with her as we walked separated way.I went to Senior block while she went to Junior block.Quickly,I took my English things from the locker and walked quickly to my English class.From outside,I could heard Ms.Tiana voice talking about something.I took a deep breath and knock the door 3 times with my knuckles.I opened the door and everyone attention on me.I looked at Ms.Tiana who was standing in front her desk.

"I'm sorry Ms.Tiana.I was-"

"It's okay.Just sit.I'm having an headache right now.I want you to make exercise in your book from page 156.Send on my desk by tomorrow.I'll leave you right now.Just don't make so much noises and don't go outside except it have something with school."

Then,she leave just like that.I went to sit at the corner and started to do the work.Some people were doing it.Some were talking with each other.The popular and jokers mostly.After done,I kept it in my bag and waited for class to end.Someone knocked the door and everyone attention were on the door.The person opened the door,Snow White her name,I guess.She was holding some blue cards in her hand.She was looking at the blue card.

"Elsa Arendelle?You have to go to school clinic now."I stood up,took all my things and went out from the class without looking back.Arrogant much?I kept walking to the clinic when suddenly,I was grabbed from behind.My back hit the lockers and I groaned pretty loudly.I opened my eyes and saw the last person I wanted to see.Jack Frost.My fiancé. I glared him but he just looked at me,curiosity in his eyes.

"You're Elsa?Elsa Arendelle?"He whispered to me.His hands were gripping my wrist,pinned them down beside my ears.I nodded with loud beating in my heart.

"You mean Elsa Queen Arendelle?"He whispered beside my ear,making shivered went into my spine.This time,I didn't said anything.He looked straight into my eyes.

"You are my fiancé?The one who I met last night?"I shook my head,Trying to hide the fact that I was his fiancé.He took my right hand and observed it.

"Then,what about this ring?It was the same ring last night.And how about-"his hand went to my neck making me flush red.He took out the snowflake necklace from my shirt that was covered by the collar."this necklace?I gave it to my fiancé and I guess it was you."He smirked creepily.

"I-"My voice stuck.I couldn't say anything.I was too dumbfound.The sight was a bit blurry since I wear the glasses and his face was so near with mine.He hold both of my thin wrist in one hand and put it on my head.His other hand took the glasses away from me.Now I can see clearly and it creep me out,honestly.He brushed his thumb on my cheek that made my breath hitched.

"You know,you're beautiful without glasses."His thumb brushed my lips and he stared at it,I can say for too long.I tried to get away and sadly,he noticed it.He gripped my wrist more tight not giving a chance for me to escape.He smirked and looked into my eyes.I felt my hair fell down on my back.I glance at my shoulder and see Jack's hand put my braid over my shoulder.Just like yesterday.

"That's more like it."He whispered.We stared into each other eyes.His eyes were calm and have a snowflake pattern on it.You wouldn't realized of you look closely.Then,he made a move.

"Since we haven't know each other nor kissed.How about we do that now?"He whispered.I was about to protest,that's when I felt something on my lips or I should say cold lips.I was frozen.My whole body felt numb.But honestly,it made butterflies in my stomach.And it was my first kiss.My VERY FIRST KISS.I tried to pushed him away but he kept holding my hand.He parted away from me and smirked.

I didn't said anything.Or maybe my tongue had twisted.He came closer to me again but this time not my lips but my neck.He kissed through my jawline.I tried to stopped him by moving far a bit from his lips but he trapped me.He followed to my neck and kissed it hardly.I felt something on my knees.I glanced down and saw his hand went into my skirt.

"S-stop."I begged.Maybe too slow for him to hear.

"P-please.S-sto-top it."I started to tearing up.I don't want to loose my virginity.His hand was rubbing my thigh.

"What?"He acted like he didn't hear.

"P-please.Stop."One tear fell from my eye.It rolled down my cheek.More managed to escaped when he started to kiss on my shoulder and messaged my thigh up and down.

"J-Jack.Please.I-I'm begging t-to you.St-stop."He stopped after a long kiss on my shoulder.I closed my eyes tightly,tried to hide away the tears.When I opened my eyes,I saw him smirked and he let go my hand.I fell down to my knees,head looking at my skirt and cried.I guess,he didn't realized that since he still stood looking at me.I hugged my knees and buried my face into it,still crying,at someone's locker.I sobbed in the crying.I just about to loose my virginity.He kissed my neck just like that like it not a big deal.Maybe he used to slept with many girls that made him feel it normal thing.But not for me.It something more to me.He took my first kiss and then tried to rape me.Who wouldn't trauma because of that?

"Elsa."I felt his cold breath at my head.He sniffed my hair."See you later."He left after sniffed my hair again,kissed it and ruffled it a little.After a while,I heard noisy sounds of footsteps and talking.Sure,first class had end.I quickly stood up with all that powers that I still had left and went to girls washroom.I looked myself at the big mirror and saw I was so messed up.My shirt neck was loose probably because of Jack pulling it.My face was stained by tears.My hair was falling on my back in braid but it was so so so mess.

Suddenly,I realized something gone.My glasses!!Jack must've been took it.Damn it.Wow.It was the first time I cursed.I looked at my reflections back and I spotted something.I pull the neck away from my shoulder and was shocked.Is that hickey?!HICKEY?!!!OH HOLY SH!T!!!!!

Damn it.Now I can't go anywhere without getting my neck covered.I sighed and put braid on the shoulder to cover it.I guess,I just walk like this anywhere for now.Nobody will recognize me anyways.I fixed my messy hair,washed my face and went out from the girl's washroom.Everybody eyes were on me when I walked to the clinic.

"Is she new?"

"Who is that?"

"Wow.She's pretty."

"Hot chick."

"What a b****."

My ears felt red when I heard the last one.What?If someone new and pretty you call her b**** and slut?Who teach you that Idiots.You are the one who is b****,you know that?!I ignored them and walked faster to the clinic.I knocked the door before entering the clinic.There was a nurse standing at the counter,holding the same blue cards.I cleared my throat to make she pay attention at me.

"Oh.May I help you?"

"I'm Elsa Arendelle.Snow said I must come here?"She flipped through the cards and stopped at one.

"Oh.Elsa.Come in.You have to do this year checkup since you didn't made one."She smiled and I went in.

"Please sit first."She pointed at the chairs.I sat at one of the chairs and put my bag on the other chair.It was not so crowded today.I sat crossed my legs acting like a mean girl,Glaring back at the people who stared me.And of course,they ran.After a while,I heard a thump sound beside me.I looked and saw Jack Frost sitting on the chair beside me.He was smirking and I glared at him with hatred.

"Hey sweetie.You're being yourself again."He said.I glared at him and looked away.

"Why are you being grumpy honey?"

"Don't you honey honey me."I hissed.

"What if I do that?"

"I'll kick your ass."

"You're so sweet."

"Shut up."He silenced for a while.Just 8 seconds to be exact.

"I'm hungry."He complained

"Then go eat.Why are you so stupid?"

"But it's not lunch yet."

"Then,wait until it lunch."

"But I want to eat right now."

"Why are you saying these to me?"

"Because you smell so delicious.I can eat you right now if we're alone you know."

"W-what?!!P-pervert!!"I half-screamed.

"Miss Arendelle is scared isn't she?"I didn't respomd.

"Why did you did that."

"Did what?"

"Did this."I pulled up my hair and showed him the mark.He kept smirking like an idiot.

"Oh that one."He chuckled.He came closer to my face.

"I wanted to mark what is mine."

"I'm not yours IDIOT."

"Then,let me make you're mine."His lips crashed on mine again but this time deeply.He licked my bottom lips asking for an entrance.That was the time I pushed him away and slapped him on the cheek.My face was deep red in embarrassed and angry.He fell from the chair with redness on his cheek.It will leave mark.

"What the -"


"We're nothing now.Let's forget everything.Like this doesn't happen.Never happened.Goodbye Frost.I hope you find the right person that fit with your behavior.I'm not that girl.I'll just find my own prince charming.The person who really love me.NOT THE PERSON WHO PLAY WITH ME.Let's just tell our parents we don't get along so well and move on.Let's live our normal life before,okay?Bye stranger."I turned my feet away from him without took a single look back.I'm so done with this.With him.I wanted my old plain life.My old pain life.

I kept walking until I realized that I was in park outside our school.How did I even get out?Nevermind.I sat on one of the benches looking at red-orange leaves.It was autumn.It was so refreshing to see nature again.My chest felt a little hurt.Don't know why.Are my choice right?To do these?To let him go?It's not like I love him right?So it'll be fine.Right heart?Everything will be alright.I don't even knew him.What his likes.His dislikes.His heart.So,it's fine.I didn't hurt him.He don't love me.The thing that will be is just Dad's business will be ruined.Mom and Dad probably hurt.I lost Emma.Anna dream to be my bridesmaid not gonna happen.And.And I lost Jackson Overland Frost as my fiancé.


I was sitting on my chair doing my science homework while listening to my mp3.And guess what?I didn't use my glasses but just wearing contact.Anna convinced me to wear them instead of my glasses since I looked beautiful without glasses she said.After a few minutes,I finally done with it.Now,just left music.I don't like it.Ms.Ariel told us to cover a song using just one instrument and I choose guitar.I closed my science book and put it in my bag along with things on the desk.

I sat on my bed with my pure white guitar that have some snowflakes design.I sighed.What should I sing?I flipped through my mp3 to find a song.Ergh.Too much songs.Maybe I just ask Anna.She's my best friend anyways.And she loves loves loves music so much.I left my guitar beside bed and opened the door still wearing earphones and holding the mp3.

My heartbeat stopped.I was froze.Right in front my door,he stood.

"Els-"I immediately slammed my door.What is he doing here?

"Elsa!Wait please listen to what I wanted to say."He blocked the door with his feet and body.I kept pushing the door from the back of the door.


"No!Get out from here!!"I screamed.

"Give me a chance."

"I'm enough with you!"

"I just want to explain."

"There's nothing to be explain."I kept pushing the door with all my might.That's when I felt a huge amount of force were used to pushed the door and I fell backwards.I heard a slammed and looked in front me.He closed the door and came near me.

"No!No No!!"I screamed and ran to the other side.I threw my pillows to him.

"Get out!"

"No until you listen!"He kept dodging.

"Elsa!Hey stop it!Listen*dodge* to what I want to say."My back was at the wall.I was about to scream when his hands muffled my voice.

"Sshhhh..You're too loud."He pinned me at the wall with his hand over my mouth.I kept struggling like a dead worm.

"Lemme goh!Youh idiomf!!!"I screamed.He looked away but his hand still on my mouth.

"Eeeww!!Did you just licked it?"He let go my mouth and wiped his hand at his pants looking at his hand disgustingly.

"That's what you got for cover a girl's mouth." I sticked out my tongue at him.

"Still,get out from here instantly!!" I said with a strict voice,looking at him angrily.

"I will but here me out first."

"Fine.Anything to get you out."I rolled my eyes annoyingly.I sat on my bed crossing legs,observing him.He kept rubbing the back of his neck nervously,avoiding eye contact.

"Are you just gonna stood there?Hurry! 2 minutes!"

"Ah!Okay!Okay!"He took a deep breath,now looking me straight into the eyes.Somehow his eyes are just so warm.Don't know why but it made my heart fluttered.

"So,uh....You know the last week?When we broke up with the engagement."I nodded a bit happy."Actually.....I want to make up with you.I know this seems crazy but I want us to engage again."

"Whoa.WHAT?!!!"I screamed.

"I'm so sorry okay?It just....I regret that we broke up."

"Now,you want to regret?!Oh Dear God!I am so happy that you finally get out from my stupid life and now you want to get in back?!Why am I even met you?!It's not like you love me!You just wanna play with me!!"His face went red.Deep red.He pulled my hand and slammed it on the bed locked it with his grip.His eyes were angry.I almost can see fire on it.But at the same time they were,sad.

"What the f*** did you talk about?!I don't love you?!I have done everything and you still say I don't love you?!I've love you since we were 8!Don't you remember?"

W-what? 8? What is he talking ab-...J-Jackson...He is..

"I am sorry I made you suffer.After all these years,I just watched you being beaten up.I'm so scared and frightened.I didn't have any courage to reach you.I'm afraid that when I reach you,I'll hurt you.But now I realized that I just made you hurt even more by staying away from you.I promise that I will protect you.I will not hurt you anymore,I promise.I've always watch you.Even though from far away,My heart feel so close with you.

"I just want to make you mine.I really love you.I begged to my parents to make me engage with you.I just don't want to loose you.I swear I won't make your eyes land on any guy except me.I'm so sorry Elsie.But what's mine is mine."

His cold hand wipe away the tears that were straining down my face softly.Slowly,he came near and sealed the gap between us with a kiss.Not the rough kisses but the soft and full of feelings kiss.

And now I know what to do.

I just learn to love him like I always do.

The author's comments:

I ship them!!!????????????

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 2 2016 at 10:38 pm
ColdplayForever BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Coldplay fans are the best in the world. If you like Coldplay, then you're obviously very intelligent, good-looking, and all-around brilliant."
~Chris Martin

This is great! Jelsa for life!!!

on Oct. 22 2015 at 2:16 pm
Kiera1332 BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 7 comments
That was great! Work on your writing technique a little, like, use spaces after a period, and you'll do great!