Rise of Oryx | Teen Ink

Rise of Oryx

October 22, 2015
By Anonymous

Ch.1  Rebirth

There was once a time of peace in the realm, but once evil is seeded, it can be chronic.  The evil spread like a cancer and it could not be uprooted.  A coalition was formed to stop this evil.  It was uprooted, or so they thought.  The evil survived. It prepared itself again; it’s evil regenerate. It was clandestine.  Sadly, the evil had already spread its influence, and evil sprung up.  There were now too many places for it to regrow, but it decided to go to two places: Tlatoani of the forbidden jungle and Dr. Terrible the scientist of terror. But there was one who was candid, bright and holy, the Purified Priest.  He was not censorious, and he was the only one who could stop it.  There was a clamor as Tlatoani and Dr. Terrible wreaked havoc on the realm. The Purified Priest succeeded in defeating Tlatoani but was not able to defeat Dr. Terrible.  Those times were forgotten, and people only knew the oppression of Dr. Terrible.  His lair laid on the zenith of the mountain.  He was a zealot and caused the people to tremble.  Ever since he took control the yeomen yowled.  They only had peace yore.  He was a xenophobe, and everyone was isolated.  The people were wistful for him to end their writhing and woe.  He was voracious and gave no pity.  His creations, the mechs, made life hard as his chemicals made everything virulent.  Dr. Terrible said to his minion, Horrific, “There is no viable evidence for this theory.”  Horrific said, “I am sorry Dr. Terrible, but I believe if we combine the molybdenum into the frame of the mechs they will be able to maneuver better.”  “SILENCE!  We have already experimented with the molybdenum and it weakens the joints and…”  There was a large boom.  There was something coming out of the ground to the dread of Dr. Terrible, a dark apparition and Dr. Terrible could feel its power.  The apparition was voluminous, and when it emerged it was abstruse.  It was acerbic and acrimonious.  When it emerged it moved with alacrity, celerity.  He was an anomaly, amorphous. He was an antediluvian. He had antipathy towards anything good.  From whence he came there was a enormous aperture.  He was baleful. A bane to life, he moved with such barbarity.  He ceased to move and stood with a shroud of darkness around him.  Everyone was chary.  He spoke in a clamor of voices reverberating through the area. He revealed himself as Tlatoani.  He said he would show no clemency.  Everyone was confounded.  A serpent emerged and constricted the area.  What he really was, was a conundrum.  No one could decipher his true intent, but all knew he was deleterious.  Dr. Terrible, the leader of the realm emerged from his lab, only to see Tlatoani.  He was disheartened to see him.  He climbed onto one of his creations, a flying brain.  Dr. Terrible flew up to him, and Tlatoani to Dr. Terrible in this new form was enigmatic.  Dr. Terrible was enthralled at Tlatoani’s new form.  Tlatoani spoke to Dr. Terrible, “Are you the leader of this place?”  His mere words expunged the flying brain as it tried to attack, but Tlatoani was ethereal.  Dr. Terrible exalted Tlatoani inside.  Dr. Terrible couldn’t fathom what was happening.  Extemporaneously he came to his senses and activated his jets and flew back to level.  Over the horizon a great light came over the mountain.  The light took the form of a man.  The light then faded and left on the mountain was the purified priest.  “They’re still here in the realm attempting to claim dominance over this realm,”  the purified priest said to himself.  “LOOK OVER THERE!” Dr. Terrible exclaimed.  Tlatoani in an echo screamed, “The power of the puppet of the avatar will destroy you!” Tlatoani turned into the forgotten king and rushed the purified priest.  “This is the people’s land,” the purified priest declared. “NOT ANYMORE!” yelled Tlatoani.  Tlatoani came upon him, but was cast down by the power of the tome of purification.  Tlatoani was left on the ground appalled.  His recovery was vehement as he spasmed and thralled around to his feet as he turned variegated.  The Purified Priest tried to upbraid him.  But when Tlatoani got back up he was unscathed.  He undulated into the air.  Dr. Terrible quickly retreated into his lair.  “HORRIFIC!”  “Yes Master?”  “NO MORE OF YOUR TENUOUS CREATIONS! PREPARE EVERYTHING!”  “Sire???”  “WE WILL HOLD OUR LAND!!!”

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This article has 1 comment.

StoneToady said...
on Nov. 5 2015 at 12:44 pm
StoneToady, Park City, Utah
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
If you want me to write more I have 5 more chapters in the work, just let me know!