No Foal-ery | Teen Ink

No Foal-ery

December 9, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a sunny day in Seymour Bay. Bob and Linda were at their family hamburger restaurant while their three kids were at school at Wagstaff Intermediate. The youngest child, Louise was an adventurous troublemaker; the middle child, Gene, was a crazy jokester; finally, the oldest child, Tina, was an awkward preteen always looking to fit in. While at school, Tina was sitting in class, normal as ever when the daily announcements came on. Ms. LaBonz, in her raspy, monotone voice went over all the normal, boring announcements. Then the last announcement was about the upcoming Halloween dance, featuring a costume contest with a first-place prize of a weekend trip to Horse Camp.
After Tina heard that announcement she knew she had to win that trip. She dreamt about going to Horse Camp since she could remember. This was her chance and she knew she had to take advantage of this opportunity considering its expense. Her parents have tried coming up with the money but have never been able to do so with all the expenses for their family restaurant.
Tammy, on the other hand, knew all about Tina’s dream and did not want Tina of all people to beat her. Tammy was not necessarily Tina’s nemesis, Tammy was against everyone but especially Tina because she was different. Tammy did not know how she was going to beat Tina, all she knew was that she was going to beat Tina no matter what.
For the next week and a half, both girls work intensely on their costumes. Tina worked on her stallion costume. She made it look like her imaginary horse-friend, Jericho. He was a large, black stallion. Tina decided this costume not only to display her love for horses, but to also keep her eye on the prize and focused. Jericho had a special place in Tina’s heart because he was always there for her and no one quite understood Tina like Jericho did.
Tina made the mane from old black yarn that she found when her mother gave up knitting, the body from her brother’s old black shirts from his emo-phase, then the face details with chips her dad’s old poker set and string from her sister’s dance shoes. Tina even added her Thundergirl’s sash for a little pizazz and promotion. Tina seemed to have it all figured out, while Tammy did not seem to have a clue regarding her costume.
Tammy thought as long as she could, because thinking too much just is not cute. She tried to come up with an amazing costume to beat everyone (especially Tina). Then it finally came to her. She could dress up like she most popular and most pretty girl she knows, herself. She thought, “Who better to dress up like me than me?”
Only a few more days until the contest and it was time for students to vote for students they thought would have the best costume in the whole school. The students would have the opportunity to vote during lunch at a few tables outside the cafeteria.
On the way to vote, Tammy and Tina made eye contact from across the hall and they both ran to the voting tables at the same time. Tina got there first and as soon as she is about to vote, Tammy knocked Tina out of the way and casted her vote. Tina got back up and glared at Tammy as she smirked and said “oops” Then Tina went back up to the tables to vote and went inside the cafeteria to eat. After that encounter Tina became nervous that Tammy will try to cheat to make herself win. Tina tried to remain positive regardless.
Finally, the day of the Halloween dance arrived the following Friday. Tina and Tammy rushed to school because they were dying to know the nominees for the costume contest. Both girls sat patiently waiting in their first period classes for the announcements. Then, when the clock struck 8:35 a.m., Ms. LaBonz began the daily announcements once again. She announced six nominees, Jimmy Jr., Joslyn, Andy, Ollie, Tina, and Tammy.
After Tina heard her name, she fell out of her seat on her back and stuck her fist in the air and exclaimed “yes!” in a winded-out breath and Tammy squealed, then quickly cleared her throat, and sarcastically said “yay” to hide her excitement.
Tina was completely overfilled with joy that so many people even considered her worthy of winning the contest, but she also that this was not over; she still had to compete against five other nominees.
Tammy was not surprised that she was nominated. She knew how perfect she was and how much prettier than Joslyn she was. However, she was intimidated by her competition. She knew they all had potential to come up with great costumes.
Right after school all six nominees rushed home to put their final touches on their costumes before the dance. Then around 7:00 p.m. all the students of Wagstaff Intermediate began to arrive at the gym. 
Tammy made her grand entrance as she got out of her dad’s 2008 silver Toyota and struts as she makes her way inside the gym. Then Tina arrives in her horse costume. Louise and Gene had to help her inside because she forgot to make holes for her eyes.
Slowly more people poured into the gym and all the nominees arrived. The dance began and the children filled the dance floor. This was Jimmy Jr.’s favorite part; he did not even care about the contest anymore as long as he was able to dance. The time went by painfully slow for Tina as she waited for the clock to strike 8:00 p.m. for the contest to begin. She tried to stay positive until it was time.
Then it was finally 8:00 p.m. and it was time for the voters to pick their favorite nominee with the best costume. One by one all the nominees were called up and they were able to show off their costume and afterwards the voters were advised to go to the voting tables to cast their vote.
After all votes were casted, they were put in boxes to go in a closet until someone counted the votes. Once it was time to count the votes, a chaperon walks over to the closet and caught Tammy as she was stuffing another vote into the box with her name on it. The votes were invalid and she was disqualified. Now it was up to the student body to cheer for who they thought should win.
A chaperone would raise their hand over each nominee and the students cheer for who they wanted. The last nominee was Tina and it was an overwhelmingly loud cheer for her. Everyone now knew that she won her deserved trip to Horse Camp. Tina finished the night with a last dance with her crush, Jimmy Jr. Everything worked out in Tina’s favor, unlike Tammy which is another story.

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