Enemies For The Greater Good | Teen Ink

Enemies For The Greater Good

November 27, 2018
By cchester BRONZE, Danville, California
cchester BRONZE, Danville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The mist is a thick blanket over the damp rainforest. A couple of flashes of blue lights appear out of thin air. A growing powerful noise looms amongst the light. It all stops. Two disgruntled people stand up in the thick haze.

“I am unfamiliar with this environment… what year is this?” Jean Jacques Rousseau mutters.

Mary Wollstonecraft says in annoyance, “I am very disappointed you were the one I time traveled with, no im stuck here in god knows where with you, you idiotic nimwit”

“It is very humid let us find where we are.” says Rousseau, they walk and step through massive puddles of water making their leather shoes very uncomfortable.

Wollstonecraft stops and cautiously says “I hear loud noises.”

“Nonsense!” Rousseau exclaims “We are alone and I have no clue why we even here…”

“I found something” Wollstonecraft yells.

“What?!” Rousseau says while inching towards her

“Over there, large buildings, that must be why we were sent here.”

“Well then let's go”, Rousseau says.

The two sloge over through the thick fog and damp trees almost like a cool mist. The wildlife is making all kinds of noises, Birds chirping and howling, as well as crickets and other insects. The pair finally reach the large building and see thousands upon thousands of people heading toward the largest building of them all, the factory. One man runs behind the pair

“Who goes there!” Wollstonecraft shouts.

A small boy roughly in his teens shushes her. “I'm trying to escape.”

“From what?” Wollstonecraft questions.

“The iPhone factories they are crazy, we are slaves forced to live in small confinements against our will nobody wants to be here we are too young and I just want to leave so I'm escaping.”

Rousseau interrupts by saying “what year is this and where are we?”

“2018 and we are in China….. Oh I'm Shin by the way.”

Wollstonecraft is in utter disbelief as she says, “That's a long time from home.”

“Are you guys seriously time travelers or is this some sort of joke”, Shin questions

“We are, am an enlightenment thinker he is not because it is not logical that men are lesser than women”, Wollstonecraft says

“What is an enlightenment thinker?” Shin replies.

“ We believe that there has to be logical scientific reasons for everything we cannot just blame god. Thus creating a religious shift.”

Shin replies “That is a little depressing you guys don't believe in god, god gives so many like myself hope.”

“It is a little sad but we believe there is more to reasoning then god”, Wollstonecraft says

“Why do you want to help me?” Shin questions.

Rousseau says “I will tell you, let's go into the factory to save them. thy must not be put under a law for political reason, instead natural law so we can be whatever we were made to be. These people need Inalienable Rights and liberty!”

Wollstonecraft says “That is a great idea!”

Rousseau jerks his head back and chuckles and says “I was talking to Shin of course you can't come in and help. You are a woman we will not need your assistance let alone they wont even let you into the factory.”

Wollstonecraft smacks him across the face and says “I will get in there and help whether you tell me yes or no.”

Shin cautiously says “Women work there too.”

“See! Hah!” Wollstonecraft snarks.

The group starts sloshing through the rainforest toward the large campus. The warm humidity is making all of them sweat profusely. Almost like jumping into a pool.  They are about five minutes away from being on the outside of the campus. The group approaches the tall campus entry. They analyze the surroundings it is unbearably empty nobody is outside.

“This place is massive”, says Wollstonecraft

Shin replies, “It was built atop an old farm many years ago, the farm that was here supplied the then small town very well with crops. It did attract too many people and became overrun that's just the way agriculture was in this town before this factory.”

“Where did everyone come from?” Rousseau asks while scanning the high end campus.

“All of these people came here to this small factory as it was just starting it grew and grew so did the town eventually creating a city. But it pushed away the original people who lived here in result. Some would call it urbanization”, Shin says in sorrow.

“Where is everyone?” Rousseau asks

“In the factory or in the dormitorium sleeping, it is the day shift.” Shin replies

Wollstonecraft is plotting out where everything is. the dormitorium, to the left of that is the mess hall, directly across from that is the entry to the massive factory. Factory and use Shin’s badge to get in they roam the empty campus almost as if it a graveyard.

“This is evil, pure evil nobody humane would ever do this, all humans are just plain evil they look down upon us, the nobodys, we need this to change.” Wollstonecraft says holding back tears.

“It's just the way things are” Shin says in a unsturdy voice. It is quiet as the lush jungle fills the perimeters of the campus. The campus is very nice but so much ugliness is inside.

Rousseau angirly states “Just think about it everyone working here was born a free person yet they are confined by the figurative chains of this factory and its greedy owners.”

The group approaches the entrance to the massive concrete fort that is the factory

Wollstonecraft states, “We need a plan.”

“I agree, I will get on the intercom and make a speech. Rousseau you go pull the fire alarm after my speech and Wollstonecraft find the person in charge.” Shin demands. The three proceed to enter into the factory. They open the doors and walk down a long white lifeless hall with one of the lights flickering. They open the door at the end to find a massive room. The loud noises of machines fill the ears of the three they pass the initial station where the aluminum case on the back is poured. The smell is horrid almost like a pungent burning wax

“We use these machines to manufacture the body of the phone efficiently but they are very dangerous”, Shin whispers. They try to go unnoticed but the 1800’s style of clothing is a dead giveaway something is off. Workers scan and observe the group but dismiss it because there tends to be punishment when doing the job improperly. But a security guard loosely starts to tail them as they pass through the rows upon rows of stations and the thousand upon thousands of workers. They can hear the guard gaining on them as he stomps on the cold concrete.

Shin whispers, “Split up.”

The group immediately goes into 3 different directions shin is walking towards the intercom room which is up 3 sets of stairs. He begins ascending the metal staircase only to see the guard is following him. Shin gets increasingly faster with each step eventually reaching the top. The door to the intercom room is locked, Shin tries nudging but it wont give. The guard reaches the top of the cold metal staircase only too stare down Shin.

“What are you doing get back to your post now!”, the guard demands.

“Not today, not tomorrow, not ever”, Shin replies. Shin replies to spit on the guards shoe

The guard tackles him onto the cool metal rattling the entire catwalk leading to the intercom room. The noises from the factory mask anyone from knowing. The guard proceeds to choke Shin, Shin squirms around and grips one of the poles that supports the rails. A loud “thunk” grabs Shin’s attention and then the choking stops the guard is on the floor and Shin looks up from the ground only to see Rousseau with a metal pipe.

“I found this underneath the stairs and I saw the guard chasing you up so I figured you could use some help”, Rousseau says.

“Thank You…. I think you should give the speech, you are an enlightenment thinker, You know how to unite these people way better than I do. Tell them your hopes and beliefs, then I will set off the alarm instead and find Mary”, Shin states.

“Okay, thank you”, replies Rousseau. He grabs the keys off the unconscious guard and goes into the intercom room. He grabs a firm hold  of the microphone and takes a deep breath. He turns the intercom as static fills the factory. Most machines begin to stop and more people start paying attention.

“Hello workers you may not know me but I’m Jean Jacques Rousseau and I famously said, To find a form of association which may defend and protect with the whole force of the community the person and property of all its members and by means of which each, coalescing with all, may nevertheless obey only himself, and remain as free as before. Such is the fundamental problem of which the social contract furnishes the solution. What I am saying is that all of you are being used, you gain nothing, you are practically slaves most of you are forced to be here against your will and that is not okay. You deserve to be governing your own laws. You deserve liberty, But then again how free are you in this country. Natural Law is for you people it gives you the power and purpose to be who you are. Now let's all leave and never come back!”

The factory erupts in cheer as the alarm sounds a stampede of people run through all the exits almost like a herd of cattle. The process of the entire workforce exiting takes well over ten minutes. Once it is done Rousseau walks down the stairs only to find Wollstonecraft pinning down a man and Shin standing next to her.  

“This is the person who is running all of this, Why are you putting these people in such poor conditions?”, Wollstonecraft asks.

“I do not care what happens to these people I care where I get my money from and the more these people work the more money I get so they work when I tell them too!”, The owner yells echoing through the now empty factory.

“That is a bit unfair”, Wollstonecraft adds.

“These people deserve the inalienable rights which does not make sense now because they have been living here, it is like starting over from scratch.” Rousseau adds

“That is why it is not wise to leave me all they know is English because the instructions that were made to assemble the products are in that language. Without being here that language is useless and will extremely hard to understand things in China.” The owner replies

“You heartless soul I am in complete farfenheimer you are a coward and should be ashamed”, Wollstonecraft states. Shin grabs the metal pipe and knocks out the owner.

Wollstonecraft replies, “thank you.” Shin nods with a grin.

I think it is time for us to go I do believe we have settled most of our agreements her so hopefully this truce remains permanent, I do respect her”, Rousseau says as he stares at Wollstonecraft while setting up the time travel port. The two step onto the platform and give one last look at Shin.

“Thank you”, Shin says while smiling on the verge of tears glistening in the blacks of his eyes. The two smile and nod vanishing into flashes of blue lights.

The author's comments:

I have always bee Facinated with the idea of what would a time-traveller that is an enlightenment thinker would say about this wild world we live in today. I really wanted a crazy story that people could relate to as well as enjoy and have a good time. Learning about the horrors of what the people who make our entertainment devices is a story I really want to spread. I really hope you enjoy this wacky, crazy and fun adventure. I truley hope you learn something and realize the struggles of so many people.


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