The Metal Container | Teen Ink

The Metal Container

December 12, 2018
By Anonymous

In the year 1775 in the month of April there was a strange occurrence. Besides that a war between the colonists and Great Britain there was stirring something else different happening. On April tenth 1775 an object that looked shiny and gray, almost like silver appeared in a field. For days scientists and mechanics were trying to open it but they never could. Soon after, citizens tried using saws, muskets, one person even tried using a spoon, but nothing would penetrate it. So for a couple of days they left it sitting there. Occasionally some people would try to open it, but no luck.

Soon battles began to broke out between the colonists and Britain. Still no one could open the object. Soon the king of Britain realized he can make great profit off of what is inside. He put a challenge out to the world. The challenge stated “Whoever shall open this here object first will receive a grand prize of £15,000.”

Not long after that everybody heard of the challenge and gathered at the object hundreds of people starting hitting it with hammers and saws until a horrendous thunderstorm started.

When everyone was asleep Brent Bryson, a young poor man, was the only one out there. It was dark cold and damp while he was out there. He brought with a big hammer. As he stepped outside he saw a huge lightning strike form. It came crashing down and hit the metal object. This was because lightning is attracted to metal and strikes it. Brent didn’t know this and was scared. He thought about what he could do with all of the money. A new house. Food for his family. Maybe even a vacation. He marched forward.

As he walked over he realized he shouldn’t be scared, his future is on the line. He starts whacking and whacking at the object until he breaches through the first layer of metal. He hammers for about twenty more minutes. The only thing keeping him and his sore arms from stopping is the money.

He finally cracks the shell but he cannot see what is inside. He ran back home to receive a torch. Inside it was nothing. Disappointed Brent sits down realizing there was already a crack in the side of it, along with footprints. He follows the footprints and it leads him to a rebel hideout.

By the time he arrived it had been three in the morning and he saw people beginning to wake up inside of their cabins. Brent was very scared because he was part of Britain and believed in their ways. He soon realized that the rebels had opened it and they had the prize. As Brent began to walk back an officer stopped him.

“Hey what are you doing here.” he yelled.

Brent began to run but before the officer could think he shot Brent in the back of the leg. The rebels took him to a room and tied him to a chair because they didn’t want any British people to know where they were. They killed Brent.

Ulysses S Grant was the one who opened the object. Inside of it he found a message. It was not signed and it wasn’t directed to anyone. Written in the letter was “Do not use your average military tactics , it will not work. You must use a different strategy.” Every single person who read the letter was confused. It was against the unwritten rules of war. The rebels soon realized that they should take the letter to their advantage and figure new ways to approach them.

They started to form a plan.

“We shall all hide in one spot and then leap out and shoot them.” said one man.

“We could form a circle around them rather than a straight line in front.” said another.

“Those aren’t very wise plans, we could do so much better.” said George Washington.

For hours military leaders and trusted rebels sat in a room writing down everything that came to mind. Even army crawling across the battlefield hoping to blend in. Who knows it could work. After a half a day of planning someone interjected.

“It was right in front of us the whole time.” said a man.

“What was?” George Washington asked.

“Well it is kind of, a really strong plan so I would like to conference with only you George.” said the man.

George and the man named Bill Nye walked into a more private room with no one in it. Since George was the military leader they wanted him to know the plans.
“So what is it?” George asked.

“You know how everyone is in a line when we are fighting people?” Bill asked.

“Well yes of course.” George snickered.

“Well against Britain we aren’t strong doing that for they have much for soldiers.” Bill said.

“So what is the point?” George interjected.

“I'm getting to it. So since we can’t go one on one like that I reckon we hide and pop out on the Brits. It will be really effective for they will have no idea what is coming. We could hide behind trees, in bushes, heck, even in trees and get better angles of fire at them.” Bill said.

Jaw dropped George said “Sounds like a plan.”

From then on the rebels used this tactic and were very strong against the Brits. They won a bunch of battles and dropped a lot of the British soldiers.

By the end of the war Bill Nye received a high honor award. When they established a government and constitution bill became a secretary of defense. The metal object forever would be a symbol of the country and would be displayed on the one dollar bill along with Bill Nye’s head.

Without the metal object who knows what the world would be like today. The British would still overtake America. America would never be a thing. But thanks to the metal object America was born.

The author's comments:

It is really cool

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