Watermalito | Teen Ink


May 6, 2019
By tsanchez-13 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
tsanchez-13 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a watermelon family who had a son that was born with some disabilities. He was born with  no legs or arms and also has down syndrome. He grew up in and out of the hospital but continued to stay positive and happy. His parents loved him so much they would buy him anything he wanted also because they felt bad for him because he wasn't like all the kids at his fruity school. He seemed like a normal kid though he went to school and did slightly the same work as others. Although he was happy there was sometimes he would go in his room and cry wishing he was normal because he was tired of people and kids giving him ugly and rude looks. Watermalito was such a wonderful kid, very bright and kind. It was just the way others treated him because of his disabilities. He always had to take medicine and go to the hospital every month for a regular check up until one month the doctor explained to his parents that his diagnosis has gotten worse over time and that there was nothing else they can do to help him because the medicine they were giving him didn't work and it was only making him worse but there was no side effects there was no side effects so they don't know what was going on until he went for his monthly check up. The doctors explained to his parent that his sickness was very severe and only has a short  amount of time to live. The doctor let the parents sit and process it through before watermalito saw them again so they wouldn't cry in front of him and he wouldn't find out or question it. Since they left they've been taking him everywhere he wants to go because they want him to experience those things before he's gone. Until they were in florida and they went to bed and when they woke up watermalito was deceased in the hotel bed. When his parents found him they were devastated. Now they're planning his memorial services and will distribute information later. RIP WATERMALITO!

The author's comments:

this piece is about a slice of watermelon that has a life.

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