Cold War | Teen Ink

Cold War

May 16, 2019
By Anonymous

After WW2 ended Europe was ruined from all of the war and destruction so, the U.S wanted help out there fellow humans and give money 13 billion to be exact. Also, it was to spread capitalism and to keep communism contained. This made U.S.S.R feel weak and not strong so, the soviet union declined the money. All of Europe had to decline the money because the soviet union said no. The U.S went out and created a nuke for defense and tested it on city out in the desert where no one is. They made it to big that a soviet spy saw the nuke and decided to copy it how we know they copied it is because it took us 4 years and the soviets took about 1 year. Then that started the arms race on who can have the most nukes. In the Cold War there were no fighting involved but, the two superpowers the U.S and the U.S.S.R which both had nukes that could wipe out the human race but, with persuasion we brought down the nuke count in the years we’ve been in the arms race. Nuking would make it seem easier to contain the communist but, the communist have nukes as well so they shouldn’t nuke Russia to contain communism.

The “Iron Curtain” speech, March 5, 1946 was said by Winston Churchill because he was afraid if America stood by and stayed isolationist all of Europe would become communist. There was no wall built by that time. President Truman’s speech to congress was to help aid Greece and Turkey because if they become poor they would want to go to communism. With that Truman asked for 400 million dollars in Aid. That was the first example of containment. Just like document 2, document 3 includes another example of containment to show are strength with helping European people from falling and recover them from being poor. If so they’d hop on the train to communism because of how much in poverty they were.

The North Atlantic treaty which was signed by the United States, Canada, and the ten nations of western Europe in 1948 created NATO to agree one person attack one of the other countries then they would all team up and attack against that person who did that. The whole point of this for the U.S was to keep capitalism in the European countries. Doc 5 says that NATO had the soviet union in so, the U.S.S.R would have a buffer in between them. A buffer is a space between a independent country. Doc 6 the leader in 1956 explains his point of views on U.S. Actions. He believed there would be more capitalism than there is communism because of how weak they were. Doc 7 brought up the arms race which talks about a lot about a ton of nukes that gives us a chance to see how much time the U.S. and the Soviet Union has spent on building nukes for just protection and defense from the Soviet Union’s perspective it was a offense thing.

Nuking the soviet union would set off a all nuclear war from my argument having a lot of nukes is super bad because that could take out the entire human race even if they didn’t get hit by the bomb they’d eventually come out to be hit by the radiation of the bombs. That is why we are lowering the nukes from over 60,000 to 7,000 nukes in the United states. From 1897 to 1914, a naval arms race between the United Kingdom and Germany took place. British concern about rapid increase in German naval power resulted in a costly building competition of Dreadnought-class ships. This tense arms race lasted until 1914, when the war broke out.

Although, we still have a bunch of nukes we have truly persuaded each other by not attacking each other and having more trust towards both countries. If we did attack we would have WW3. There was a close call, what had happened was one of our planes had combusted which led us to think the Soviet Union had attacked us and would have led us to WW3 but, we realized it had combusted and did not in fact get shot down.

The author's comments:

This piece gives information for the Cold War and examples of containment.

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