George and I | Teen Ink

George and I

March 12, 2011
By SILVER, Whitmore Lake, Michigan SILVER, Whitmore Lake, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre going to get." ~forrest gump

“Come get your apples! Fine, freshly picked apples!”
“No Thank-you sir.” She said impatiently and politely.
“A penny a piece, come on girly we all know that you want one!” said the man behind the apple table, giving Meryl a toothy grin.

“I believe that I already told you sir,” she paused and took a breath “I told you I would not like an apple.” She said with a bit of frustration. She was in a hurry and she did not need to be held back anymore.

Basket in hand she pushed her way through the noisy crowd, she pushed through the mothers and children, pushed through the barrels full of fresh fruit and veggies, Meryl pushed through the horses pulling wagons and coaches, some being led to the market by owners, soaked with mud. Even on an overly crowded Tuesday, the twenty- second of September 1748. She loved the sound of the clatter of hooves on the cobble stone road, the chatter of the scurrying people, bustling their way through the crowd. She also loved the sound of the young boys playing on the street corner, and the peddlers selling goods. Two years ago on this same day Meryl briskly walked past the barber shop, past Mr. Brisket’s toy booth, and past the bread and cheese cart, just like she was doing now. It was in her sight now. She could see the looming bell tower, casting a dark shadow over the church shading Meryl from the hot sun as she walked towards the bell tower. She approached the tall tower with caution and excitement. The tower looked old and unstable; she wasn’t so sure she could trust it. When she got to the base of the extremely tall tower she took a deep breath and began the long journey up the spiral stair case. Finally, arriving at the top, she was exhausted. She looked around wildly. The giant bells were hanging in the middle of the room innocently. She took a careful step forward. She knew he was here.


“AHHHHHHH!” she jumped and scrambled backwards until she hit her head on the wall. “Ouch” she groaned. Her head was throbbing and whirling like a hurricane. She threw her head back and laughed uncontrollably, and the boy did the same. Every two years on the twenty-second of September he came back to Crapacks, Virginia and every time he scared her like that but she always jumped any way, and she always left with a huge head ache, from hitting her head on the wall. With a bit of difficulty she got up and ran into his arms. “I am so glad you came George!” she exclaimed.

“Me too” he said with a chuckle. His voice sounded much different than the last time she had seen him. It was deeper, but it still had that heavy English accent that she loved. He was also much taller than Meryl now.

“I was almost worried…” she trailed off.

“That I would forget you, my best friend among my studies?” he questioned. Meryl nodded her head slowly, a bit ashamed now. “How could I forget you? Do you remember when I spent the summer here?” he said with small hint a regret in his voice. “That day we went down to the river to catch fish, your mother got so mad at me for getting you all wet that she made me sleep in the barn!” He laughed.
“Yes I remember.” Meryl said giggling at the thought. “Hey!” Meryl said with excitement. “We should go to the Youghtanund River and play around there. Maybe we can have a picnic!”

“Sure” he said. Meryl looked into his brilliant blue eyes and when she did this she always saw a leader in them. She knew some day this teenager would be great. She never mentioned this information to anyone because she didn’t want to share her George with the world. Hand-in-hand they descended down the steep steps of the bell tower and down the street, George telling her about his studies to be a surveyor. Even though George was a surveyor, he was going to fight in the French and Indian war. On their way to the River they stopped at a food stand and George bought a loaf of bread, cheese, milk, and two apples, the man at the apple cart was delighted when Meryl came back to buy an apple. Meryl neatly pushed the items into her already crowded basket. Earlier that morning Meryl needed an excuse to go see George so she bought her mother’s long list of supplies that she needed, which had taken up most of her basket.

When they finally arrived at the Youghtanund River it was mid-day and the sun was hot. Meryl dropped her basket on the spot and ran down to the bank, kicking off her shoes, pulling George along. She picked up her chocolate brown dress with one hand and pulled George along with the other. Laughing both of them went splashing into the river.

“Whoa, whoa!” he said laughing. “Let me at least take my shoes off!” but Meryl showed no mercy. She splashed him with such a force, he almost fell over. A large wall of water sent Meryl flying backward. In shock she found herself sitting on the muddy banks. George stood there laughing over her. Behind him something caught her eye, something white floating in the icy cold water.

“My bonnet!” Meryl exclaimed, trying to get up to get her bonnet which was currently floating down the river. George was quick and grabbed it with almost no effort. He held the white bonnet over her head. “Hey!” she said giggling, trying to retrieve her bonnet. The sixteen year olds were acting like they were five. After many more laughs and giggles they sat down on the bank, soaking wet. As they ate happily Meryl thought of how lucky she was to have George as her friend. George thought about how he was going to tell her that he was going to war.

“Meryl?” he asked. It pained him to think of how to tell her.

“Hmmmpph?” her mouth full of bread and cheese, which tasted delicious after a long play in the river.

“I have been waiting to tell you…” he trailed off. No he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell her. Yes, he had to. “I have been waiting to tell you that I am going to fight in the war.”

There was series of coughs and splutters from Meryl. “WHAT?” she got teary eyed, trying to hold it in, but it was too much to hold. It felt like she was carrying ten million pounds. “George, you could die!” Meryl felt so torn apart inside. How could he leave her like this? She felt like a baby left on a doorstep, to die or to be taken care of by a family who probably didn’t want her anyway. “No you can’t leave!” she started to let go of that tem million pounds and tears flooded from her eyes.

“No! No! You can’t!” Meryl’s face was getting hot. All she could think about was NO.

“Meryl lis…”

“Please! NO!”

“MERYL LISTEN TO ME!” he hated to raise his voice, but Meryl was losing it. Meryl stopped shouting and looked up at him. Her tears like a waterfall. “I am sorry Meryl. It is what I have to do, I will write every month, and I will come back to Crapaks whenever I can.”

“No you won’t,” she said trying to stay mad at him.

“You know I will,”

“Yes you might if you even live that long.” She said smiling as he pulled her into a hug. She exploded into tears. Crying over his already wet white shirt, she realized that this might be the last time he held her in his arms, she realized that now she would have to share him with the world. She would have to share her beloved George Washington.

The author's comments:
This is just a little historical fiction piece that I though of while doing some reserch on our first prisedent.


This article has 8 comments.

Tara3451 said...
on Mar. 29 2011 at 10:34 pm
Great story! Be sure to let us know when your next one is finished! 

wallyfree said...
on Mar. 22 2011 at 12:30 pm
Very entertaining!

Prodegy53 said...
on Mar. 18 2011 at 7:30 pm
that was great! it was a really good story and i can't wait to read your next one!

Poogie said...
on Mar. 18 2011 at 9:03 am
Amazing! I really enjoyed this and can't wait for the next one. Good Job!

astoops said...
on Mar. 18 2011 at 7:51 am
Loved this story! I felt like I was there. Can't wait to read the next one.

cloakofstarz said...
on Mar. 18 2011 at 7:39 am
wow when are you going to start writing books??/this is a great story

kamier said...
on Mar. 17 2011 at 7:59 pm
Great story,  really enjoyed it....let me know when you write your next story.....

kboone2251 said...
on Mar. 17 2011 at 6:49 pm
This story is fantastic... very descriptive. LOVE IT!