My Future | Teen Ink

My Future

June 18, 2013
By Caroline Albanese SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Caroline Albanese SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can see it now. I’m out of college, living in a small flat with my fiancé in London. The flat overlooks the beautiful scenery of London during the spring time. It is spacious yet cozy, the perfect size for two. On beautiful days we will take walks to the coffee shop just around the corner of our flat. We’ll stop by the music store to get old vintage records and then we’ll walk in the park. We’re never rushed; we walk like there’s not a care in the world. On rainy Sunday mornings, we just lay in bed for the whole day. We play our old records and we sit there, reading or writing. He’ll strum up a song while we come up with silly lyrics that make us both laugh. When our life continues on and we get married and have children, we’ll settle down in a town outside of the city. The house will be spacious enough for us and our kids. We would have a pool for the hot, summer days and a fireplace for the chilly, winter nights. Our well-paying jobs will allow us to provide for our children. This isn’t the typical American Dream but it’s my dream; it’s my future.

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