lonely survivor | Teen Ink

lonely survivor

December 19, 2013
By Anonymous

April 10, 1912 my parents took me somewhere. Something called the “Titanic”. I overheard people in line that talked about this was an unsinkable ship. Sounded fascinating to me. The line took forever! I just wanted to see the inside of the ship. As we reached the man who took our tickets, my mum hollered from a distance, “hold Nate’s hand”. By the way, my name is Henry, my brother’s name is Nate, and my sister’s name is Lucy and my mum and dad are just mum and dad, I find it disrespectful to call them by their first names. After all, they wouldn’t be pleased if we did. The man handed us our tickets. I got to hold them since dad lugged our suitcases and third class, ninth deck, and arrival date : April 15th.”

Our room was pretty small for the a family of five and if you added the couple with us in the room then it was really, really small. Lucy, Nate, and I had to share a bed and while the couple shared their bed and mom and dad slept together. They seemed rather excited for their new beginning in the new world which was why my parents put all their money into the Titanic.

Thank god we could room around because I started to get bored. As I roomed around, I heard the music. It was near me. Sadly the door that the music was coming from was closed, but I took a peek through the keyhole. Firsts class was dazzling with their fancy clothes on (Flayhart 111 4). Close by was the band and their huge bassoons that played classical music. Up top of them was chandeliers that hung and made the room look gorgeous.

I had to go back downstairs since my curfew was at 10:00pm. I felt like sardines in a can when I got in the bed. It was very hot because of all the body heat is the room. I’m usually asleep at 10:40pm, but I wasn’t this time for some reason. I started humming the tune that the band was playing; I stopped when I felt a jerk. The beds shook a bit. Oh well nothing serious I thought, probably someone ran into the wall. As I was drifting off to sleep, someone knocked on the door frantically saying, “wake up, wake up the Titanic has hit an iceberg!” We got dressed quickly and waited outside the room, sitting on the rusted metal benches. We waited for a while, but no one came. Out of nowhere, we saw water. Then, we knew we had to get upstairs while others were trapped like rats because they weren’t warned.

The crewmen handed us a lifejacket (Eyewitness to history 1), but it doesn’t seem like got a lifeboat. Everyone whispered about what will happen next and you could see the fear in their eyes. Mum is trying not to cry and hugged Nate and I stronger than usual. Dad kept track of our stuff while he carried Lucy and kissed her forehead several times. As it became our turn, the titanic sunk little by little. The crewman told us, “women and children first.” (Robert 2) Shock struck my mum and tears started flowing down her eyes like a river. Dad gave her a kiss and said, “I’ll be fine. Just take care of yourself and the children” the crewmen started taking me and put me in a lifeboat. I looked around, but mom, Nate, and Lucy weren’t with me. I was alone…they weren’t with me. My mom started yelling, “HENRY, HENRY, I LOVE YOU. WE WILL REUNIT SOON, TRUST ME,” all I could say was, “I love you too, mom” as a tear slipped down my face. They lowered the lifeboats down and rockets went soaring in the air. Ships nearby must of thought we were having party but it was the opposite (Robert 3).

From a distance, I saw people clinging to each other as she broke in half and a part of her sunk down like a torpedo that took many souls down with her (Eyewitness to history 1). Many hours later of drifting like an iceberg in the dark, quiet ocean, we tried to find anyone to save, but they were all frozen (Flayhart lll 7). I started to grow hungry and felt weak. As I stared far into the ocean, I saw a ship that looked miles away. We screamed, but no luck still (Flayhart lll 5. My teeth were chattering now and I barely felt my fingers or toes. All I saw was some sort of light that came closer, almost blinding me (Eyewitness to history 2) and people in background cheered, but fatigue overcame me, noises ended, and my eyes shut.

Today, February 1980, I did survive the catastrophe of the Titanic, but I was not able to reunite with my family. I always wondered what happened to my family that night and what my life would have been like if we never went on the Titanic.

The author's comments:
i really wanted to learn more about teh titanic

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