Malcolm X | Teen Ink

Malcolm X

February 3, 2014
By Anonymous

Malcolm X was born on May 19,1925 in Omaha Nebraska. Malcolm was a Civil rights Activist, Minister plus he delivered great speeches. Although he was assassinated on February 21, 1965, at New York City, his legacy still goes on.

I had a rough time growing up in my lifetime. Then I encounter racism before I was even born. My mom told me that a group of, a gang that was called the Ku Klux Klan rode up to our house. Next thing I remember “Brandishing their shotguns and rifles”. Back then I was only four years old when that happened and I still remember till this day. A few minutes later, they started to smash all the windows in our house. That caused our family to move to Omaha Lanshington, Michigan. After 2 years, they found Earl's dead body at the streetcar tracks. Even though my dad got murdered, I heard him constantly saying that he got death threats, but we had a proper funeral for my father. Our family came, but my mom was barely recovering from the shock of my father's death.

In a couple of years, I went to West Junior High School. Thats where i attended high school. Thats where I got a lot of hate. I even ran for president for my school, my classmates treated me like a class pet than a human. That's when I knew what I wanted to do with my life. About a few minutes later on that day in class, I remember my teacher asking me what I wanted to do with my life. Then, I said I wanted to be a lawyer. My teacher said to be more realistic, why not a carpentry? Till this day I still remember what she said to me.

After I quit school i move to boston with my sister who lived there. Ella was the first person who I seen be the very black proud person I had ever known, she was proud about her skin. Ella found me a job of shining shoes, I didn't really like the job but I manage to stick with it. After that i got sucked into selling drugs, I manage to get another job as a kitchen helper. I got sentence to jail for ten years for lancery. While I was in jail I reflected on the bad and stupidest things I did in my lifetime.

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