The Distasteful Wedding | Teen Ink

The Distasteful Wedding

May 14, 2014
By Ana Pedone BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
Ana Pedone BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I'm sitting here in the uncomfortable wooden pue of this dreadful church, my widow of a mother is getting married to my dear uncle. In my opinion, this marriage is too hasty. My honorable father just passed away unexpectedly and instead of mourning she gets married. She walks down the aisle, yet again in her pearl white dress with her golden-gray hair up on the top of her head and the veil trailing down her back, toward a man who claims to be a wonderful leader and my loving uncle, Claudius. He who shall become my supposed father figure. My face twists with disdain when I look at this man because he is taking my father's place. The music that flows throughout the musty church makes me despise this wedding even more than I already do. All these people who have come to see my mother and uncle's betrayal towards my father sicken me. The light shines through the windows as if this day is being blessed by God. It should be pouring down raining instead. As the water droplets fall from the blackened sky, they shall represent my father's salty tears over his beloved wife's betrayal and his brother's deceit. This frilly wedding is preposterous and I cannot bear to sit here quietly and watch this go on. I love my mother deeply and I shall support her, but I do not support this act of madness. The ceremony has reached its end and I feel a weight lift. I just hope that the reception will be a little better.

I was terribly wrong; the wedding reception is even worse than the actual wedding. The flavor of the the food reminds me of the hatred I have for this day. The scent of the delicacies, such as honey roasted pig and a sweet, rich chocolate cake smothered in a white chocolate sauce, that surround the room on tables embellished with white and gold makes my stomach twist into a knot as big as my fist. My appetite has been lost since I woke up in my lonely, empty castle that I call home. The castle does not seem like a humble home anymore. The castle is more like a barred metal cage that I am trapped inside of. This ridiculous and overly done wedding is just a reassurance of how my life is getting worse and worse by the day. The beautiful music flowing from the various instruments that the band plays drowns out the voices in my head telling me that this wedding should never have happened. As I watch the people dance merrily around the luminous room, I feel out of place. The gold, silky satin tablecloths that I can feel underneath my hand makes me feel like my life is slipping through my fingers just as the cloth does. All these people are happy and joyous toward the hasty marriage that just took place, yet I am in a state of deep depression. As the reception comes to a bitter end, most of the people are somber that they have to go back home to their mundane lives while I shall go home to my corrupted life. I stand there in a protracted gaze while the realization of what is happening actually begins to hit me exceedingly hard. My father is dead and my mother has married my uncle. My normal life has collapsed and contortioned itself into a tornado of a mess. Today has possibly been the worst day of my entire life.

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