Silent Scream | Teen Ink

Silent Scream

October 14, 2015
By Anonymous

Silent Scream
I walked through the door to see my dad hugging my mom closely on the couch as she cried. I looked around the dark room to see where my younger sister Emily was but she was nowhere in sight. I figured she had just walked home from school with a friend. Mom never likes to be touched when she’s crying and I’m not exactly the favorite in the family. So I walked up the stairs dragging my book bag behind me to my room. As I was walking to my room I stopped in front of Emily’s door and listened to complete silence. I opened her door to check on her and she wasn’t there and had left her phone laying on her bed. I closed her bedroom door and went to my room and called my best friend Taylor to see if Emily was over at her house doing homework with her little sister Lilly. Taylor picked up the phone.
“Hey Kaitlyn!” she said.
“Hey Taylor, is Emily over there?” I questioned her while a little worried about Emily.
“Yeah, or well she was. Her and Lilly just left to the park I think. Why? Her voiced sounded a little nervous. “what’s going on Kaitlyn?”
“Taylor..” I hesitated. “remember when we were younger and we went to the park by ourselves?
Taylor panics. “I’m on my way to the park now meet me there in five.”
“okay, I’m getting my shoes on now.” I say as I drop the phone on my bed.
I quickly hang up the call and run out the door.
I was having flashbacks the whole way there. I remember when taylor and I were about eight we were racing to the park when an older man maybe in his late twenties was keeping a good eye on us. Out of nowhere he had snatched us up while we were hanging upside down acting like idiots on the monkey bars. He duck taped our mouth and took us to some abandoned home in the middle of the woods. We had realized that we had been kidnapped and we didn’t know a way out of it. Nobody knew his real name. He told us to call him Silent Scream.
Taylor and I had gotten to the park at the same time. And just as we expected, the girls weren’t there. But like always silent scream was definitely there, and watching us well.

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short story

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