Helen Pitts the Black Slave | Teen Ink

Helen Pitts the Black Slave

April 11, 2016
By Deneilles BRONZE, Roosevelt, New York
Deneilles BRONZE, Roosevelt, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 August 8, 1854


My name is Helen Pitts. I am a twenty one year old African American slave, in the State of Alabama. I was born into slavery. My parents were forcibly taken from Africah to the Americas and were sold to these old white folks we called our mahster. My mahster's dauter has been secretly teaching me how to read and writte lite by lite, and in exchange, I would not tell her mather or or her father, my mahster what I witnes her doing. I got's this lite diary where I'll write all the words I learned and the meanings of em. 


August 9, 1854

In this diary I write my evryday experiences and how much I wish for slavery to end. Us slaves get treated terrible in this fields. Life is terrible being a slave. Me and the other slaves get whopped if we ain't work hard enough. We don't get paid and we get put thru so many painful stuff. Till this day, after evrything me and my people have been thru, I am determine to get free.

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