Long Live the Queen | Teen Ink

Long Live the Queen

April 27, 2016
By Brooklynn.S.B BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Brooklynn.S.B BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

 Every day I have no friends and doors are always closed and locked on me. I am a humble servant in medieval times. As I am serving lunch to the queen, I think as usual the door is going to be closed. I look at the door and see that’s it’s not closed and locked. I walk in the big brown door and see the queen dead on the floor. I drop the tray and the glass and plates drop on the floor. I suddenly scream for help and the hallway is silent and empty.

   I realize that there is a huge festival in Europe and there is no one in the castle. Because the queen wasn’t feeling well she needed one servant and that was me. I walk into the dark room once more and saw that the queen was stabbed in the heart. I run out and puke all over the floor because I couldn’t bear to see an innocent soul ended. I remember that there was only one other person in the castle but he was around the age of 83 so I know he couldn’t have done this.

            His name is Fredrick Rose Ridder. This man lives in the basement of the castle. I walk to the deep dark black stairs the lead to the terrifying basement. A creepy voice says “Hello dear girl” I ask terrified “Is this Fredrick Rose Ridder?” “Yes” answered the mysterious voice. “Come in and have a cup of tea” says the man. The old man looks old but he is surely in shape. The man welcomes me and sets me down while he makes the exotic smell makes me want to barf.

         “You look terrified, oh and did the queen send for me?” says the man I reply “No the queen is dead she was stabbed in the heart.” The old man picks up a knife and points it toward me I quickly say “But I didn’t kill her.” The man drops the knife and says “Like a horse” I think to myself that makes no sense this man is surely crazy. I think more if this man could have tried to kill me then he surely could have killed the queen! I say out loud with excitement, I realize that I said it out loud and suddenly notice that man has a bloody knife at my throat.

          I shriek for help and someone had ran down the scary stairs and pushed the old man off of me. Fredrick had got half of my throat cut and the world slowly goes dark and I know that I’m going to die. A few weeks later I wake up in an old cottage and there is a man sitting next to me. It looks as if the man were sleeping and I try to slowly and quietly run away. The loud creek of the bed wake up the man. Then he sees me trying to run away and he quickly chokes me to where I pass out. Hours later I wake up and the man has me chained up and has stuffed my mouth with cloth.

         He was not in sight and I spit out the cloth and I tried my very hardest to unchain myself which was not a success. I started to remember my surroundings just in case I got out and I needed to identify the location. The creek of the door frightened me so and a man had walked through the door. I began to scream and shriek for help but no one came, the man had quickly rush through the door to 100% kill me. I can feel the blood gushing through the bandages and I become dizzy and the world around me is hazy.

        The man rushes to me to take of the bandages and then he …. Unchains me and I wonder why? Why did he do this first he saved me then coked me then chained me up and know he is unchaining me? The man carries me to a bed to rest. I sleep for many hours like I haven’t slept in days, well I do feel as I haven’t.  As the world becomes bright and clear the man is staring at me from the side.

      The man begins to talk and he says “Don’t try to scream or talk but don’t be scared either there is a blizzard outside so you can’t leave, oh my name is Brian.” I touch my throat to see if its bleeding, it’s not. I can hear the whistling wind outside. It smells as if I’m in a very disgusting smelly barn with horse manure all around. The ratchet smell makes me barf and then Brian try’s to clean of the puke but of course I slap his hand. For months I heal and try Annalise a way to escape this disgusting place.

     As the snow melts and winter turns into spring and spring turns into summer Brian lets me see the flowers more and more. Many beautiful colors and gorgeous flowers of man shades of purple, blue, gold, tan, pink, fuchsia, and green. For I haven’t seen the outside world in many many months and the smell of the grass brings me back to many memories.

       I remember that the queen had died and I didn’t realize how long it had been for the queen had been found and the killer captured. I have no family nor friends so what is the point of my escape there is no reason I should go back home life behind the barn doors were terrible if I escape I would die of many other things. As I am sleeping in the night Brian rushes in and tells me that the plague is here and that we must head to a river and build many fires.

    I think I am not ready to live life in a horrible way again my new life is amazing and perfect. If I must leave well then I won’t. I yell to Brian “I will absolutely not leave.” He replies “If you stay you will not live your life you will die quicker than it begins, look I understand that you hate life outside of these walls but you want to live longer well if you stay you won’t.”

The author's comments:

My Dad is a published Author and it inspired to write a story. My Dad told me to follow my dreams and i will achieve them. 

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