Hidden | Teen Ink


May 24, 2016
By DominiqueTaugher BRONZE, Bosie, Idaho
DominiqueTaugher BRONZE, Bosie, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Hidden around the old stair case, beneath the oak kitchen table, and under the old creaky floor boards lived a quite young family. This family of four was no ordinary family, they were hiding for their very own lives. The year was 1944, and they were celebrating because they had been successful on hiding for a whole year. Although this thankful family was all alone under this old creaky house they were not the only ones hiding and fighting for their own lives. Millions of jews were hiding just like this familiy allaround Germany and unfortunately being discovered by the deadly Nazi's. Although not everyone agreed with this deadly regime many stood by doing nothing but watching as their neighbors were being ripped from their homes. Luckily for this beautiful family there was someone who was willing to risk here own life forthese two young children and their parents. Feeding them and housing them for many years. At all times food ran scarce but there thankful hearts kept them going throughout the difficult times. If this family did have an abundance of something throughout this life threatening situation it would be hope, somthing we can all use a little of.

The author's comments:

While writing this short story I hoped that when people later read it  they would reflect on their own lives and find hope and become more thankful in any and every situation.

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