Washington D.C. | Teen Ink

Washington D.C.

October 31, 2018
By sophiamakad BRONZE, Perry, Ohio
sophiamakad BRONZE, Perry, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hearing my alarm loudly and obnoxiously, I lay in my bed feeling the heat in my body rise upward knowing that I had to get up and ready to go to Washington D.C., but I just couldn’t find the effort to. I heavily rolled over, hitting snooze on my alarm. I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling, my eyes heavily weighing down trying to stay open. It was 5:00 in the morning, I looked out the window and it was still dark out. I laid in my bed, waiting to see if my sister, Elyse was going to come into my room and wake me up, but she never did. Knowing that I didn’t want to get up soon, I thought to myself,  “If I don’t get up now, will Mom get mad at me?”. I was exhausted and I wanted to go back to bed but I couldn’t. I laid there waiting in my heavy, warm blankets wishing I was still asleep, but I wasn’t. I knew I had to get up or else I would be late to the school but I just couldn’t get enough energy to get out of my bed. It was to early for me.

“If I go back to sleep now, I’ll just wake up in 5 minutes”, so I fell back to sleep.

Out of nowhere my mom yelled, “Sophia, are you awake?”!

I looked at my phone, it was 5:30. My stomach dropped. I knew I was going to be late. I quickly got up, rushing over to my lightswitch on the wall quickly knowing that I could trip any second since my room was a mess. After I turned on my light, instantly I opened my door, got all the stuff I was taking to Washington D.C., and rushed downstairs turning on the light switch in the living room so I could see where I was going. I knew I was going to be late. I looked in the kitchen and no one was in it so I got a little nervous.

“Is anyone even up?” I thought to myself.

I looked at Elyse’s door, it was shut, but I saw the light glowing out of the bottom of her door so I expected her to be up. I went to find my mom and I found her in her room.

My mom asked, “Are you ready?”.

“Almost.” I answered

As soon as I brushed my teeth and did my hair, I got in the car and told Elyse to hurry up. When we left our house, my mom drove as fast as she could to get to the school. I looked at the time and I was happy to see that we would get to the school on time if there wasn’t any trains or red lights. Surprisingly, we got to the school on time and we weren’t late.

The author's comments:

I'm in 8th grade and I had a trip with my whole grade to Wahington D.C.

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