A young lady help a poor man. | Teen Ink

A young lady help a poor man.

December 21, 2018
By Ivan07 BRONZE, Stockton, California
Ivan07 BRONZE, Stockton, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once on a beautiful morning a gentleman who was poor was sitting in front of a restaurant of rich people. The man looks very sad, very hungry, the gentleman looks at himself as he is 45 years old. He has gray hair, wore a black sweater and pants that he has patched a lot of different colors of fabric. The man had his head down when suddenly he smelled a scent of a young lady standing in front of him.

The young lady had blond hair wearing a brown leather jacket, a pink scarf, light blue trousers, expensive glasses, new shoes. the man thought that she was going to make fun of him and told him.

Please, you do not have to do it better, said the gentleman.

And she asks her excuse what she said?

I told you to stay away I do not want you to make fun of me as the others do The man said and she says sir please calm down I do not want to do the same thing that others do to you.

The gentleman asks the lady then what do you want? Miss Rita replies, I just want to invite you to eat at a restaurant.

The man says many have told me the same thing but they only cheat me said the gentleman. The lady replies I'm not like those people. She grabs the man's hand and says come let's go. The gentleman says no, I do not want to go. She tells him I promise that I just want to take you to a restaurant and the man says it's okay, let's go but in which restaurant the man said and the lady says in this one that he is here in front of us and the man said I do not want to go there. The lady says do not worry let's not say anything I know some people in there, the man was not very confident and I go inside and a waiter comes at the door saying to the lady and the gentleman, I'm sorry, lady I think that you are welcome to enter this restaurant but the man does not.

I'm sorry, sir, but you have to get out of here, said the waiter. The lady told the waiter because they treat customers haci. the waiter responds to the lady you are nothing for me so that you give me orders I am the owner of this business and I want you to get out of here. The young lady grabs her bag and took out some papers and shows the waiter telling her I'm sorry but I think you're fired from here, as you can see in the papers I'm the true owner of this restaurant.

I do not like how you treat clients, said the young lady and the waiter started to apologize but the lady said you are not fired.  

The man who was with the lady was just listening to everything and the lady says sorry and very bad people but since I am the owner of this restaurant I am going to invite you to eat you can grab what you want. The man says to the lady because you are doing all this for me and she answers you helped me once when you were working in a pizzeria 4 years ago I had been taken from work and the house I was renting and had a lot hungry I had 3 days without eating but you helped me you gave me something to eat and after that I got another job and started to study and now I have my I already have my own business and the gentleman began to cry saying thank you and the senorita she says do not worry and she got some money in her bag and she gave it to the gentleman telling her I want you to start working here with me and have this money to look for a house to rent and buy clothes so that tomorrow you will be ready in your new job and the gentleman got too happy he had many tears in his eyes and he gave a hug to the lady and the next day he came to work and the restaurant was treated better than before and so this story ends.

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