The Most Important Day... | Teen Ink

The Most Important Day...

December 21, 2018
By kevin801 BRONZE, Stockton, California
kevin801 BRONZE, Stockton, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The most important thing that has happened to me, was to come to this country and meet many people, different countries and a culture of different people, at the same time it is amazing to find so many people, from different countries in one place in the world , and I also came to this country because I wanted to meet my uncles, that I had never seen or known about them, it was something important for me to know them because I would also know more about my family, if I had never met them, nor have I known them. from different parts of the world, besides all this, we know the person who is in love all this time, but in part it is bad, because it is also strange for my family and friends to leave in my old country, so many memories and friends that in That country Why do not I have a calmer life here in this country, someday I will return, and we will see them all and my family too? all those people and know him, everybody, and I would never have known my times that is here, but more important is the person I love and who is worth being in this country.

   Just about happen…

I almost did not come to this country, because we were hesitant to come because I did not want to leave everything to come to know people, a new country, new challenges and all that, I was already used to the life that lived there in my country and wings people, but in the end we say yes, I was the one who did not like the idea of coming to a new country, with different language, different people, customs, but I did it for the sake of my sister and my mother that they were calmer, and not with the fear that if I'm going to return home with good, not worry so much about all that.

Thing is happening in the story…

What happened in the story, that we travel to this country for security reasons, do not travel for comfort or luxury, just to "flee" from the country and the violence it has, because I do not think that anyone wants to leave their country so, so They would leave for a very specific reason, nobody would leave everything they have done in one country to go to another that may be worse than in their country of origin, and we are here we are calmer, and being in this country we are a little quiet, here is the same but as here they have more control of everything in mine not so much, but if there is control, and being here it was easy to go to meet my uncles although some are not close to me, I have several in Washington DC , and an aunt that is in Virginia, possible the other year I will go to visit my aunt who is in virginia, but that would be until the other year because now it is summer and I do not like summer I prefer to go in winter.

That's a brief summary of why, I'm in this country, I'm currently living with my uncle, my mom and my sister in a house here in Stockton.

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