Damn | Teen Ink


February 11, 2019
By 339470 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
339470 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I grew up in detroit and you could say I was in a rougher part of the neighborhood. I had this so called friend who said we should hangout and all this other bullshit that I didn't really care for. So I always hit him with simple excuses on why we couldn't hangout such as I have to watch my sister or something. After awhile he just wouldn't let up I was actually impressed with his persistence. So caved and agreed to hang or whatever he wanted to do.

After school lets out we decide will chill and hangout at his house. Plus he said he will pay for gas. How could I turn that down ? Once I noticed where he claimed he lived I felt unsettled. In detroit there's just some places you shouldn't go to and I was the one kid white in a predominantly black neighborhood and some had a problem with that. I just knew not to go there but I felt to committed. I did have my friend so I wasn't alone. We pull up to this old rickety dirty house. We get out and I start walking to the house asking “so you live here?”. I turn around to face him he cocks back a 870 remington and fires at me. Looking at my arm its holding on by threads of flesh and tendons

Then I hear two clicks and boom another shot in my chest. At this point I am on my hands and can barely breathe I hear one more click and the bearl of the gun on the back of my head. I bat the gun away as it goes of and lay on the ground all I can feel is all my blood leave my body. All I hear is the screeching of tires peel out of the old abond house as ambulances and police sirens close in. I feel my lifeless body leave more and more out of reality.

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