Kryptonite (Part 1) | Teen Ink

Kryptonite (Part 1)

June 23, 2019
By CatRose_143 BRONZE, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
CatRose_143 BRONZE, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The crimson blood streaked from my nose, slowly dripping as it stained the cold pavement below, paralyzed in place, I could only watch the pitter-pattering of my blood. My hands and feet tingle as the feeling immersed it’s way through them, my bloodshot eyes stung from sunlight. I forced my shaking hands to support my body weight as I tried to stand up, knuckles bruised and swollen, showing a small inkling of resistance. The echo of their venomous laughter, pounded in my head, every chuckle causing me to wince. The wince became a howl as pain erupted through my body, coming from an unknown wound and spread like smallpox.

I stumbled to my feet, visions of their cocky personas with chins to the sky flashed before my eyes and their celebratory high fives pounded in my head. I clutched one hand to my dripping nose, and a small pool of that bright primary color collected on my palm. With the other trembling hand I inspected the damage, my dark cowboy jeans were torn and a gash the size of a golf ball was imprinted on my left calf. I could feel the bruises as I ran my hand above my heart, several of my ribs were tender and swollen.

The road ahead was chipped and worn, age wasn’t doing it any good, there were potholes sprinkled upon its unkempt surface. I could’ve been in the Sahara, inch by inch I dragged my broken and destroyed body up the road, my bum leg hanging limply behind, the almost empty book bag that was slung over my shoulder bumped against my back, rattling my rib cage. As I was on the brink of collapse, upon an utter stage of defeat, a small hole in the wall diner came into view.

In Alabama, this type of place wasn’t all that uncommon, usually run by a local family with barely enough money to get by, and then maybe they would send their favorite kid to college. “The Red and Yellow Dinner” was in shiny wooden letters, supported by two oak beams, the roof an assortment of patterns and colors, some from wood and others durable fabric. A small crooked open sign clanged against the inviting screen door.

Slowly I dragged my plague stricken body through the creaky door, clanging an unsuspecting bell that hung in it’s path. “Sit anywhere you like,” a sweet Alabama twang called out, forcing my dry and weary eyes to look towards the voice and offer a weak thanks. The mere sight of her sent my heart into a panic, a second away from lunging through my chest. The glow radiating off of her soft blue eyes pulled every individual hair up from their resting place on my arm. Her smile put the stars to shame, not blinding but filled with wishfulness and possibilities. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach, and the pain faded away as I watched her soft blonde curls fall upon her shoulders.

I was a ghost in a dream, perfectly floating and enchanted, I presented myself strongly standing tall on both legs, however the gash in my leg had other plans and sent me crumbling onto the floor. Black shadows danced around the outside of my vision, darkness creeping in, the sparkle of her eyes twinkled in my memory and I knew she would be my kryptonite.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for a writing class I was taking, there are multiple parts and the main character continues to develop and he is a wallflower who observes everyone and everything. However when it comes to the girl he likes he misses a very important fact about her that is discovered in part 2.


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