Sunday Morning | Teen Ink

Sunday Morning

November 25, 2020
By Sydneyferst1 BRONZE, Congers, New York
Sydneyferst1 BRONZE, Congers, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The second I stepped out the door, the cold and harsh air bit into my skin. I quickly put on the jacket I was holding. I felt the soft fabric caress my skin and restore the previous warmth I felt inside. I sunk into the nearest chair and began to settle down and relax for the first time in days. Just as everything in the world seemed to be on pause, I heard a nearby sound of a bird singing and soon a whole chorus of birds filled the sky. Their beautiful red and brown complexion blended in with the changing leaves of fall. The sound of branches rustling under the bird's weight combined with the swift noise of the wind seemed to surround me. 

The wind gave me a slight chill which quickly disappeared thanks to the tender fabric of my jacket. The wind provoked the descent of the leaves from the trees towering over me. Their beautiful red, yellow, orange, and green colors glowed as they fell in a rhythmic motion. The sun shining through the branches of the trees added to the serene feel of the moment, making their presence known, the sunbeams shined straight into my eyes. 

Facing my chair the other way now, so the sun would not bother me, I felt a headache coming on, but my headache disappeared when something new caught my eye, smoke. At first, I panicked wondering if there was a fire, but I briefly realized the smoke was coming from houses beyond the trees. The smell of burning wood in a firepit shortly filled the air. When I really took the time to listen, I could hear the distant sound of cars, people laughing, and distant cheers of children playing coming from the houses neighboring the trees. The world outside me was lively today. When I finally began to feel the drowsiness set in and my senses began to dull, the only thing I could feel was the cold rush of wind, but this time the cold wasn't harsh, it was calming.  

The wind had rocked me almost into a deep sleep, I was mesmerized by all the beautiful colors, feeling almost as if I was in a trance. Right when I was knocking on a slumber's door, I was jolted awake by a nearby snap of a stick. My sudden motion scared the small creature away and just like that I was brought back into the real world again, I was ready to go home. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about enjoying the outdoors and that feeling you get sitting outside on a cold, fall Sunday morning. It is a reflection of how we tend to miss the small things in nature when we forget to look. 


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