Friends are Always Remembered Even When They're Gone | Teen Ink

Friends are Always Remembered Even When They're Gone

May 20, 2021
By Anonymous

Hi, my name is Whitney Cole and this story is about my favorite memory in my life, and that moment was not about my first kiss, it was what happened after my first kiss. Well, let’s go back a few years to where I just graduated from High School and I was heading up to meet with friends at our favorite meeting place and that is In-N-Out Burger.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw the most popular guy in my school Will Cole. Every girl in the school wanted to date him, and I can say that I dated him for a month and then his true colors came out and that he wanted me to hang out with him every time we saw each other. And sometimes kiss too. You might be wondering when did I meet the boy that I shared my first official kiss with. Well, first his name is Blake Cole, yes he is the younger brother of Will Cole. First, let me tell you how we met. 

I was heading to a beautiful National Park. As I pulled in, so did Blake but there was not enough room so I was left to squeeze my Jeep in, and then saw Blake trying to squeeze his truck in, and it was cute watching him trying to see him do what I did. Then I thought I should move quickly through the vehicles and see if he could keep up. So he tried and tried, but he was so clumsy. At first he ran into cars and almost got hit a few times so then that’s when I made my move.

“Hi there, I see that you’re following me around doing what I did.”

“Ah oh ah?”

“Hey don’t be nervous, my name is Whitney Shnae, and you are?” I asked him.

“Oh my name is... Ah, Blake Cole.” He said nervously.

“It’s very nice to meet you Blake.”

“You... too Whitney.”

“Hey, why don’t you come and meet my friends. Does that sound good?” I asked with a lot of energy.

“Ah sure.” Responded Blake. 

And then we started dating. On our 5th date that’s when we had our first kiss. A year later we got married, but Will didn’t come. Two months later Blake went to visit his parents, later that night I turned on the news because I do that every night to check what’s going on in the world. Then, my worst nightmare happened. They said that there was a car accident and only 2 survived and lost their 21 year old son. I couldn’t believe it; the young man that was lost was Blake. So after, an officer came to my house to tell me the terrible news. When I heard the truth that broke my heart. I went to his funeral to say my goodbyes to my husband and that was only yesterday. Now let’s go back to where we began.

As I walked in, Will was ahead of me. As I got in line, Will was done getting his food and was waiting for me, but I just ignored him.

“Hey Whitney over here!”

“Ash, Courtney, Sam! How are you guys doing?”

“Good.” said my friends. But they know that I was not ok.

“Whitney, are you ok?” asked Ash.

“Yeah I’m fine, why won’t I be?”

“Um, because you’re holding your yearbook tightly and you also have a page marked." said Courtney.

“Oh this? It’s nothing.” I told them.

“Let me guess, you watched the news the night Blake died?" questioned Sam.

“Yeah, yesterday at the funeral I told his parents that I will visit Blake on his birthday every now and then. And they were fine with that.” I explained. 

“But what page do you have marked!?” asked Sam.

“Guys, it’s nothing really. It’s only my picture.” I told them while trying to hold on to my yearbook, and then Sam grabbed my book and saw the page I marked.

And then Courtney being Courtney went all cutesy saying, “Ahh that’s You and Blake as the Prom King and Queen! You two were alway the cutest couple.” said Courtney.

“Thanks guys, I appreciate it but I thought you would laugh at me for that picture," I said and asked nervously.

“No, why would we do that?” questioned Ash. But before I could thank my best friends, Will came over. 

“Hey you dorks, what’s up?” Said Will.

“Hi Will,” We all said in sync. “I heard that you were talking about my baby brother.”

“So, you were eavesdropping?” asked Courtney.

“Hey Whitney, can I see your yearbook and Ash do you have a pen?”

“Were you even listening to me?!” Yelled Courtney.

As we watched Will sign my yearbook, the last thing he said to me was this. “Whitney, I have two things to say. First, Thanks for dating me and also my family really likes you for being friends with my bro. So please come visit us because I will miss you. Second, give me another chance. See you around dorks. Here's your pen back.” Will said as he walked away from us.

“WOW, is that the same Will Cole?” asked Ash. Then as my friends watched Will drive out of the parking lot they looked over and saw me crying.

“Whitney are you ok?” Asked Sam.

“Yeah I’m fine, it’s just what Will wrote.”

“What does it say?” Sam asked again. “Here Ash, you read it.” I said while trying to hold back my tears. 


                          You were a great influence on Blake

                      he would never stop talking about you. So

                thank you so much for dating him also he told me

               to tell you thanks for being my wife. Sorry for being 

              hard on you and your friends. Hope to see you again

                                               Enjoy your life

                                  Love both: Blake and Will Cole

Authors note: To those who lost a friend/friends do for whatever reason just remember that Friends are always remembered even when they are gone.

The author's comments:

This is about young lady name Whitney and she tells you about how she met her husband in High School but then lost him.

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