The last humans | Teen Ink

The last humans

October 15, 2021
By Anonymous

It was January 1 of 2022 everyone in the world expected in to be just a regular new year but nobody has idea what was coming, in the morning people realized that everybody in the world no longer had children and not because they didn’t want to, because they couldn’t and the woman who used to be pregnant from one day to the next were no longer pregnant in concrete terms.

All the society was confused why they couldn't have children anymore so a group of scientists began to investigate in every possible way why this was happening, two of them are Max and Lucas who are best friends since they were children.

Max was very affected like if a piece of him was gone because he dreamed of having a big and beautiful family with his girlfriend Kate, in that moment Max decided to dedicate the rest of his life to find the reason why this was happening.

At the beginning of the first year was a absolutely mess in the society, the people start to be worried about the purpose of their lives and another people who doest want babies was super happy about it because they will not have to take care in they romantic relationships but the reality is that everyone knows that the humanity will go thought its last years and as a result its extincion.

Over the years the schools were gradually closing due to lack of students and so much people lost their jobs, the toys, children’s clothing factories and every business focus on the children’s began to close since the children’s grew up and the innocence in the world began to disappear over the years.

The world begging to turn sad, dangerous and insignificant for a lot of people because those people had no other purpose that to procreate and make a family and knowing that was the end of the humanity the suicide rate skyrocketed like never before leaving the humanity without overpopulation but with less people.

One ordinary night Max and Lucas left the laboratory like every night but something different happened that night because Max and Lucas had a strong discussion like as if they were enemies about why they were still investigating something that Lucas no longer believed could be explained and Max told him not to lose hope Of some day knowing why, Lucas already fed up with not obtaining good results and living alone for many years he no longer had the strength to move on he thought about ending his suffering just like everyone else who no longer had a purpose in this world, ending his own life.

Max did everything possible to prevent him from doing it by telling him about how beautiful life is when you see it from the good side, Lucas listened to everything Max told him and, thinking about it carefully, he changed his mind it was a little poetic.

It does not matter if the end of humanity is near because when he died he would not remember that he was alive one day so he will take advantage of all the days that he had left doing what he wanted to do, the two with tears in their eyes hugged each other and said goodbye and see you tomorrow bro.

What no one expected is that when Lucas was going back to his home he had a strong car accident and the other driver fled from the scene, by the time the ambulance arrived at the place it was too late for Lucas, that same night when Max arrived at his house received a call that his best and only friend had died.

Over time Max was already much older and was close to retiring from his work as a scientist but he still did not want to retire because he still did not find why humanity was extinct, instead his girlfriend Kate believed that Max had already worked too hard for many years, and she was always there for him but she was very tired of living in the same sad reality every day, so one day in the morning Kate prepared his favorite lunch for work and with a emocional voice said goodbye to him with a hug and a kiss, that made Max a little strange, anyway he went to work and when he got home. When Max arrive home he felt the house very lonely as if there was no one because the house was in total silence, when Max He entered his room, he could not believe what he was seeing, he found Kate lifeless with an empty bottle of poisonous pills.

After Max lost the most important people in his life he remember that when he was younger, he believed in the solution to this problem but he realized that this was actually the work of the nature, recovering everything that belonged to the planet, and so he closed his investigation, retired from his job and left away to a field to wait for his last days and of humanity. 

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